Mountains & Plains Independent Booksellers Association

Weekly Publishers' Specials
for MPIBA Booksellers
and Book Buyers!

Keeping track of publishers' on-going specials, especially
for backlist, can be daunting. When you are ready to place
an order, you can't seem to put your hands on
that e-mail that lists the promotion.


So here's a solution! Click the link below to access a
Google Docs spreadsheet* that lists current
publishers' specials: 


Weekly Publishers Specials October 31, 2016  


 *You can sort this list by publisher name, promo expiration date, timestamp, etc.,
in order to view it differently than shown. The list is dynamic and updated frequently,
so you can use the link above to access it at any time to view current specials. 



Mountains & Plains Independent Booksellers Association