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CIHS Newsletter
In This Issue
Message from the Dean
New Course Announcement
Dr. Motoyama's New Publication
Sound Meditation
Lunch and Learn
Quick Links
Join Our List


Dear CIHS Community Members,

I hope everyone is enjoying summer. We are excited to include two articles in the August newsletter. First, Dr. Hope Umansky will be announcing the course schedule for the fall quarter, including a new class from new faculty member, Dr. Padma.

Second, Dr. Ji Hyang Padma introduces herself and her new course, Contemporary Approaches to Psycho-Integrative Health. She is a new adjunct faculty member from Sophia University and Wellesley College. We are so excited to have her join our community. This course will be offered as a Topic of Special Interest, which is an elective open to all programs and online class.

Please remember that the registration week for Fall quarter is September 14 through 18,and the quarter starts on Monday, September 28. Some of the courses are open to the non-student community and can be audited; please contact our program director, Dr. Hope Umansky, if you have any questions or are interested in our courses and programs at CIHS (
Please enjoy your summer!

Hideki Baba, Ph.D.
Message from the Dean:
Hello CIHS Community,

Happy almost Fall! Summer is wrapping up quickly. Graduation is on campus Saturday, September 12, 2015. I hope you will join us in celebrating our graduates from all different levels and programs. We are also happy to announce 8 new students this Fall, and we are confident the community will warmly welcome them.
This Fall quarter, I am very excited to introduce Dr. Ji Hyang Padma, who is a graduate of English Literature from Wellesley College and a PhD in Psychology from Sofia University. Dr. Padma's dissertation is entitled, "Visions of Wholeness: Narratives of Buddhist Traditional Healers." It is a narrative study of Buddhist healers which explored the connections between the presence (consciousness) of the practitioners and the client's experience of healing. She has authored Living the Season: Zen Practices for Transformative Times and is finishing her next publication, A Women's Road Less Traveled. Dr. Padma has extensive teaching experience from Babson College, UCLA Extension, Omega Institute (where she just completed her 11th season), Esalen, Boston College, Boston University, and Harvard University. You can read more about her in the article below. Dr. Ji Hyang Padma will be teaching a Topic of Special Interest class open to all programs as an elective entitled, Contemporary Approaches to Psycho-Integrative Health. I hope many of you will take the opportunity to welcome her to the community and to experience her class this quarter.
Fall quarter begins September 28, 2015 and Registration is September 14-18, 2015.
Introduction to Integral Studies, BIS requirement, Thomas Brophy, PhD, hybrid.
Foundations of Integral Studies, CIHS core requirement Thomas Brophy, PhD, hybrid.
Advanced Qualitative Research Methods, PhD requirement, Sharon Mijares, PhD, online.
Family Violence, Partner Abuse, and Child Abuse: Assessment & Intervention, Clinical Psychology requirement, Sam Aganov, PhD, online.
Psychopathology and Psychopathogenesis, Integral & Clinical Psy Requirement, Dr. Roger Cavnaugh, hybrid.
Human Development and its Archetypes, Integral & Clinical Psy Requirement, Dr. Tamara Goldsby, hybrid.
Subtle Energy System II, Consciousness, Cosmology, and the Subtle World, PhD Integral Health core course, Dr. Mali Burgess, online.
Clinical Aspects of Energy Psychology, fulfills core requirement for Integral Psychology, elective all programs, Dr. Michelle Dexter, hybrid.
Buddhism, TBA, Comparative Religion and Philosophy; elective other programs.
Topic of Special Interest: Contemporary Approaches to Psycho-Integrative Health, Dr. Ji Hyang Padma (new adjunct faculty from Sophia University and Wellesley College), elective open to all programs, online.
Pranic Healing, Spiritual Education requirement, Dr. Clark, on campus. Students must attend both weekends for credit.
Ultimately, it is up to you to compare your transcript to the program as it is laid out in the catalog to ensure you are getting what you need to meet your program's requirements and goals. Dr. Brophy ( ), Dr. Laporte (, and I are all here to help guide and advise you toward the courses that will best fit your needs. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for guidance. My schedule gets very full during registration, so please contact me right away if you would like to meet in person.
If you are curious how CIHS' unique educational programs can support your professional, educational, and personal goals, please reach out to me. I am happy to set up a time for us to meet on campus or by phone and discuss which program may be the best fit for you.
Have a great end of Summer. I hope to see you on campus in a few weeks at graduation. If you are interested in attending, please make sure to RSVP to Tamiko at
Hope Umansky, PhD
New Course Offering from New Faculty
By Dr. Ji Hyang Padma

I am delighted and honored to announce that I will begin teaching at California Institute for Human Scienc
e this September. California Institute for Human Science is a pioneer in its vision of integrating cutting-edge research on subtle energy, and the relationship between consciousness and healing, with the fields of psychology, integrative health and world religions.
The first course that I will teach will be Contemporary Approaches to Integrative Health, offered this September. The inspiration for this course has been my experience over twenty years teaching spirituality and integrative health to women and men in a wide variety of settings-from wellness centers, such as Esalen and Omega Institute, to college students, to corporate boardrooms and beyond.
My hopes and intentions for our students is that they will be able to bring the fullest understanding of integrative health into dialogue with their understanding of psychology and spirituality-developing a comprehensive understanding of these disciplines that is informed by their lived experience.
COURSE: Contemporary Approaches to Psycho-integrative Health
The field of psycho-integrative medicine has been undergoing rapid growth in the past 20 years.. Integrative health models call us to expand our view of the person as an ecosystem-one in which the "biological, phenomenological, cultural and transpersonal come together in meaningful synergy" (Schlitz, 2005 pp.vli-vlii).
We will review the history of the integrative health movement, and various cultures and philosophies of health and healing, including indigenous approaches to wellness. We will consider current research intonew healing paradigms-- paradigms that fully engage the power of consciousness in the creation of somatic, psychological, and spiritual health), and explore the implications of this vision for contemporary health and healing work.   This understanding will then serve as the foundation for practical skill building through utilization of the case study approach.
Ji Hyang Padma has combined an academic career with her vocation as a spiritual teacher. Ji Hyang served as Director of Spirituality & Education as well as a Buddhist chaplain at Wellesley College for fourteen years. Additionally, she has served as a meditation teacher at Harvard University, Boston University, Babson College, Esalen Institute and Omega Institute.
Ji Hyang Padma has done intensive Zen training and teaching in Asia and North America for 20 years. She has completed several 90-day intensive retreats in Korea and North America. Ji Hyang has also served as Director and Abbot of Cambridge Zen Center, one of the largest Zen Centers in the country. She is gifted at finding an entry-point into mindfulness practice for people who are just beginning their journey.
Ji Hyang considers her one-on-one work in energy medicine a natural extension of her inquiry into the nature of mind, and her path of service. Her work with clients draws from her training in spiritual counseling and depth psychology. It can be found here:
Ji Hyang holds a doctorate in psychology from Sofia University. Her dissertation research focused on consciousness & healing, through the lens of traditional Buddhist healing practices
Ji Hyang's recent writing has been published in Our Neighbor's Faith: Stories of Interfaith Encounters and Arts of Contemplative Care: Pioneering Voices in Buddhist Chaplaincy and Pastoral Work.
Her first book, Zen Practices for Transformative Times, was released by Quest Books in 2013. Ji Hyang is currently writing a second book based on her original research on consciousness & healing.

 Dr. Motoyama's New Publication 
 "The World of Religious Experiences"   


We are pleased to announce Dr. Motoyama's new publication.  


Dr. Motoyama had his eighty-eighth birthday celebration on December 2013 in Japan, and as one of the commemoration projects of his birthday, we published The World of Religious Experiences in English.  


The World of Religious Experiences is a collection of articles written by Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama from about 1955 until the beginning of 1960. The articles were first brought together for the purposes of his doctoral dissertation, and for which he received his Doctor of Literature degree (philosophy, electrophysiology) in March 1962. In 1963, the articles were published together as a book under the title, The World of Religious Experiences, which was Dr. Motoyama's first book length publication.



Through these articles, Dr. Motoyama has tried to research into the existence the characteristics of religious experiences with metaphysical-ontological elucidation and statistical analysis of electrophysiological experiments based upon his own religious experiences. This collection of research articles is the foundation of the "Motoyama Philosophy." The articles clarify that the world of religious experiences are a true world, which sincerely relates to the basis of human existence. This insight comes from the integration of his deepened religious practices and physiological-physical-experimental studies.


We believe that it is very meaningful to have this publication, the foundation of "Motoyama Philosophy," available to the world in time for his eighty-eighth birthday.


This book is now available in the CIHS online bookstore.



Sound Meditation at CIHS - 2015

by Tamara Goldsby, Ph.D.



CIHS is pleased to invite you to experience wonderful sound healing meditations. Relax in the soothing sounds and vibrations produced by Tibetan singing bowls, crystal bowls, gongs, and bells. Please visit  for more information about sound meditations.   




- Sound meditations are every Wednesday from 6:30pm - 8pm at CIHS through the first Wednesday in June. A $10 donation is requested.


- While these gatherings are called sound meditations, the beneficial energy is created by the attendees, as well as the sound healers. We call these attendees the Bishwa Seva Community. This community is a gathering of regular meditators, yoga practitioners, experienced healers, artists, musicians, international travelers, community volunteers, conscious self-healers, and old souls.  We welcome the CIHS community at these powerful sound healing events.


Proceeds of the meditation events go to the Bishwa Seva Foundation (founded by master sound healer Deep Deoja) which supports a school and orphanage in Nepal: 








Announcing New Speaker Events
Lunch and Learn

Mission Statement:

To educate, integrate and expand our scope of knowledge in a group setting


Call to Action: Bring your friends, colleagues and patients - Wednesday July 22, 2015 12 noon -1:00pm bring your own brown bag lunch. 




Oct. 21st = History & Research - Debunking the myth of Medical Thermal Imaging