Personal Computer TutorJanuary 2013
Holiday Snapshots!
Now that the holidays are over you might have accumulated a number of digital photos of family and friends that you would like to share with them. In the past we used to go to the store to have prints made from our film (remember film?) and then mail them to our loved ones. You can still have prints made from your digital photos and it is easier than ever using online websites to have prints made and mailed directly to them. But nowadays there are a number of alternatives to having prints made. In this month's newsletter I will explain some of the different ways you can share your snapshots with loved ones.
Have Prints Made and Mailed 
Shop for prints in Picasa
If your loved ones (and you) still like to hold photos in your hands (or make photo albums) you can still have prints made. Online sites like Shutterfly, Snapfish, CVSWalgreens, Walmart PhotoRitzPix and others allow you to send your photos to their website via your computer (or even your tablet or smartphone) and order prints right from the comfort of your own home. On a Windows computer use Picasa and on a Mac use iPhoto to edit and organize your snapshots and then right from within the program you can send the photos to an online service to have prints made.

Share Online Photo Albums
iPhoto and Facebook
Both Windows and Mac make it easy to share online photo albums. Different than sending emails with attachments, online photo albums don't clog your recipients Inboxes and also allows you to alter your album later on and still have those changes show up for your loved ones.  In Picasa on a Windows computer and iPhoto on a Mac you can create online photo albums, slideshows and even upload to Facebook. Here are some links to tutorials to learn how to do it.
iPhoto Tutorials: Scroll down to "Share Your Photos" to learn how. 
All iLife Tutorials: (iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD, etc.)
Hard/Soft Cover Photo Books
Hard and Soft Cover Photo Books
Another fun way to share your photos is with a Photo Book, a collection of your best photos bound together in a book.  All the major online photo services have this option. You edit and organize your photos in Picasa or iPhoto and then order the book directly from there. Here are some links to learn how to do it.

In Windows
Use Picasa to edit and organize your photos then use one of the online photo websites to create a Photo Book:
As always it can be a bit tricky to figure out the steps so if you would like some help learning how to do some of these steps let me know and we will make an appointment. And don't worry if sometimes I am not in the area. I can always log into your computer and work with you online to teach you how to do any of these techniques.
Happy Photo Sharing!


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Personal Computer Tutor

Claude Kerno


[email protected] -