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In This Issue
Chicken Soup Anyone?
Change Your Hotmail or Outlook.com Email Address With An Alias
What is e-Newsletter Archive?
Custom Menus in WordPress
A Little More About Joyce & Spirit
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Joyce S. Kaye 
 The Computer Spirit 
Small Business Coach & Solution Provider

 Facilitator of 
  Websites and Coffee 
About Joyce
Joyce S. Kaye, MSW,
The Computer Spirit (known as The Computer Therapist in a prior lifetime), is a computer geek and people-person who understands business and computer applications and thrives on the challenge of communicating that understanding clearly. Specializing in Constant Contact e-newsletters and "living" WordPress websites, Joyce brings her creativity, love of people and Spirit*, and computer expertise together to empower individuals and assure them they are not alone. 
sidebargodword * Read a little bit more about Joyce's meaning around such words as Spirit, God, The Presence.
My Philosophy
"Give a person a fish
and they will eat for a day.
Teach a person to fish
and they will eat for a lifetime."
- Old Chinese Proverb
Click here to learn more about how we work...
I'm here to empower you - not just get a website or e-newsletter done.
I work with clients one-to-one, host computer labs where learners can work interactively on computer projects, teach workshops, and facilitate project teams.
Contact me to explore working together...
WordPress and coffee 

Interactive, hands-on workshops to empower you to create and control your own WordPress website.  
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Inspiration and Contemplation
quoteInspiration & Contemplation

"Learn from yesterday,

live for today,

hope for tomorrow."

- Albert Einstein 
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Contact Info

P. O. Box 2207
Sedona, AZ 86339

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Vol. 3, Issue 9 | September 2014
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Happy autumn! Another season, more changes...

This month I'm using this space to spotlight some clients/friends/colleagues since what they do/are involved in is worth spreading the word about!

Karyn Rashoff devoted thirty-three years to a career as a counselor to the teen-aged subculture in California high schools. She's written a no-nonsense guidebook to high school for parents and their students, "Parents in Highschooland: Helping Students Succeed in the Critical Years" (published with the help of Paul McNeese of OPA Author Services), which is accumulating accolades and numerous awards. Join Karyn - and me too! - at Changing Hands Bookstore in Tempe, AZ, Wednesday, October 22 @ 7:00pm. For more info, visit Karyn's website www.highschooland.com.

Barbara Vickers became an editor and publisher in order to fulfill a promise to her late husband Philip Vickers: getting his memoir out to the world. Phil's long and illustrious life included over 100 missions flying Spitfires for the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) in WW II; ten years on the stage, in TV and radio; forty-five years as a sculptor; and authoring his biography on his life as a youth in the Great Depression and his adventures in WW II. I read Phil's exciting bio and could not put it down! Visit www.philipvickers.com to learn more, and purchase "Surviving Victory" from amazon.

Notice the new photo on the sidebar? It's thanks to the sweet and talented Ken Reynolds that it is there. Ken is not only a photographer, but a graphics artist and singer too. And, what a heart and soul! To learn more about Ken, his talents, and services, give him a jingle @ 928.274.6214 or drop him a line at kenreynoldsBeHoldGod@mac.com.



Joyce's signature  

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Chicken Soup Anyone? 


During a recent trip to one of the local thrift shops I purchased some chicken soup - for the soul that is! I'm reading "A 5th Portion of Chicken Soup for the Soul" and was particularly taken with this entry by David L. Weatherford. David is a child psychologist and an ex-child himself. Here's some of what he has learned and chose to share...


When children learn that happiness is not found in what a person has, but in who that person is,

When they learn that giving and forgiving are more rewarding than taking and avenging,

When they learn that suffering is not eased by self-pity, but overcome by inner resolve and spiritual strength,

When they learn that they can't control the world around them, but they are the masters of their own souls,

When they learn that relationships will prosper if they value friendship over ego, compromise over pride, and listening over advising,

When they learn not to hate a person whose difference they fear, but to fear that kind of hate,

When they learn that there is pleasure in the power of lifting others up, not to be found in the pseudo-power of pushing them down,

When they learn that praise from others is flattering but meaningless if it is not matched by self-respect,

When they learn that the value of a life is...

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General Computer
Change Your Hotmail or Outlook.com Email Address With An Alias

Many people who have had their Hotmail addresses for a long time find that they're getting a lot of unwanted email in the form of spam, marketing messages from companies that they once did business with, or even messages from individuals that they no longer wish to receive.


The common reaction is to want to change your email address or close your account.


But there really hasn't been and isn't such a thing as "change" when it comes to an email address. Read Leo Notenboom's very informative post about "aliases" and how they can help with unwanted email.   


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What is e-Newsletter Archive?        

Email (e-newsletter) Archive is an Email Marketing add-on that lets your contacts view archived versions of up to 250 of your sent Constant Contact e-newsletters and invitations. Note that you cannot archive Autoresponder emails.


You can create web pages of your sent e-newsletters quickly and easily, and create a customized table of contents page with links to them. And, your archived email will be searchable by Google and other search engines depending on where the link is hosted!


After you archive the individual e-newsletter through Constant Contact's archive add-on, you can either create an e-newsletter archive homepage in Constant Contact where links to the archived emails will be displayed or create an archive page in your own website with links directly to each individual e-newsletter. Click here to view the e-newsletter archive page I have set up in Constant Contact for The Computer Spirit.  

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Website Development/WordPress
Custom Menus in WordPress           

These days when building a WordPress website, I always use a custom menu to order my pages and to add a category(ies) to my navigation bar. You can do this by going to the main navigation menu APPEARANCE -> MENUS. Note: The availability of this option is dependent on the theme you are using.


Sometimes you may want to add an item to the menu and have it open in a new window/tab (in code it shows as target="_blank"). Here's how to do it:


After going to the APPEARANCE -> MENUS screen, click on the link for Screen Options in the top right of your screen.   



In the dropdown there, below the usual Show on screen checkboxes, is another line of Show advanced menu properties checkboxes.

Click the box for Link Target to add a checkmark.  



Now all your Menu Items will have the additional option of opening the link in a new window/tab.


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Newsletter - Dance Drop Shadow Image
As the temps grow chilly, cook up some warm chicken soup to soothe your body - and your soul. Until next time...

Yours in Spirit, 
Joyce's signature

Joyce S. Kaye
(AKA The Computer Spirit)
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bottomgodwordJoyce "came to believe" in a Power greater than herself about 24 years ago. Thanks to hearing the novel idea that one could choose their own concept of God - and name too - and the workings of synchronicity, Joyce embarked on a new way of thinking, a new way of living, a new way of being in the world and with others. Since that time of commencing her conscious spiritual journey, she has endeavored to remember The Presence in all that is, all whom she meets, and all that she does - including working with others and their computer and marketing projects!

e-Newsletter designed, developed, written, and published by The Computer Spirit