Winter Catalog Deadline for Advertisers Is Tomorrow!


Mountains & Plains Independent Booksellers Association



Laura Ayrey Burnett 

Executive Director


3278 Big Spruce Way

Park City, UT 84098

435-649-6079 office

435-649-6015 fax





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Mountains & Plains

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Mark your calendars!  
The 2016 Fall Discovery Show (Trade Show)  
dates are: 
October 6-8, 2016,  
at The Renaissance Denver Hotel.

Don't miss the chance to advertise
your new fall titles in MPIBA's consumer-facing Winter Catalog 2016. 

Our reach statistics for this publication are impressive -- 310,000 consumers; 1,600 bookseller; 32,908 website visits; and 3,838 Facebook hits -- ensuring that your marketing dollars are spent to reach the widest possible audience. 

The Winter Catalog is the centerpiece of holiday marketing and promotions for MPIBA bookstores; they make a big splash and boost holiday sales with these free, personalized, imprinted Winter Catalogs. And MPIBA provides marketing tools to ensure our booksellers' continued success.

Enthusiastic Booksellers


The Bookworm of Edwards
Edwards, Colorado
The Bookworm of Edwards orders 15,500 imprinted catalogs each year to insert after Thanksgiving into The Vail Daily. In 2014 and 2015, owner Nicole Magistro added an additional 8,000 catalogs to insert into The Vail Weekly because, "It's going to be a great year!" This successful bookstore takes this marketing avenue very seriously ... because the catalog has proven time after time that it works.
Old Firehouse Books
Fort Collins, Colorado
Susie Wilmer, the owner of Old Firehouse Books in Fort Collins, Colorado, historically inserted 17,000 imprinted Winter Catalogs in the Fort Collins Coloradoan newspaper. In 2013, she added 17,000 to her order - for an impressive total of 34,000 - to insert into the Loveland Reporter-Herald in order to market to a community not served by an independent bookstore. This strategy paid off in a big way, and in 2014, Old Firehouse inserted into four newspapers: the Fort Collins Coloradoan, the Windsor Beacon, the Windsor Now, and the Loveland Reporter-Herald, making the total order a whopping 61,000 imprinted Winter Catalogs.
Katy Budget Books
Houston, Texas
Katy Budget Books believes that the catalog is a successful, economical way to convey their holiday message in a large, competitive market. In the past, they ordered 22,500 imprinted catalogs to insert into The Houston Chronicle after Thanksgiving, and in 2014 and 2015 they upped their order to 24,500.
Maria's Bookshop
Durango, Colorado
As it is the centerpiece of their holiday promotions, owners Andrea Avantaggio and Peter Schertz ordered 23,000 imprinted catalogs in 2014 and 2015. They inserted into four regional newspapers, completed an Every Door Direct Mail campaign, and used the catalogs extensively throughout the store in displays and as handouts and bag stuffers.

Catalog Reach and
Bookstore Participation


Catalog Reach
Imprint Bookstores

Rates, Benefits, and Promotions


Winter Catalog 2016 Ad Rates
  • $2,150 Interior Regular Ad - 1 regular space
  • $3,875 Interior Feature Ad - Equivalent to 2 regular spaces
  • $5,450 Interior Super Feature - Equivalent to 3 regular spaces
  • $8,000 Back Cover Super Feature - Equivalent to 4 regular spaces
Benefits and Promotions
  • Mountains & Plains provides multiple tools to ensure booksellers' success with the Winter Catalog.
  • Individual titles with copy blocks are posted on our website, and the full Winter Catalog is posted and available for downloading, sharing, and posting.
  • Shelf Talkers are provided free in quantity to booksellers, so that customers can visually connect the catalog at the front counter to the book on the shelf.
  • Catalog titles are showcased during Fall Discovery Show (trade show) sessions and prominently displayed in the Exhibit Hall. The finished catalog is available for preview at the Show.
  • The catalog receives inventory support and special offers from wholesalers.

Distribution and Digital Files


Distribution Dates
  • August - Early notice of catalog titles announced to booksellers via the ISBN Title List spreadsheet.
  • October - Catalogs are prominently displayed at MPIBA's tables adjacent to the front entrance in the Exhibit Hall at the Fall Discovery Show (Trade Show).
  • October/November - Catalogs are shipped to bookstores.
  • November/December - Booksellers distribute catalogs via newspaper insertions, direct mail, bag stuffers, newsletters, and in-store uses.
Digital Files and Marketing Copy
  • MPIBA will download your high-resolution jacket image from Edelweiss and/or from your website; no need to e-mail separately.
  • MPIBA will also gather and compose marketing copy from Edelweiss and/or from your website; no need to compose, edit, or e-mail separately.
  • ONLY if the title has no Edelweiss or web page:
    Use the upload function in the online Winter Catalog 2016 Contract.
    • Upload a high-resolution jacket image: JPG or TIF at 2.0 inches wide, 300dpi, CMYK color.
    • No PDF or EPS files accepted.
    • Add the suffix (.jpg, .tif) when sending.
    • Upload a copy block; MPIBA does not have a copy limit restriction, but does reserve the right to edit for space.
  • For features and back cover space, send ancillary artwork in a Photoshop layered file (.psd).

Deadlines and Contacts


  • July 20, 2016 - Online-only Contract and Title Sheet due; see information above regarding digital files and marketing copy.
  • July 2016 - Invoices prepared for advertisers.
  • August 2016 - Payment due from advertisers.
  • September 9, 2016 - Two copies of finished book or ARC for Fall Discovery Show display: October 6-8, 2016. Send to MPIBA Administrative Office address below.
Sales and Information
Laura Ayrey Burnett,Executive Director
Mountains & Plains Independent Booksellers Association
3278 Big Spruce Way
Park City, UT 84098
(435) 649-6079 phone
(435) 649-6105 fax
Administration and Production
Kathy Keel,Project Manager
MPIBA Administrative Office
208 E. Lincoln Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80524
(970) 484-3939 phone
(970) 484-0037 fax

Links and Information


Reserve Your Winter Catalog
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Mountains & Plains Independent Booksellers Association