In This Issue
Quonset's Momentum Garners National Attention from U.S. Economic Development Administration
House Finance Committe Learns More about Gov. Raimondo's Port of Davisville Proposal
Rep. Craven Rises to Recognize Quonset
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Quonset's Momentum Garners 
National Attention from
U.S. Economic Development Administration
Video featured at EDA Conference

Quonset was one of only two sites in the entire nation highlighted at this year's U.S. Economic Development Administration's (EDA) annual conference in Washington, D.C.  With more than 200 companies, nearly 11,000 jobs and one of the Top 10 auto importing sites in North America, the Park is a major driver of Rhode Island's economy.

EDA has invested $11 million in Quonset for four different projects since 2009.  This has resulted in a significant return on investment in both jobs and economic growth.  You can click here to watch the video that was seen by the more than 850 attendees at Thursday's opening plenary session.  Some of the VIPs in attendance included U.S. Secretary of Transportation, Anthony Foxx; Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development, Jay Williams, and; Chief Operating Officer for the Economic Development Administration, Matt Erskine. Both Senator Jack Reed and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse appear in the video.

Public investments at Quonset, including grants from the EDA, have attracted more than $2 billion in private investment to the Park.  Later this year, the J. Goodison Company will open a new shipyard with the largest lift in the Northeast on-site, investing more than $8 million in the property after a grant from the EDA was used to repair a dilapidated seawall on the site.

House Finance Committee Learns
More about Governor Raimondo's
Port of Davisville Proposal
Steven King presenting before the House Finance Committee

The House Finance Committee heard extensive testimony about Governor Raimondo's $90 million modernization plan for Pier 2 at the Port of Davisville last week.  Steven J. King, Managing Director of the Quonset Development Corporation, answered many questions about the proposal from committee members and outlined the benefits of the needed infrastructure improvements.
Over 75 companies rely on Quonset's Port of Davisville to put $97 million of annual earnings into the pockets of Rhode Island workers.  At the same time, the Port generates $27 million in state and local taxes and 1,500 direct, indirect and induced jobs.  
Several groups also attended the hearing in support of the plan, including representatives from New England Stevedoring, Moran Shipping, McAllister Towing, Northeast Marine Pilots, Rhode Island Building and Trades Council, and others.

The proposal would support the modernization of Pier 2, built in 1956 with a design life of 50 years.  The plan will re-configure the Port for additional growth and provide more berthing capacity so other shippers can be pursued to call at the facility.  It will allow Davisville to stay competitive with other ports in the region. 
To see Steven King's presentation before the Finance Committee, click here.  You can also watch the full video of Tuesday's hearing by clicking here (37:45 mark).

Rep. Craven Rises to Recognize Quonset

Rep. Craven on the House floor
The New York Times doesn't often write a story about state
Rep. Robert Craven's home district of North Kingstown, so when they did he wanted to make sure his colleagues in the General Assembly knew about it.   Quonset's status as a major engine of economic growth for Rhode Island was recently featured in an article from The New York Times.  

Rep. Craven took to the House floor of the State House recently to recognize the more than 200 companies and nearly 11,000 people working at Quonset.  Craven also highlighted the House's support for Quonset in the past.

"It's a success story within my district, to say the least," Craven said. "This House has been very supportive of Quonset's efforts in a big way, and it's paid off."

"If we had another Quonset or two I'm sure our jobs here in the General Assembly to get re-elected would be a lot easier," he added.

Rep. Craven also expressed the need for his colleagues to support Governor Raimondo's modernization plan for the Port of Davisville.

You can see Representative Craven's full remarks by clicking here.   

Quonset Development Corporation | 95 Cripe Street | North Kingstown | RI | 02852