e-newsletter  //  December 10, 2015
Congregational Meeting

Twenty-two (22) servant leaders, including two (2) Elders and twenty (20) Deacons, were on the ballot on Sunday, December 6th for congregational approval.  We praise God for the unity expressed as we have elected all those on the ballot to serve. We are thankful for those who accepted the call to serve and those who voted. Please keep them in your prayers as they continue on their mission to minister and serve here at First Christian. 
Giving with a Purpose 
This Sunday, December 13

Thank you to everyone who has given to help the church meet its Principal & Interest obligation for January 2016. All sacrificial donations, regardless of amount, brings us closer to our goal. All money given above your regular tithes and offerings will be used for the sole purpose of making the Principal & Interest payment. We ask you to be in continuous prayer that God will provide for our financial needs and give us guidance as we navigate our current situation.