Waterfowl Festival Volunteer Opportunities

"The devotion and commitment of our volunteers over the years has been one of the keys to the success and longevity of the Festival.  There have been many changes since the first Festival in 1971, but one of the constants has been the dedication of our volunteers.  The Festival would not be looking forward to its 45th edition this coming November without the tireless effort of thousands of our faithful volunteers."


- Albert Pritchett, Waterfowl Festival Board President

Volunteer Power!
The Waterfowl Festival relies on 1,500 volunteers to make the event happen! We have a wide variety of opportunities available for volunteers throughout the year and during the Festival weekend that appeal to many different interests. Whether you can give a few hours or a few days we'd love for you to be involved! Volunteering for the Festival is a great networking and community involvement opportunity! To learn more, email or call 410-822-4567!

2015 Volunteer Chairmen Opportunities!

The Waterfowl Festival Chairmen form the the backbone of the Festival and we're looking for a few good volunteers to take on leadership roles this year!

INFORMATION CHAIRMAN: Responsible for obtaining, training and coordinating the scheduling of volunteers who will provide information to visitors.  These volunteers will work at Festival venues throughout downtown and on Festival buses.They will handout the new, comprehensive Festival Pocket Guide which provides directions and answer most questions that visitors will have.  There are about 30 past information volunteers who will provide the core for recruiting.


SIGN COMMITTEE MEMBERS: 3 or 4 volunteers are needed to help install signs around town for about 4 hours on Wednesday and Thursday, November 11 and 12, 2015.


WAREHOUSE CHAIRMAN: Oversees the moving contractor and his crew during delivery of Festival equipment from the warehouse to Festival sites and pickup and return of these items at Festival closing.  Coordinates the scheduling of deliveries with Festival chairmen. Helps to form a volunteer committee that maintains the Waterfowl Festival warehouse and  its contents on a year-round basis. Performs needed maintenance and repair of equipment and building or replacing items as needed.


Writing Internship Opportunity!
The Waterfowl Festival is searching for an unpaid writing and research intern to assist with content development for the Festival's e-newsletters, website and other promotions. Intern will interview exhibitors, volunteers and other stakeholders and then write articles for publication. Intern may also be asked to develop and pitch story ideas to the Festival's Marketing and Communications Committee. 

This internship is ideal for an undergraduate Journalism, Communications, Public Relations, or English major/minor. Interested applicants should send their resume and a few writing samples to Kathy Dawkins at 

Proceeds from the annual Waterfowl Festival support the conservation work of Waterfowl Chesapeake Inc.