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CIHS Newsletter
In This Issue
Message from the Dean
Faculty Research Symposium
Dr. Ji Hyang Padma
Subtle Energy Devices and Research
Terry Brabham
CIHS Student Achievement
CIHS Alumni Achievement
Dr. Motoyama's New Publication
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Dear CIHS Community Members,

I hope everyone is enjoying summer. We have several important announcements in this newsletter. The first one is about CIHS' annual conference, "Faculty Research Symposium" being held this weekend, Saturday, July 9 & Sunday, 10, 
There are a few seats available so please contact us immediately if you are interested in attending and experiencing the CIHS community. The second article is about our new Program Director for CIHS' Comparative Religion and Philosophy program, Dr. Ji Hyang Padma. We feel so honored to have her in join us in an administrative capacity.
Sadly, the third article is about a memorial to our beloved Ph.D. student in Integral Health, Terry Brabham. He passed away two weeks ago when he was attending a conference. He has been a CIHS student since 2011, and for this summer quarter, he had registered a dissertation course to complete his dissertation by next year. We really miss him. Please check information on his memorial service in the article below.
For the "cool things" series, this month we have two articles from both a current student and alumni. Please enjoy what our student and alumni are doing in the community across the globe.
This week marked the beginning of Summer quarter. If you are a CIHS student and have not yet registered for a course for some reason, please consult with Dr. Umansky and register for the class you need to take. If you are a CIHS community member who is interested in taking a class this summer, some are open for auditors. One great class for the audit is the two-weekend-course, "Subtle Energy Device and Research." Please see the detailed information in this newsletter below. Auditing a class is a great introduction to CIHS' programs and innovative curriculum.
If you have any questions about the conference, our programs, or CIHS in general, please contact Dr. Umansky (
We hope to see you soon.

Hideki Baba, Ph.D.
Message from the Dean 

Hello CIHS Community,

It is a sad start to summer quarter as we lost a beloved CIHS Integral Health student, Terry Brabham. It is the first time in my tenure that we have lost a student during his/her studies here at CIHS, and Terry was making wonderful progress on his dissertation, which was about helping ease stress for mother's and babies. I am sure you have had him in your classes, and he was a very important part of our community as all of our students uniquely become. We will miss him greatly and his loss will be especially felt at this weekend's conference, as Terry loved coming to CIHS' summer Subtle Energy Conferences.
Second, on a more auspicious note we want to welcome CIHS' new Comparative Religion and Philosophy Program Director, Dr. Ji Hyang Padma. She will be moving to Encinitas in the fall and will be located on campus teaching classes and conducting meditations. If you are a CRP student or an Integral Health student whose focus is primarily esoteric teachings, yoga philosophy, or like fields, you will be working with her. We are so happy to have Dr. Padma's unique blend of compassion and knowledge in spirituality and integral psychology here at CIHS. Welcome Dr. Padma!
Fall quarter courses will be announced in August after this quarter ends August 15. Fall quarter begins September 26 after CIHS' graduation which is open to the larger CIHS community. CIHS' graduation is September 10, 2016, and we hope you will come celebrate and support our graduating students who have worked very hard for their degrees. We are so proud of everyone hurrying to finish their Senior Projects, MA theses, and PhD Dissertations. It is a wonderful day to celebrate the opportunity CIHS affords to students to pursue an intense program in spirituality, science, psychology, and consciousness. If you are interested in coming, please email Tamiko at
If you have any questions about any of our program and how they can support you personally, professionally, and academically, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Thomas Brophy, Executive Dean and Program Director for Integral Health (, Dr. Ji Hyang Padma, Program Director for Comparative Religion and Philosophy (, or myself, Dr. Hope Umansky, Academic Dean and Program Director for Psychology programs ( We look forward to hearing from you.

Hope Umansky, PhD

Faculty Research Symposium:
Subtle Energy & the Integral Sciences

Please join the outstanding faculty of the California Institute for Human Science for a weekend research symposium that will feature the contributions of CIHS faculty to issues and research directed at the cutting edge of integral consciousness and subtle energy research.

In this symposium-course, CIHS faculty will present in dialectical seminar style, their research within the general theme of "applications and directions at the leading edge of consciousness and subtle energies research." This can be taken as either A: a 2 quarter unit course, consisting of full attendance plus a reflection paper, as per degree standards for your program; or B: a 4 unit course consisting of the requirements for (A) plus a substantive research paper including peer reviewed literature, further investigating at least three of the faculty presentations, in an integrated approach.

This Symposium is open to public

Please visit our website from here for more information.

New Program Director at CIHS
Comparative Religion & Philosophy Program

Ji Hyang Padma, Ph.D. 

Dear CIHS Community,
I am happy to be the new Program Director for the Comparative Religion & Philosophy Department.
I have been working in the field of transpersonal psychology as a scholar- practitioner for over twenty years. At Wellesley College, I served as an interfaith chaplain within the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life and Intercultural Education. We identified both as chaplains and as educators-- working experientially, drawing upon dialogue practices, contemplation, ritual, spirituality and the arts in order to bring about a truly diverse and inclusive college community. We did ground-breaking research. Our work was shared nationally and internationally, through the nonprofit Education as Transformation.
At the same time, as Director, and then Abbot, of the Cambridge Zen Center, I worked within the greater Boston community to create interreligious understanding across our faith communities and neighborhoods. To this end, I served on the Steering Committee of the Boston Clergy and Religious Leaders' Group for Interfaith Dialogue. We hosted a monthly program to promote religious pluralism and to ensure tolerance.
I have a Ph.D. in Psychology, with an interdisciplinary research focus at the intersections of psychology, religion and health.
I would love to see the CRP program serve as a beacon of light in these challenging times. There are, currently at play in our society, powerful socio- economic forces that would divide our communities. At this time, it is essential that CIHS prepares its students to create narratives of connection, and to help people make meaning of these times of great change.
The study of wisdom traditions can help promote pluralism, a movement beyond tolerance (which suggests some grudging agreement to coexist) to active appreciation of religious diversity and a shared dialogue about common moral and ethical principles. The discipline of Comparative Religions helps us move from the isolated "I' to a sense of "we" that recognizes our shared humanity, and supports a global ethic of wholeness. The experiential learning modalities of interfaith and intercultural dialogue, will support the integration of this understanding into students' lives. Through these studies, CIHS students will be well prepared to be reflective and responsive agents in the world.
I look forward to sharing this journey.
Ji Hyang Padma, Ph.D.


Summer Quarter: New Course Announcement

Subtle Energy Devices and Research 

Join us for this new on campus "Subtle Energy Devices" laboratory survey course, being held during two intensive weekends to accommodate out of town visiting participants!
This laboratory survey course overviews the following electrophysiological "subtle energy" related devices. The AMI, Apparatus for Meridian Identification, invented by Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama the founder of CIHS; The GDV/EPI, Gas Discharge Visualization/Electro Photonic Imaging, device invented by Konstantine Korotkoff; The EIS, Electrode Interstitial Scanner, device invented by Albert Maarek; and a conventional Biofeedback systems. The devices will be demonstrated and studied as to how they operate electronically and physiologically. Students will complete an independent laboratory study and writeup.
It will be offered Intensive format, over two weekends, at the California Institute for Human Science:

Friday afternoon July 22 through Sunday July 24
Friday afternoon September 23 through Sunday September 25.
Open to CIHS students as a 4 credit unit course.
Open to community participants on a course audit basis.
A certificate of completion.
CEUs for registered nurses.


Memorial to Our Student, Terry Lynn Brabham,
Ph.D. in Integral Health Program 

Terry Brabham Poster at ITC 2013

Terry Lynn Brabham, a Ph.D. candidate at CIHS, passed away suddenly on June 26 of a massive heart attack. He was at a conference in Garden Grove (CA), related to his dissertation topic: "Neuroscience and Spirituality: Methods in Childhood Development" when he passed.
Terry was a dear man, a gentle and loving healer.  He was especially interested in helping empower the youth of the world. His two favorite activities were meditation and yoga with his wife, Teresita.

His wish upon passing was for his ashes to be near his beloved guru, Paramahansa Yogananda, at Forest Lawn in Glendale.

There will be a memorial service and all are invited.
Forest Lawn; Church of Recessional
Address: 1712 S. Glendale Avenue, Glendale, CA  91205
Date and Time: July 23, 2016 10am
Phone: (800) 204-3131
Terry's preference for clothing is white/cream in hopes that everyone would celebrate his life.

Cool things CIHS students are doing

Federico Miraglia 
Ph.D. Integral Health Student

CIHS Italian international student Federico Miraglia, hanging with international bestselling author Robert Bauval at Contact in the Desert conference, via introduction from Bauval's coauthor CIHS Executive Dean Thomas Brophy.    


Cool things CIHS Alumni are doing

Elena Sandoval 
Ph.D. Psychology
Graduate of 2011  

Dear Friends and Family from CIHS
As a CIHS PhD alumna in Clinical Psychology, it is a pleasure for me to share about a dream that has come true, after many years as a clinical integral psychology in my private and hospital practice. OM Terra Healing and Retreat center in Ecuador came to be a reality. This is a Project which brings to the global community the quality of an integral and healthy lifestyle, following the balance between meaningful and conscious action and meaningful and conscious rest. Balance in our vacation and spare time is necessary, as its necessary to balance in our daily lives.
Om Terra was conceived thinking on the earth a celestial body in harmony with the rest universe. Om Terra as its name stands for itself and gives a sense of unity among our global community, which is Dr. Motoyama's vision. As we walk on our own paths of inner growth, we can meet with conscious people around the planet as we have a wonderful time together on this divine earth ship.
Ecuador is a privileged site around the world. Fruits and vegetables grow all year long, and we provide organic food.

As it is a small country, it is easy to visit in few hours different climates and altitudes; therefore, diversity of ethnic groups, plants and animals is one of the greatest attractions of the country. People are kind and helpful, and Om Terra is additionally working with the community to aid self-healing, educational and inner growth. Therefore as a visitor, you could have a warm experience with conscious people.

We have all year long tourism packages for people around the world and retreats. You can visit us at
, we can tailor an unforgettable vacation for you.
If you are a healer, artist, teacher, or therapist we can organize for you to host your workshops or healing practice here in OM terra.

This is your home in Ecuador, please come and visit Om Terra!!
Elena Sandoval M.A., M.Ed. (c) PhD
Clinical Integral Psychology
This is a health tourism all included program for all age children and adults, in which you can plan 3 day's of relaxing time at our healing center at Om Terra, and sleep in our guest house witch serves organic food and 2 days of adventure in the setting of your preference around Quito�s area. We can plan low, middle or high level hiking or mountaineering around the mountains of the Andes, as well as visiting Papallacta thermal springs, or just visit Quito�s colonial part of the city and other attractions. You can tell us your preferences, we can plan a conscious and uplifting trip, just let us know.
This is a tourism all included program for all age children and adults in which you can plan 4 day's of relaxing time at our healing center at Om Terra, and sleep in our guest house witch serves organic food and 3 days of adventure in the set of your preference around Quito�s area or other parts of our diverse country at the sierra (Andes), the cost and the orient (jungle). We can plan low, middle or high level hiking or mountaineering around the mountains of the Andes, as well as visiting Papallacta thermal springs or just visit Quito�s colonial part of the city. You can tell us your preferences, we can plan a conscious and uplifting trip, just let us know.
This is a health-tourism all included program in which you can plan 5 days of relaxing time at our healing center at Om Terra, and sleep in our guest house witch serves organic food, and 5 days of adventure in the set of your preference around Quito�s area or other parts of our diverse country at the sierra (Andes), the cost and the orient (jungle). We can plan low, middle or high level hiking or mountaineering around the mountains of the Andes, as well as visiting Papallacta thermal springs or just visit Quito�s colonial part of the city. You can tell us your preferences, we can plan a conscious and uplifting trip, just let us know.
593 2 204 6207
593 0992080838
On Facebook you can find us by Om Terra



 Dr. Motoyama's New Publication 
 "The World of Religious Experiences"   


We are pleased to announce Dr. Motoyama's new publication.  


Dr. Motoyama had his eighty-eighth birthday celebration on December 2013 in Japan, and as one of the commemoration projects of his birthday, we published The World of Religious Experiences in English.  


The World of Religious Experiences is a collection of articles written by Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama from about 1955 until the beginning of 1960. The articles were first brought together for the purposes of his doctoral dissertation, and for which he received his Doctor of Literature degree (philosophy, electrophysiology) in March 1962. In 1963, the articles were published together as a book under the title, The World of Religious Experiences, which was Dr. Motoyama's first book length publication.



Through these articles, Dr. Motoyama has tried to research into the existence the characteristics of religious experiences with metaphysical-ontological elucidation and statistical analysis of electrophysiological experiments based upon his own religious experiences. This collection of research articles is the foundation of the "Motoyama Philosophy." The articles clarify that the world of religious experiences are a true world, which sincerely relates to the basis of human existence. This insight comes from the integration of his deepened religious practices and physiological-physical-experimental studies.


We believe that it is very meaningful to have this publication, the foundation of "Motoyama Philosophy," available to the world in time for his eighty-eighth birthday.


This book is now available in the CIHS online bookstore.