February 2015 - In This Issue:
TSAHC Participating in Amplify Austin



TSAHC is excited to be participating in I Live Here, I Give Here's 2015 Amplify Austin 24-hour  online giving day. This initiative aims to increase charitable giving for organizations doing good work in Central Texas and beyond. While this fundraising effort is an Austin event, your contribution will be used to help us increase the impact of our affordable housing programs statewide. It begins on Thursday, March 5, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. and ends Friday, March 6, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.   


Last year, TSAHC raised $1,200 during Amplify Austin. Our goal this year is $2,500, and we need your help to get that done.  


How You Can Help

  • You can schedule your donation by clicking "Donate Now" on TSAHC's Amplify Austin web page.
  • You can make a donation during Amplify Austin. The 24-hour giving period starts Thursday, March 5, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. and ends Friday, March 6, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.
  • You can also raise money on behalf of TSAHC by clicking "Create a Fundraising Campaign" on TSAHC's Amplify Austin web page
  • Let the world know about Amplify Austin by tagging @TSAHC and using the hashtag #AmplifyATX in your posts. Follow @TSAHC and @ILH_IGH and repost content during the day.

Your Gift Goes Further


Not only does your donation bolster TSAHC's work to help Texans build, buy and stay in homes, it will be amplified with matching dollars from Amplify Austin sponsors.  

TSAHC Has Discounted Homes for Sale
for Eligible Veterans



TSAHC is looking for eligible veterans interested in purchasing a discounted home. As part of TSAHC's Affordable Communities of Texas-Veterans Housing Initiative (ACT-VET) program, these properties are available at a discounted rate of 25% off the listing price to disabled and/or low-to-moderate income veterans. TSAHC encourages local veterans services providers, Realtors®, and housing partners to advertise these properties to veterans who may qualify.   


Learn more about the ACT-VET Program    

TSAHC Recognizes Top 2014 Lenders

2014 was another great year for TSAHC.  In partnership with our outstanding lenders, TSAHC assisted 1,696 families achieve the dream of homeownership through our Homes for Texas Heroes and Home Sweet Texas Home Loan Programs. That equates to $212 million in mortgage loans, with over $5.5 million in grants for down payment assistance and $21.2 million in mortgage tax credits.  


Overall Top Loan Officers 


Each year TSAHC recognizes the three top-producing loan officers.  With over 620 loan officers originating at least one loan, this is a tremendous designation. This year's awards are presented to:  


Kim Lewis with Premier Nationwide Lending originated 32 loans totaling over $4.3 million. Ms. Lewis has been the top originating lender 6 years in a row. Ms. Lewis is a standout in her field and we are continually grateful for her passion for our borrowers. Ms. Lewis is located in Flower Mound, but she and her team originate loans all over Texas.






Gabriela Rodriguez with First Community Mortgage originated 35 loans totaling over $3.6 million. This is Ms. Rodriguez's second year runner-up. She has been in the mortgage industry for over five years and enjoys making the loan process as smooth as possible for clients. Ms. Rodriguez is located in El Paso. 



Ruth Guevara
with Rocky Mountain Mortgage Company, located in El Paso, originated 30 loans totaling over $3.2 million.  Ms. Guevara has been a loan officer for 12 years. Her objective is providing home buyers with excellent customer service and on-time closing.  



Regional Top Loan Officers


In addition to awarding the overall top three originating loan officers, this year we are also recognizing the top three originating loan officers for each region of Texas. Click here to view our regional map. 


Top Mortgage Lenders

Additionally, we would like to acknowledge the top three mortgage companies with the highest loan volume:


  1. Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc. - $27.7 million in loans originated
  2. Everett Financial dba Supreme Lending - $14.6 million in loans originated
  3. NTFN, Inc./Premier Nationwide Lending - $13.4 million in loans originated





Public Comment Needed:
2015 Texas Foundations Fund Guidelines



The Texas Foundations Fund provides grants ranging from $15,000 to $50,000 to support nonprofits and rural government entities that provide eligible housing services to very low-income Texans. The 2015 application cycle will open in mid-April 2015. In anticipation of the upcoming funding cycle, the 2015 Texas Foundations Fund Draft Guidelines are now available for public comment.  


Click here to view the 2015 Draft Guidelines. For additional information and a list of frequently asked eligibility questions, please review the 2015 Texas Foundations Fund Q&A  document.  


Please submit all public comment to Katie Claflin via email at  kclaflin@tsahc.org. Public comment must be submitted for consideration by March 13, 2015 at 5 p.m.

Learn more about the Texas Foundations Fund  


The below piece is an excerpt from On The House, a weekly blog TSAHC launched in 2014 on affordable housing topics. We invite you to drop by On The House every Friday as we share information on important housing issues, provide an inside look into our programs, and share other valuable resources. Click here to sign up to receive the blog every Friday.  

Affordable Housing in Short Supply in Rural America

The cost of living tends to be cheaper in rural areas, so why are rural Americans facing an affordable housing crisis? A January 2015 article in The Atlantic offers an explanation. 


The article explains that, although housing is cheaper in rural communities, income is lower due to limited job opportunities.  According to 2012 data from the Housing Assistance Council, the poverty rate in rural America is 17%, compared to the national poverty rate of 14%.


At the same time, the available housing stock is deteriorating, with many rural homeowners unable to afford the cost of repairs. And developers interested in building new homes often face infrastructure hurdles, such as a lack of access to water and sewer lines, which further reduces rural Americans' access to quality affordable homes.


These problems have been compounded by the recent decline in federal aid to rural areas.  For example, the budget for the U.S. Department of Agriculture's 502 Direct Loan Program-which provides mortgages and home improvement loans for very low-income rural Americans-has been reduced from $2.1 billion in 2010 to $828 million in 2013. 


In a state as large as Texas, the rural housing crisis is even more acute. Citing research conducted by Bowen National Research, a Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas article indicates that affordable housing continues to be a pressing need in 177 counties that were identified as rural in nature.


In an effort to address Texas' rural housing shortage, TSAHC has made it a priority to serve rural communities as part of our Texas Foundations Fund grant-making program. We commit to providing at least one grant per funding cycle to fund home repairs or supportive housing services, such as adult education and job training, in rural areas. 


Click here to learn more about the Texas Foundations Fund and review the draft 2015 funding guidelines.