Your Small Business Coach, Trainer, & Solution Provider
Vol. 4, Issue 2 | February 2015
During the month of February, we recognize a number of special days. Yesterday, February 25, 2015, will go down in history for the folks here in Northern Arizona: Internet and mobile phone service for many was out of service for about SIX (6) HOURS! It's been stated that it was due to an intentionally severed cable in northern Phoenix, but whatever the cause for the interruption, it is surely a wake-up call (no pun intended) for us all to ponder how dependent we are on the Internet, on technology - in our personal lives, business, schools, government, etc. These are surely interesting times...
Yes, February has many holidays: Groundhog Day, Presidents' Day, Chinese New Year, and of course, Love and Friendship Day AKA Valentine's Day.
I've been focusing a lot on personal relationships lately, deepening my current friendships and contemplating romance. Over the past two years, I've learned and grown much, making me a better friend and human being. And, the education has been thought-provoking when it comes to a romantic relationship... To what extent do I want to give up my freedom and my Self? Can I bear it or is it too distracting to once again go through the craziness that always seemed to accompany the early stages of meeting that 'special someone'? Have I 'matured' to the point that I can manage my other important relationships and activities while simultaneously sharing my life intimately with a partner?
After watching a Ted Talk on "The Brain in Love" I'm so grateful to know that I am not alone when it comes to the insanity of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors when in love! View for yourself this talk by anthropologist Helen Fisher on our very real, very physical need for romantic love. Can you relate?!
Marshall B. Rosenberg 1934 - 2015
I've mentioned Marshall Rosenberg in my newsletter before, the profound effect he had on my life when I studied and started practicing Nonviolent Communication. So I was particularly sad to learn of his passing from this life February 7th at age 80.
Marshall impacted so many people- for his work and for his being, and for the extraordinary power the balance between these two unleashed. He was a beloved teacher to countless people on every continent, people whose hearts were touched and shone with the possibility his work made tangible.
Dr. Rosenberg developed an effective method to peacefully get to the root of violence and pain. The process allows one to honestly express oneself calmly and clearly. The outcome brings people closer together because they are each able to be authentic and real.
I have much gratitude for this man's presence and gifts to the world, giving me hope that peace can dwell within each of us, in our relationships with others, and throughout the world. Thank you, Marshall, and God bless!
People Helping People
Angel in the Playground
By Suzan Spitzberg, Montgomery, IL
The following story is from HeroicStories, whose tagline is "Restoring Faith in Humanity... One Story at a Time."
During World War II, my father was one of the later draftees because he had a wife and child (me). When he finally was inducted into the Navy, he did his basic training at Great Lakes, IL, and then was stationed in San Francisco. I was two years old at the time. My mother and I traveled by train from Chicago to be with him.
We had been in San Francisco about nine months when my father was shipped to Guam. After a few weeks without him, Mom became homesick and decided to return to Chicago. However, by that time, all transportation was reserved for the military; we were stuck in San Francisco for an indeterminate amount of time.
One day, while we at the local playground, Mom started to think about her family and Chicago and the tears just started pouring down her cheeks. A woman we had never met approached and asked her what was wrong. Mom explained that she was trapped in San Francisco with no family and no way back to Chicago. The woman told her to be at a certain place at a certain time and ask for a certain person and there would be train tickets to get us home!
Mom didn't really believe the woman but figured "what the heck." We followed the lady's instructions anyway - and three weeks later, found ourselves back on a train to Chicago and family! We never knew the name of our benefactor, or how she was able to pull strings to get us home. Mom always felt bad that she didn't get a chance to thank her. Who knows how long we would have been alone in San Francisco without her help?
I don't actually remember San Francisco or any of this happening, but as my sister and I grew up, Mom often told us this story. She called the woman her "angel in the playground."
To this day, when I notice someone who seems confused and alone, I try to see if there is something I can do to help them and I always remember the angel in the playground when I do.
General Computer
Paid Versus Free Anti-Virus Software
Do you really need to pay for anti-virus software?
First, let me say this: Don't take your Internet security lightly. You really DO need good anti-virus, anti-spyware, and firewall protection. Now, whether you need to pay or can get good free protection depends on you and whoever else might be using your computer spending time on the Internet. If you allow children on the same computer as you work on, then you will probably want the best protection possible, since they are inclined to click and download almost ANYTHING! Personally, I'd recommend the kiddies/grand-kiddies have their own computer...
Generally, the commercial anti-virus packages with monthly subscriptions offer very high levels of protection, fast updates when new viruses are found, and good customer support. You should also consider a paid anti-virus package if you run a business, or if you have sensitive information on your computer. It's a small price to pay to ensure that your data is secure.
Read Bob Rankin's full post about paid versus free anti-virus, which includes recommendations.
I know that as fun and energizing as working in and learning WordPress is, at the end of your work day, you're often exhausted, your brain fried. At the suggestion of a participant, we're going to start the evening workshops in March an hour earlier than in the past and see how that works for folks. Here's the schedule: Date | Day | Time | Event | Mar 3 | Tue | 5:30 - 7:30P | "Intro to WordPress: First Steps" | Mar 12 | Thu | 5:30 - 7:30P | "Intro to WordPress: First Steps" | Mar 23 | Mon | 5:30 - 7:30P | "Intro to WordPress: Going Deeper (Part Two)" |
Email as a Business Practice
In their "Top 50 Email Marketing Solutions," Website Magazine named Constant Contact the #1 Email Marketing solution. Read what they have to say about email as a business practice and how results compare with social media, etc. [Emphasis below is mine.]
Email, as a business practice, has matured. No longer do marketers "batch and blast;" they understand the value the medium has in relationship building and generating conversions - increasingly leveraging technologies, tactics and techniques to make it work.
Social, SEO and digital advertising still manage to capture the majority of 'Net professionals' attention, but the evidence is clear - you should send more (and better) email.
In its State of Search Marketing Report, Econsultancy and SEMPO revealed that 66 percent of marketers rate email's ability to deliver a return on investment (ROI) as "excellent" or "good," while only 41 percent feel the same way about social media marketing. What's more, Marketing Sherpa found that companies sending more than 100,000 emails per month see a 94 percent return on investment. Even more impressive, companies sending less than 100,000 emails per month see a 139 percent return. Whatever the volume of messages sent, know in your digital heart that email works.
Read the full post at
Website Development/WordPress
How to Turn Comments Off in WordPress
Here's how to turn comments off a specific page or post: 1. Log into the back end.
2. Click on the menu ALL PAGES (or ALL POSTS).
3. Lay your mouse on the page/post you want to change.
4. Under the title of the page, choose QUICK EDIT (NOT Edit).
5. You'll see a screen similar to the one below... Click the check box once to remove the check mark for ALLOW COMMENTS.
6. Update (save) the Quick Edit.
7. Voila!
Well, Spring seems to have come early to Sedona once again! I enjoy seeing Life emerging even whilst I have concern that a snow storm and/or freezing temperatures might still make an appearance and damage these fledgling beings. Still I keep the faith, figuring Mother Nature and Spirit can handle this since I obviously am not in control, and anyway, officially Spring is just around the corner. Until then...
Yours in Spirit,
Joyce S. Kaye (AKA The Computer Spirit)
Joyce "came to believe" in a Power greater than herself about 25 years ago. Thanks to hearing the novel idea that one could choose their own concept of God - and name too - and the workings of synchronicity, Joyce embarked on a new way of thinking, a new way of living, a new way of being in the world and with others. Since that time of commencing her conscious spiritual journey, she has endeavored to remember The Presence in all that is, all whom she meets, and all that she does - including working with others and helping to empower them as she provides solutions for their computer projects and marketing needs.