National Community Land Trust Network
August 2014
FellowshipLast Chance: Fellowship Opportunity
Business Planning Fellowship

Do you have an idea for a new product line for your organization and need to develop a business plan? Get your application in for the Network's new Business Planning Fellowship before the August 13th deadline. Fellows will work with an expert consultant to undertake business planning for organizational growth and/or increased organizational sustainability. Please note that all fellows must also be members of the Network.

We will be accepting applications until COB on August 13Submit your application>
HomekeeperFree HomeKeeper Assessment

If you've heard about HomeKeeper, but aren't sure your organization is ready to make the transition, sign up for a free 1-1 data management assessment! Tiffany Eng, Program Manager at Cornerstone Partnership, has offered to meet individually with Network members who are looking for a better way to manage programs and measure outcomes. 

Gather your staff together for a 1-hour guided discussion to help you and your colleagues: 
  • Map out current internal systems  
  • Identify current pain points and time-intensive processes 
  • Weigh the benefits of an online application and web-based data system
  • Set actionable goals to help you improve the way you track information
  • Assess whether or not your organization is ready to transition to HomeKeeper
Only a limited number of sessions are available in August and September. Sign-up today by going to: and e
nter "Free 1-1 Assessment" in the comment section.

Questions? Ask Tiffany right now.  
EngagementNew CLT Research 


Resident and Community Engagement in CLTs 

By Jeffrey Lowe and the Network's Emily Thaden

Thanks to the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

CLTs are doing all sorts of resident and community engagement activities, from organizing advocacy campaigns to holding neighborhood picnics. This working paper maps the history and rationale for resident and community engagement from six well-established CLTs.


As organizations age and scale, successful engagement can become more challenging. We hope this research helps practitioners revisit and improve their approaches.

Upcoming Community Engagement Webinar

Thursday, September 4 

11:00 Pacific/ 2:00 Eastern 


Emily Thaden and Jeffrey Lowe will review the findings of this report and engage practitioners to reflect upon: 

  1. How program objectives for engagement align with practice
  2. What challenges tend to arise over a CLT's growth
  3. How history and local context influence engagement approaches

 Register for the webinar>

InclusionaryNew Research on Inclusionary Resources
Paper and Webinar
This July, the Network held a Policy Action Committee meeting to introduce a new inclusionary housing working paper. With close to 150 attendees, the need for research and resources on inclusionary housing and affordability preservation was astoundingly clear.

Inclusionary housing professionals can access the webinar slides and recording as well as read the working paper, published by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. 

Upcoming Inclusionary Housing Webinar 
through Cornerstone Partnership
Beyond the Density Bonus: Additional Incentives for Inclusionary Zoning

Wednesday, August 20

11:00 Pacific/ 2:00 Eastern

This Cornerstone  Partnership  webinar features case studies from cities with mandatory and voluntary incentive programs about how they have successfully encouraged development using incentives beyond the density bonus. We will also hear from developers about what is most important to them.  

FundingUpcoming Funding Opportunities and Deadlines

Deadline: September 4
  • Requires sweat equity component
  • May also be accessible through funding organizations like Network Ally Community Frameworks
Deadline: August 29
Amount: $100,000
  • Only available in TD Bank market cities on the East Coast. View TD Markets>
  • Good for CLTs producing rental housing 
  • Theme is "Building for the Future," focused on housing for families with children
Pre-applications available September 1 
Pre-applications due November 1  
Amount: $25,000-75,000 
CORNERSTONECornerstone Partnership and the Network Update
From Network Executive Director Melora Hiller

Cornerstone Partnership Logo The Network and Cornerstone Partnership continue to explore the possibility of joining forces to increase our collective impact. We are still early on in the process and no decisions have been made, but we wanted to keep members informed of the process and progress. Based on early stakeholder interviews and an examination of the work of both organizations, the joint planning committee directed staff to develop a vision for what a combined organization could accomplish for members to react to later this year.  


Read more>

MarkPlease Welcome our New Policy and Research Associate

The Network is happy to introduce Mark Perlman, our new Policy and Research Associate. Mark will work with Research and Policy Development Manager Emily Thaden to support CLT and permanent affordable housing (PAH) advocacy and research. 

Mark has experience working with local governments in the Washington, D.C. area on various housing issues, and most recently was an Examiner with the Federal Housing Finance Agency. We hope you'll join us in welcoming Mark to the Network. 
Like us on facebook.

In this issue

>Inclusionary Housing Resources

JobMember Job Postings

Andover CLT seeks an Executive Director (Massachusetts).

Athens Land Trust seeks a Development and Outreach Assistant (Georgia).

Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative is hiring a Director of Operations and Stewardship (Massachusetts).

We post jobs for members. Share a posting>
 Save the Date

2015 National Conference 
October 19-22
Lexington, Kentucky

Thanks to host
NetworkNetwork Ally Highlight

Community Frameworks is a Network Ally and a partner in creating permanent affordable housing throughout the Pacific Northwest. They administer funding like HUD SHOP loans and have a mission of supporting and developing affordable housing as a foundation upon which individuals, families and neighborhoods can build vital communities. 

Learn more about Community Frameworks in their own words>

BoardLast Call: Board Member Nominations

Interested in guiding the work of the Network? The Network is seeking nominees to be elected to the Board of Directors this Fall. 

Nominate yourself or someone else by contacting Connie Chavez or Melora Hiller>
NewsMembers in the News

The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy blogs about Inclusionary Housing Research.

Shelterforce interviews the Urban Land Conservancy's Tony Pickett on CLTs in Denver and Atlanta.

The number 1 affordable housing alternative? CLTs, according to Shareable.

Have a story you'd like to share with fellow members? Please email
Right to the City Endorses CLTs
Right to the City Alliance took to the Rooflines blog to promote CLTs, "because they provide the opportunity for residents-including renters-to actually have control over their homes and communities."

Read the article>
National Community Land Trust Network   503.493.1000