Joyce S. Kaye
The Computer Spirit |
About Us
Joyce S. Kaye, MSW,
The Computer Spirit (known as The Computer Therapist in a prior lifetime), is a computer geek and people-person who understands business and computer applications and thrives on the challenge of communicating that understanding clearly. Specializing in Constant Contact e-newsletters and "living" WordPress websites, Joyce brings her creativity, love of people and Spirit*, and computer expertise together to empower individuals and assure them they are not alone.
Our Philosophy
"Give a person a fish
and they eat for a day.
Teach a person to fish
and they eat for a lifetime."
- Old Chinese Proverb
We're here to empower you - not just get a website or e-newsletter done. We work with clients one-to-one, host computer labs where learners can work interactively on computer projects, teach workshops, and facilitate project teams.
Websites and Coffee
Interactive, hands-on workshops to empower you to create and control your own WordPress website.
To learn more,
Inspiration & Contemplation
"Give us, O God, the vision which can see Your love in the world in spite of human failure. Give us the faith to trust Your goodness in spite of our ignorance and weakness. Give us the knowledge that we may continue to pray with understanding hearts. And show us what each one of us can do to set forward the coming of the day of universal peace."
- Frank Borman, Apollo 8 space mission, Christmas Eve 1968
Did You Know... ... You can sign up for a free 60-day trial use of Constant Contact email marketing? Play around, have fun, and send REAL e-newsletters to grow your relationships. ... If you're having trouble with any Constant Contact e-newsletter or account, you can contact me? I'll provide some quick help at no charge. And, if you don't mind, I'll tell you how you can get even more help from me - also at no charge!
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P. O. Box 2207
Sedona, AZ 86339
Our Homes on the Web: and
Vol. 1, Issue 12 | December 2012
While we're still in the midst of the Twelve Days of Christmas, it feels apropos to ponder what the holiday season means.
Many of us have had to shed the (sometimes) full package of what religions and cultures (familial, ethnic, national) try to sell us particularly when we were just starting out in life. Coupled with life changes, such as divorce, empty nest, and relocation, we have attached our personal definitions and created new traditions to make the holiday season meaningful to us.
Living here in Sedona for the past three years (yep, it's been that long since we kissed the Big City good-bye), I have found it a great place to build community and connect with new people. Actually, new friends don't feel so new. In fact, it seems like we've traveled 'round The Wheel of Life together many times before and there's an immediate sense of comfortability and affection.
Getting together with dear friends - my family of choice - at this time of year when the spirit of love, kindness, and joy reigns, is particularly poignant. I am grateful. It's a tradition worth repeating year in and year out.
I trust that you too have been enjoying some lovely traditions this holiday season that have made it meaningful.
Inspired WWW  Thanks to the World Wide Web, spreading love, joy, and kindness, as well as learning about such acts, is easier - and more prolific I think. Here are some videos whose messages deepen our connection to one another and are simply inspirational. Hannah Brencher writes handwritten love letters... and leaves them for strangers to find. She makes the case why the world needs more love letters. Watch Hannah's talk Love Letters to Strangers. View one caring action influencing another and another and another... Heartwarming. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ID0kgP9IVhsFrom the award-winning documentary, "Playing For Change: Peace Through Music," comes the first of many "songs around the world" being released independently. Featured is a cover of the Ben E. King classic by musicians around the world adding their part to the song as it traveled the globe. Really amazing to me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us-TVg40ExM
General Computer
What is Dropbox?
 Dropbox is a free service that offers cloud storage, file synchronization, and client software, that lets you bring all your photos, docs, and videos anywhere. This means that any file you save to your Dropbox will automatically save to all your computers, phones and even the Dropbox website. You'll never have to email yourself a file again! Dropbox also makes it easy to share with others. You can invite your friends, family and teammates to any folder in your Dropbox, and it'll be as if you saved that folder straight to their computers. You can send people links to specific files in your Dropbox too. Dropbox is free for up to 2 gigabytes of storage, which is typically more than enough for sharing photos with family, documents with coworkers, or mp3 files with your phone. Additional storage is available for a subscription fee, if you need it. To learn more, visit dropbox.com.
Types of Links
 When you want to insert a link into an e-newsletter, the type of link you select to add determines what other fields appear for you to fill out. The Type of link drop-down menu in Constant Contact (and similarly in other email marketing programs) is where you select the kind of link you want to insert. There are three types: - Web Address - Select this to insert a link to a standard webpage.
- Email - Select this to create a "mail to" link that makes it easy for your contacts to send you an email. When clicked, this link opens your contacts' default email programs to display a blank email automatically addressed to you.
- Anchor - Select this to create a link that, when clicked, will allow the reader to jump to a specific section inside your email.
Remember, the Constant Contact email editor also has special features for inserting other types of links such as videos, documents, payments, and Table of Contents links. For more information, visit Constant Contact's FAQs.
Website Development/WordPress
We're NOT a Call Center!
Although our on-site Websites and Coffee workshops, labs, and retreats are very helpful to those who see the need for a solid foundation in WordPress, and those who enjoy working in small groups, I often find myself on the phone helping people work out their problems as they come up. Just-in-time learning is what most computer users prefer, so I'm paying more attention to how phone sessions work and making them more widely available.  One of the cool aspects of WordPress is that we can work directly on your WordPress site, you at your computer, me at mine, both of us logged into your WordPress site - and be just about anywhere in the world! I can help you move forward step-by-step, at a pace you can feel comfortable with. Personalized, customized WordPress support is helpful when you get stuck. During our sessions you'll be learning how to solve website problems yourself - as you do the work, truly the best way most people learn. Although we may not be in the same room, it's very empowering to work through your issues live with a skilled, caring, mentor. And, you can build your entire site this way if you'd like. So if you - or someone you know - are in need of WordPress support, and can't join us in the flesh, read more about this valuable, unique alternative.
The following Muslim prayer is attributed to the theologian Al-Ghazali (1058-1111): "In Thy name, Lord, I lay me down and in Thy name will I rise up... O God, Thou art the first and before Thee there is nothing; Thou art the last and after Thee there is nothing; Thou art the outmost and above Thee there is nothing; Thou art the inmost and below Thee there is nothing... Waken me, O God, in the hour most pleasing to Thee and use me in the works most pleasing to Thee, that Thou mayest bring me ever nearer to Thyself." As this most 'interesting' year of 2012 draws to a close and we move into 2013, my prayer is that you and I experience an ever-increasing closeness to The Divine, blessing us and all the world with a greater sense of peace, love, and joy. Yours in Spirit, Joyce S. Kaye
(AKA The Computer Spirit)
 Joyce "came to believe" in a Higher Power about 22 years ago. Thanks to hearing the novel idea that one could choose their own concept of God, and the workings of synchronicity, Joyce embarked on a new way of thinking, a new way of living, a new way of being in the world and with others. Since that time of commencing her conscious spiritual journey, she has endeavored to remember The Presence in all that is, all whom she meets, and all that she does - including working with others and their computer projects!