The NetLetter

For Air Canada Retirees
(Part of the ACFamily Network)


July 9, 2013 - Issue 1262
First Issue published in October 1995!
(over 5,400 subscribers)
In This Issue
Star Alliance News
Air Canada News
Women in Aviation
TCA/Air Canada People Gallery
Alan's Space
Canadi>n/CP Air/PWA, Wardair, etc
Reader's Feedback
Odds and Ends
Terry's Trivia
NetLetter Past Issues

Past Issues
Web Site Information

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Terry Baker
Welcome to the NetLetter!

We welcome you to allow the NetLetter to be your platform, and opportunity to relive your history while working for either TCA, AC, CPAir, CAIL, PWA, AirBC, Wardair, etal and share your experiences with us!

The Netletter

Terry Baker and the NetLetter Team

Star Alliance News
Star AllianceStar Alliance is evaluating strategies to compete against the increasingly global presence of the major Gulf carriers, but has no immediate plans to pursue Emirates or Etihad Airways.
Airbus, United Airlines reach agreement for 35 A350-1000 aircraft. United Airlines and Airbus have announced that the airline will add 35 Airbus A350-1000 aircraft to its future fleet. The agreement between the companies represents a conversion of United's previous order for 25 A350-900s to the -1000 model, as well as the addition of 10 more orders for A350-1000 aircraft. The announcement was made during the Paris Air Show.

Air Canada News
Air CanadaAir Canada rouge service expands to more holiday destinations with 2013-2014 Winter Schedule. The rouge fleet will grow to serve Mexico, Florida, Las Vegas and more of the Caribbean.

Dreams Take Flight Update - Compiled by Terry Baker
Upcoming events:
Don't forget the 10th Annual Dreams Take Flight Golf Tournament August 28th 2013 at the Royal Ontario Golf Club. To join please contact: Josie Canning (905) 457-1847 or email:

Loretta Blencoe sends this additional information: The upcoming Golf Tournament is in support of the big 25th Dreams Take Flight to Disney in May 2014. As we may be able to have 2 planes, we need to raise that much more money to send twice as many special needs children to Disney, Florida.

Such a trip is a life changing experience for so many of the children we take. And there are already enough children whose names have already been submitted to fill the next plane!!! 

TCA/Air Canada People Gallery - Compiled by Terry Baker
TCA/Air Canada  LogoBelow we have musings from the "Between Ourselves" and "Horizons" magazine, Air Canada publications from years gone by, as well as various in-house publications.

The NetLetter has been fortunate enough to have our readers donate vintage Trans-Canada Air Lines and Air Canada publications from as far back as 1941 to share with you. These have been scanned and are being prepared for presenting in a special area of the ACFamily Network for archival and genealogy research.

Lawrie McCaffrey has sent us this 2013 photo with the following comment:
Another year and another BBQ with some retired Winnipeg Finance, Res and C&SS guys, taken at a BBQ in Carl Starodubs backyard with the retired guys.

I am including a list of names as some (most) of the guys have changed a lot since they retired.
FRONT ROW: Brian Bishop, Jack Podgurny, Cliff Pearon, George Barnet, Doug Davidson, Eldon Dimond, Ord Mackintosh, Don Orchuk, Ted Waytowich and Pat Reed.

Back Row: Dick Gunner, George Green, Bob Cook, John Shead, Carl Stabodub, Peter Owen, Wilf Jestadt, Ray Elson, Art Penner, Lawrie McCaffrey, Dave McBride, Bruce Campbell, Issy Hynibida, Doug Cobb, Bob Gravalin, Gary Peck , Greg Connon, Dick Paulley, Barry Campbell, Stan Burt, Dick Korman, Gary Bezte and Brian Best.

1987 - June 27th -  Air Canada suspended its shortest route. The helicopter service, which started operation in August 1986 between YYZ and downtown Toronto was discontinued.

In the April 1987 edition of the "Parts & Pieces" magazine, this photo, taken in 1961, appeared with the suggestion that readers try and make as many identifications as possible. Several lists were submitted by the stores at YUL who identified 41 people, YWG with 26 people and YYZ sent in their suggestions. These names were collated, then printed in the June edition of the "Parts & Pieces" magazine.

1. Hugh Patterson 2. John Day 3. Art Snook 4. Don Mcintosh 5. Danny Sweetman 6. Fred Gibson 7. Archie McCabe 8. Mike Teesdale 9. Chris Marsella 10. Ken Biggars 11. Tommy Davidson 12. Jimmy Keliy 13. Real Theoret 14. Eugene Cassidy 15. Jimmy Ducy 16. Earl Lister 17. Norm Dunwoody 18. Lawson Garayt 19. Rolland Mercer 20. Tony Parker 21. Wally Brimicombe 22. Andy Lebeouf 23. Fern Baillargeon 24. Stan Kelly 25. Peter Hamilton 26. Art Whelan 27. Gord Ford 28. Yves Fagnan 29. Vince Newsome 30. Cliff Parker 31. Art Halliwell 32. Jack Scott 33. Don Dryden 34. Rollie Sullivan 35. Bernie Laniel 36. Mark Brophy 37. Stu Gardner 38. Jim Sharkey 39. Simone Schneider 40. Gilles Laroche 41. Carol Gandy 42.   ??  Bernier 43 - 47 unknown 48. Raymond Fortin 49. Joe Wolfe

Issue dated - July 1987
From the "Parts & Pieces" magazine -
This photo is of the TCA Soccer Team which played in the Industrial League 1961 or 1962 was published in the magazine issued June 1987 with a request for identifications.

They are Back Row: Ross Watson (retired Paint Shop Gen. Foreman), Peter Rice, Bobby Gordon, Ted Rochford, Rick Scofield (Stores), Dave Mills, Walter Rochford (Ted's son),

Front Row: George Beach (became Anglican Minister), Tommy Kane, Peter Hamilton (F.S.E.S. Stores), Bart Reilly (retired Stores Supervisor), Sam Barclay (Stores), John Kane (Mechanic Dorval), Ron French (in England).

The 1987 F&S Award of Excellence was presented on June 22, 1987 to: Gord Tolman (Vancouver), Brian Colgan (Calgary), Jim McPhail (Toronto), Jim Jamieson (Toronto), Bob Knopf (Montreal PAC) and Bill Arnold (Dorval). The recipient's were honoured at a luncheon hosted by our Vice President, Bruce Aubin, accompanied by the Branch Directors at the Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club.

Mr. Aubin presented each recipient with an engraved plaque acknowledging their nomination for "exceptional performance and professionalism". Unfortunately, this is a poor photograph.

Front row: Brian Colgan, Jim McPhail, Gord Tolman, Bob Knopf, Jim Jamieson, missing from the photo Bill Arnold.

Back row the VP and branch directors: John Dickie, Dominic Fiore, Bruce Aubin, Tom Anderson, Bob Doret and Fred Coyle.

Issue dated - September 1979
Some items gleaned from the "Horizon" magazines -
Sydney, Nova Scotia, became the 18th station to form an Air Canada Recreation Association (ACRA).

Some 49 members signed up for an annual fee of $12. The organization's first event was a picnic enjoyed by those of all ages. Upcoming get-togethers include a softball tournament and barbecue followed by an Oktoberfest, a children's Christmas party and a Christmas banquet and dance.

The board of director of the newly formed ACRA is shown, seated from the left: Fred Boudreau, Vice-President; Cy Wagner, President and Steve MacGillivary, First Vice-President. Standing, from the left, are: Winston MacDonald, Secretary; Rich Rizok Program Director; Frank Jones, Treasurer and Naish Batten, Membership Director. Missing from the photo is Membership Director Neil MacMullin.

Alan's Space - by Alan Rust
Alan's Space
THE evacuation of Asiana Flight 214 began badly. 
(from the Australian News)

Even before the mangled jetliner began filling with smoke, two evacuation slides on the doors inflated inside the cabin instead of outside, pinning two flight attendants to the floor.

Cabin manager Lee Yoon-hye, apparently the last person to leave the burning plane, said crew members deflated the slides with axes to rescue their colleagues, one of whom seemed to be choking beneath the weight of a slide.

Lee described several dramatic moments in the remarkable evacuation that saved 305 of the 307 people on the plane that crashed on Saturday while landing in San Francisco.

One flight attendant, Kim Ji-yeon, 30, put a scared and injured elementary schoolboy on her back and slid down a slide, said Lee, in the first comments by a crew member since the crash of the Boeing 777. Click here to read the full story.

It appears the flight attendants were well trained and did their job of evacuating the aircraft under the most difficult of circumstances. I hope more people now realize and appreciate what they are really there for... 
Man catches plane crash on camera 
Man catches plane crash on camera
Canadi>n/CP Air/PWA, Wardair, etc. People & Events
- Compiled by Terry Baker
CAIL TailsNews and articles from days gone by gleaned from various publications from Canadian Airlines International and its "ancestry" of contributing airlines.

Company Highlights

- Jul 13th - South Pacific inaugural, the first international route by Canadian Pacific Airlines.
- Sep 19th - North Pacific inaugural.

1988 - Between November 1st thru December 15th, and Jan 10th thru Mar 11th, Canadian Airlines offered employees, retirees and their families positive space "Family Reunion Fares" throughout the system.

- Oct 24th, Canadian Airlines introduced "Bulk Purchase Plan", an incentive package of 8 coupons for corporate business travel.
- Oct 30th, Time Air began flying the transborder route to Seattle on behalf of Canadian Airlines with Dash-7  equipment.

1989 - Jan 19th - PWA announced intention to acquire Wardair Inc.

Issue dated - May 1979
Items from the "CPAir NEWS" magazine -
1978 Sales quota achievement awards were presented to Japanese Sales staff during a sales meeting held in Tokyo.

Present at the award ceremony were, from left, Masashi Aota and Norlakl Hatta, both sales reps.: Tokuo Kubonoya, district sales manager, Osaka; Derek Hood, manager, Japan/Korea; Kazutaka Nagato, sales rep; Shogo Kushiya, supervisor, passenger sales; Yukio lsomoto, sales rep; Hideo Date, manager passenger sales, Japan and Toshiharu Togo, sales rep.

Top honours for the "First annual" CPAir Transcon Bonspiel held in Winnipeg went to a foursome of curling "pilots" from Vancouver. The trophy was presented by Liz Robinson, centre, of the sponsoring maintenance department. From left: Third Ken Mowblay, Skip Fred Langen. Second John Pederson and Lead Dennis Clark. Plans were already under way to expand the competition next year to a two-day event, Feb, 14-15th in Winnipeg again . Organizers were hoping to see from 16 to 32 entries representing every CP Air base in Canada.

(Does anyone know the where the trophy is now? - eds)

Reader's Feedback - Compiled by Terry Baker
Reader's Feedback
Every week we ask our readers for their stories or feedback on what they have read here in previous issues. Below is the feedback we have received recently.
Ken Pickford has found a couple of errors in NetLetter nr 1260 - Re the 1977 L1011 inaugural, Zurich's code is of course ZRH, not ZUR.

In the item on Rex Terpening's 100th birthday, his book title reads "Brent- Props- ad -Blow -Pots". Should read "Bent Props and Blow Pots".

Continuing the reported first flights - Bud Lewis has sent us details of his first flight including a photo of the actual aircraft involved
- My first airplane ride in a Mark IV Norseman, I was about 8 years old. In Flin Flon Manitoba, pilots name was Hank Parsons who became the owner of Parsons Airways. As always, this is a great newsletter. With the picture this time, I believe the photo was courtesy of Al Nelson.


Continuing the comments sent in by Dave Welham which we started in NetLetter nr 1259;


In NetLetter 1198 we listed some of the defunct airlines in Canada, Dave suggested three more, Air Caravane, PemAir and Northward Airlines, so we have below an up-to-date listing:


Aeropro * Air 500 * Air Alliance * Air Atlantic * Air Club International * Air Baffin * AirBC * Air Bras d'or * Air Canada Tango * Air Fecteau * Air Gaspé * Air Manitoba * Air Nova * Air Ontario * Air Satelite * Air Southwest * Airspeed Aviation * Airtransit * Air Toronto * AllCanada Express * Austin Airways * Baxter Aviation * BCWest Air * Canada 3000 * Canada West Airlines * Canadian Airlines * Canadian Airways * Canadian Colonial Airways * Canadian Metro Airlines * Canadian Pacific Airlines * Canadian Regional Airlines * City Express * Colonial Airlines * Corporate Express *  Eastern Canada Air Lines * Eastern Provincial Airways * First Nations Transportation * Fortunair * Globmaster Air Cargo * Great Lakes Airlines * Greyhound Air * Harmony Airways * Intair * Inter-Canadien * Jetsgo * Knighthawk Air Express * Lamb Air * Maestro * Maritime Central Airways * Millardalr * NAC Air * Nationair * Nolisair * Norcanair * Nordair * NorOntair * North Canada Air *  Northward Airlines * NWT Air * Odyssey International * Ontario Express * Pacific Western Airlines * Peace Air *  Pem-Air * Powell Air *  Prince Edward Air * Quebecair * Quebecair Express * Queen Charlotte Airlines * QuikAir * Roots Air * Royal Avialion *  Skycraft Air Transport * Skyxpress Airline * Skyservice * Sonicblue Airways * Southern Frontier Airlines * Swanberg Air * Time Air  * Transair * Trans-Canada Air Lines * Trans-Provincial Airlines * Triton Airlines * Val Air * Vision Airways Corporation * Vistajet * Wardair * Western Express Airlines * Winnport * Worldways Canada * World-Wide Airways * Zip * Zoom


(Although these are termed as "defunct", we are aware of name changes and mergers. - eds)


In NetLetter nr 1257, we had an article regarding the first Trans-Atlantic flight for the L1011-100, and this prompted Peter Wakefield  to scan his memory and he came up with this:

Amazing how some memories in life get triggered. In ref to your story 'first westbound L1011 LHR-YUL 18-Apr 1977'... I was one of those 22 contingent passengers. At 14yrs old, I was proud member of the BOAC junior jet club and had the captain log the journey (3rd row). I was probably traveling with my mom, dad, and brother. Didn't appreciate the nostalgia at the time. Thanks for the story, Pete Wakefield.

Odds and Ends.

Image Blank 200pxSometimes we receive articles and information that just doesn't fit in our other areas. This is where it goes!


Can anyone Help Daphne? 


My name is Daphne (Paull) and my father was W. Reg Paull.  He worked for CP Air for most of his career as a manager setting up offices nationally and internationally.   


Back in about the 70's CP Air put out a movie that my father narrated called "the way it was" that was played in the Richmond cinemas.  I am hoping to get a copy of the movie somehow through you.  My Father passed away in 2002 and there were a number of CP Air retirees that came to his funeral who reminded me of the movie that had been done and encouraged me to get a copy.  


I had forgotten about it till recently so am writing to see if there is a way i can get a hold of a copy. I had written to the Pionairs, but was told to contact you.


Would you have it in archive somewhere or know whom I might contact to get a hold of the movie?


Thank you so much,

Fact or Fiction?
"In the United States of America, the Eisenhower interstate system requires that one mile in every five must be straight. These straight sections are usable as airstrips in times of war or other emergencies."

From Alan - I've heard this many times before and although it's a great story, it's actually a myth.

See the USA Federal Highway Administration site by following this link. The myth is fully explained there in no uncertain terms...

An extraordinary assembly of Merlin-powered warbirds took to the skies over Hamilton, Ontario on Father's Day weekend, providing sights and sounds not experienced in decades.

The star of the show was Jerry Yagen's recently rebuilt de Havilland Mosquito (the only one of its type flying), and it flew in formation with the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum's Lancaster, alongside two Spitfires and two Hurricanes. The Mosquito pilot was Mike Spalding of the Canadian Military Aviation Museum.

Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips - by Terry Baker

Terry BakerWhen contemplating traveling Montreal-Paris effective July 11th or Toronto-Munich effective September 12th, be aware that the B777-300 (77P) will have 462 seats.

There is a specific policy for carry-on baggage which you should be aware of. 


Check the information on the ETS web site. Although this mentions employees, we are sure it will also apply to retirees as well. When you list yourself on a 77P flight, you will be alerted to the policy
John Cannemeyer sent us this query - Please advise me what O stands for when I check space on a YVR flight? Thank you.

Alan Rust, our Co-pilot gave us this answer which he found on the ACFamily Network - The latest 777-300 (77P) deliveries have a three cabin layout.   

  • 36 J  Executive First 
  • 24 O Premium Economy  
  • 398 Y  Economy

  • The O class seats are almost the same as the original J class way back in the 1980's.
  • The Y class is someplace that you may not want to sit under any circumstance on a long flight.
  • If you don't get on, it's no JOY <VBG>  

The new high-density 77P aircraft will offer 113 additional seats. With that many more passengers, overhead bin space must be reserved for our revenue customers. You can see a really nice seat chart by following this link or click on the image below. 


777-300ER (77W) Three Class Seating  


Smileys - Compiled by Terry Baker
As we surf the internet and back issues of airline magazines we regularly find airline related jokes and cartoons. Below is our latest discovery.

This cartoon was courtesy of the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation and appeared in "Between Ourselves" issued December 1953.

The NetLetter is an email newsletter published (usually) once a week and contains a mixture of nostalgia, current news and travel tips. We encourage our readers to submit their stories, photos and/or comments from either days gone by or from present day experiences and trips. If we think that the rest of our readers will enjoy it, we will publish it here.

We also welcome your feedback in regard to anything we post here. Many readers have commented with additional information, names and personal memories from the photos and articles presented here.

The NetLetter, which is free, is open to anyone that wishes to subscribe but is targeted to retired employees from Air Canada, Canadian Airlines and all the other companies that were part of what Air Canada is today. Thanks for joining us!

We hope you have enjoyed this issue of the NetLetter, see you next week!  
Your NetLetter Team

Disclaimer: Please note, that neither the NetLetter or the ACFamily Network necessarily endorse any of the airline related or other "deals" that we provide for our readers. We would be interested in any feedback (good or bad) when using these companies though and will report the results here. We do not (normally) receive any compensation from any companies that we post in our newsletters. If we do receive a donation or other compensation, it will be indicated as a sponsored article or link.


E&OE - (errors and omissions excepted) - The historical information as well as any other information provided here is subject to correction and may have changed over time. We do publish corrections when they are brought to our attention.
First published in October, 1995
  • Chief Pilot - Terry Baker, Nanaimo, B.C.
  • Co-pilot - Alan Rust, Surrey, B.C.
  • Flight Engineer - Bill Rowsell, Londesboro, Ontario 
  • Stewardess - Lisa Ruck, Brooklin, Ontario 
To contact us, send an email to