Mi Engineering Newsletter logo

Issue: 1 

January 2015   
Vote YES on Proposal 1 for Safer Roads and Better Schools 
On the last day of the 2013-2014 "lame duck" legislative session, Michigan legislators passed a package of bills that would provide additional revenue for transportation, education and local governments. On January 12, 2015, Governor Snyder signed the package of bills.

The plan will provide additional funding for our roads and bridges and would:
*    Repeal the 6% sales tax on gas
*    Replace it with a new motor fuels tax at the wholesale level that is dedicated to funding transportation
*    Increase the state sales tax by 1% (from 6 to 7%) so our schools and local governments have the funding they need
*    Provide tax relief to lower-income Michiganders by restoring the earned income tax credit
It is estimated that this plan will have the following results:
*    $1.2 billion for roads and bridges
*    $112 million for transit and rail
*    $300 million for schools
*    $94 million for local governments
*    $260 million in tax relief for lower-income Michiganders

The bills passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor will not take effect unless approved by a majority of Michigan voters. A statewide ballot proposal will be presented to voters on May 5, 2015. This is the Governor's #1 priority and his office is leading a broad coalition to support the passage of the proposal. The campaign will kick into high gear the first week in February.

ACEC/Michigan, ASCE Michigan Section, MSPE and other engineering organizations are urging a YES vote on May 5. This package of bills provides a long term solution to fund our transportation system that has been needed for several years. It will improve the quality and safety of our transportation system and will provide additional funding for education and local government.

We urge all members and friends to take every opportunity to explain this proposal to employees, clients, friends and the public. More information will be available soon to help with those efforts.


AESLC Legislative Day planned for March 18th in Lansing

The annual AESLC Legislative Day will take place on Wednesday, March 18th, in Lansing.  This event provides the perfect opportunity to meet with your legislators - face to face - to discuss relevant issues affecting your industry.   It is even more important to attend this year as there are many new legislators to educate especially about critical funding for transportation, SB 309 (Certificate of Merit) and QBS bill.

You also have the opportunity to sponsor the luncheon which will be held at the Capitol Building.  Contact the ACEC or MSPE office for the registration/sponsorship forms. 

ACEC Receives Entries for Engineering & Surveying Excellence Competition
ACEC Celebrating 50th Anniversary of the Competition

ACEC/Michigan received 31 engineering & surveying entries in the widely recognized Engineering & Surveying Excellence Competition. Projects from across the state compete each year for the coveted "Eminent Conceptor" Award. A panel of judges recently evaluated the projects based on innovation, complexity, client satisfaction and future value to the profession.


Award recipients will be recognized on February 28, 2015 during the gala held at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn. It will be the 50th Anniversary of the competition.  To register online, click here.


ASCE Scholarship Application & Awards Nomination forms available

The Michigan Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers will again be awarding 2 scholarships for the 2015-2016 academic year.
The Mackinac Scholarship in the amount of $10,000 is awarded to a Civil Engineering student entering their junior year ($5,000 for 2 years). The Zuidema Scholarship in the amount of $1,500 is awarded to a junior or senior student member of ASCE.
Deadline for application is Memorial Day.  Click the link below to download the scholarship application.


ASCE MI Section also presents project and individual awards.  Project awards to be presented include Historic Civil Engineering Landmark, Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement, and Quality of LIfe.  Individual awards consist of Franklin D. Meyers Civil Engineer of the Year and Young Civil Engineer of the Year.  All award submittals are due by April 17, 2015 and the awards will be presented during the Michigan Infrastructure Conference on June 4th (updated submittal forms will be available online after February 5).


Click here for Scholarship application


'Block Kids' Program another success
NAWIC & ASCE sponsor
The Kalamazoo/Battle Creek Chapter #302 of the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC), with assistance from the American Society of Civil Engineers, held the 2015 "Block Kids" program on Saturday, January 17, 2015 at Plainwell Middle School in Plainwell, Michigan.  The chapter has been holding Block Kids building events since 1991.  The event introduces students to the construction industry in an effort to promote an interest in future careers in one of the many facets of the industry.  The competition involves the construction of structures with 100 interlocking "Lego" type blocks and three of the following items: a small rock, string, aluminum foil or cardboard.

A total of 114 kindergarten through 6th grade students registered for the event, 93 students participated, and about 40 judges from the construction and engineering community volunteered.  In addition, about 15 companies and associations donated goodies, gift certificates, aprons, refreshments, and cash to make the event a success.  The program is free to all students.

ACEC Business Practices Committee to host seminar
Fraud and Risk Prevention

The ACEC Business Practices Committee will present Fraud:  Risk & Prevention for Design Professionals on March 10th, 2015 in Howell.  The half day seminar will feature 3 presentations (offering continuing education hours) and a Q & A session.  Click here for more details and registration information.


MSPE 2015 Annual Conference
Save the Date

MSPE will be returning to the Garland Lodge and Resort for the 2015 Annual Conference. The event will be held May 28 - 30, 2015 and will once again feature continuing education opportunities for many engineering disciplines as well as a golf outing, vendor night and networking events. The Annual Conference Committee welcomes your input in planning the conference. Please contact Doug Thompson (thompdj@hotmail.com) or the MSPE office (mspe@michiganspe.org) with ideas or suggestions. Volunteers for the committee are also being sought.  

MSPE Scholarship Applications Available

Applications and instructions may be downloaded from the MSPE website (http://www.michiganspe.org/?page=Education). Deadline for submittal is the first Friday in February.   Scholarships are for Michigan residents starting their first year of college at a Michigan ABET accredited school,  majoring in engineering.   For additional information contact Scholarship Chair Rich Cottrell (rgcottre@yahoo.com) or the MSPE Office (mspe@michiganspe.org)  




February 5, 2015:  MDOT-ACEC Partnering Workshop - Lansing

February 13, 2015:  AESLC Meet & Greet - Detroit

February 27, 2015:  AESLC Meet & Greet - Shelby Township   

February 28, 2015: Engineering & Surveying Excellence Awards - Dearborn

March 10, 2015:  Fraud, Risk & Prevention Seminar - Howell

March 13, 2015:  ACEC Field Engineering Day/MDOT Metro Region - Waterford 

March 18, 2015:  AESLC Legislative Day - Lansing

June 4 & 5, 2015:  Michigan Infrastructure Conference - Plymouth 

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In This Issue
Legislative Update
AESLC Legislative Day
Engineering Excellence
ASCE Scholarships & Awards
'Block Kids' Program
Fraud Risk & Prevention Seminar
MSPE 2015 Annual Conference
MSPE Scholarship Applications
2014-15 Save the Dates!
Engineering Center



 Engineering Center
Questions about engineering?
Please contact:


Ron Brenke, PE 

Executive Director



Nancy McClain, PE
Executive Director  