The NetLetter
For Air Canada Retirees (Part of the ACFamily Network)
February 23, 2013 - Issue 1243
First Issue published in October 1995!
(over 5,400 subscribers) |
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Welcome to the NetLetter!
We welcome you to allow the NetLetter to be your platform and opportunity to relive your history while working for either TCA, AC, CPAir, CAIL, PWA, AirBC, Wardair, etal and share your experiences with us!
Terry Baker and the NetLetter Team
Star Alliance News |
Learning from nature, Lufthansa tests the effects of shark skin in flight. Two Lufthansa Airbus A340-300s are taking part in a very special mission as part of a trial scheduled to run until summer 2013. Eight 10 x 10 cm test patches have been placed on the fuselage and leading edge of the wings of each Airbus as part of the Multifunctional Coating research project. (source: Lufthansa)
Women in Aviation - Compiled by Terry Baker | In 1973, American Airlines introduced a hat for their female flight crew. Captain Bonnie Tiburzi was the first female to fly for a US major airline. She helped design her own uniform, while most of the male uniform components only needed minor adjustments, the hat required a complete redesign. Several designs were tested , including the round-domed helmet which was similar to the UK police women's hat. She settled for a "mock-derby" in use today along with a short cross-over tie.
Reader Submitted Photos - Compiled by Terry Baker |
Reader Submitted Photos - The photos and information below have been submitted to us by our faithful readers.
Remember the days when you had to reconfirm your return flights? Betty Draper has sent us photos of a ticket issued on November 27th, 1951. Regina-Winnipeg-Regina with stop over at Yorkton.The fare shown as $30.70. Today the fare is $324 + $64 tax each way.

Frank Jones has sent us these photos and information: In December 1981 an EPA HS748 ran into the Sydney NS Terminal Building causing major damage to the aircraft. Initially, faulty brakes were blamed. What the final report was I don't know. One of the cockpit crew was seriously injured but no passengers were hurt. The aircraft was a write-off and was stripped of all usable parts and the fuselage was placed in an area off one of the runways and used by the Fire Dept. for practice. The pictures include a close-up of the nose cone stuck to a post at the departure gate. Hope this might be of some interest to share. Frank Jones AC CSSA (Retired) Sydney NS. (The NetLetter investigated further and add this information - Hawker Siddeley C-GEPH c/n 1635. There were 15 pax + 3 crew on board. December 29th., 1981, while taxiing after landing, the nose gear steering failed, as did the brakes. Though the crew shut down the engines, the aircraft collided with the terminal building. - eds)
TCA/Air Canada People Gallery - Compiled by Terry Baker |
 Below we have musings from the "Between Ourselves" and "Horizons" magazine, Air Canada publications from years gone by, as well as various in-house publications. The NetLetter has been fortunate enough to have our readers donate vintage Trans-Canada Air Lines and Air Canada publications from as far back as 1941 to share with you. These have been scanned and are being prepared for presenting in a special area of the ACFamily Network for archival and genealogy research. |
Ever wondered what it takes to excel at safe and efficient cargo transportation? The Air Canada Cargo team proved they had these skills and more when they entered the 7th Annual International Forklift and Pallet Building competition for the first time - and won.
The team consisted of station attendants Zenabe "George" Gushish, Callum "Gump" McDonald, Warren Reimer and lead station attendant Mike Waller. The team is based out of Vancouver and has worked together in Vancouver Cargo for more than 10 years. They traveled to Hong Kong to showcase their first-class safety awareness and technical prowess.
The team won the Precision Forklift Driving competition, which focused on safety awareness and technical handling of cargo. Drivers were required to collect items of cargo and maneuver a congested course. The team also earned second runner-up standing in the pallet-building competition, which required teams to build a contoured lower-deck winged pallet following strict rules. Scores were based on build time, build quality and load distribution.
Congratulations to the Air Canada Cargo Vancouver team, for its contribution to safe and secure operations at YVR. (source: YVR Feb Air mail) (Unfortunately we have no names here - eds) By installing Loran equipment on the Trans-Atlantic Lancaster's in 1945, Trans-Canada Air Lines became the first commercial airline to employ this long range navigational aid.
During 1945, TCA was granted a permit to operate between Whitehorse and Fairbanks, and this was subcontracted to Yukon Southern Air Transport which began flying mail over the route on October 15th and passengers started November.
By installing Loran equipment on the Trans-Atlantic Lancaster's in 1945, Trans-Canada Air Lines became the first commercial airline to employ this long range navigational aid.
During 1945, TCA was granted a permit to operate between Whitehorse and Fairbanks, and this was subcontracted to Yukon Southern Air Transport which began flying mail over the route on October 15th and passengers started November.
Issue dated - October 1976 Some items gleaned from the "Horizons" magazines.
The Halifax sales campaign committee gets down to work. Representing their respective departments are, from the left: Terry McHugh, Airport Passenger Service; Carolyn Barrett, representing clerical staff; Victor Mahar, City Ticket Office; Greg Donohoe, In-Flight Service; Al Ward, District Manager; Jeannie Helms, Reservations and Dave Murdock, Passenger Sales Manager. Also on the committee are: Marg Molson, Reservations; Glen Williams, Aircraft Services; Sally Hill, In-Flight Service; Dick Nickerson and George Pachladakis, Maintenance; Norbert Robicheau, Cargo Terminal and Ron Maines, Cargo Sales and Service Manager.
On September 1st 1976, a revenue competition and top salesperson award was launched in the Atlantic Provinces to improve the company profit margin. Developing the contest rules for the competition are, from the left: Gene Burden, District Manager, St. John's; Ken Day, Manager, In-Flight Service Base, Halifax; Wendell Cook, District Manager, Fredericton; Bill Verrier, General Manager, Atlantic Provinces; Colin Lelliott, District Maintenance Manager, Halifax; Bud Carr, District Manager, Sydney and Dave Russell, District Manager, Charlottetown.
"Let's go," say these members of the Fredericton district revenue competition committee. From the left are: Bertha Calhoun, Secretary and Passenger Agents; Carman Burns (committee chairman) and Leonce Savoie.
Issue dated - January 1946 Some items gleaned from the "Between Ourselves" magazines -
The usually staid Lodestar could surely be forgiven a nervous twitch of its propeller blades on this occasion. As a matter of fact, as each of these young ladies mounted a ladder in Winnipeg nr 2 and took her place on the wing, the cabin temperature was noted to rise appreciately and the control surfaces to waver in the most uncertain fashion.
It was the TCA's first postwar class of stewardesses, getting their photographs taken on graduation day. From the Lodestar's point of view, we don't have these classes often enough.
There were eighteen graduates - all registered nurses - representing six of the nine Canadian provinces. In the photograph, back row, left to right: Zoe Stayzer, Peterbro; Margaret McRae, Calgary; Inez Harrison, Hamilton; Eileen Howard, Penticton; Mary McKibbon, Wingham, Ont; Irene Sheehan, Winnipeg; Wilhelmina Imbery, Estevan; Doris Proctor, Newmarket; Helen Davies, Vernon; Margaret Whelan, Landis, Sask; Helen Saisbury, New Westminster. Front row, left to right: Mabel Zinck, Chester, N.S.; Elenor Dewar, Winnipeg; Betty Hemingston, (Supervisor of Stewardesses); Bertha Currie, Portage La Prairie; Isdobelle Bart, Toronto; Anita Crockett, Edmonton; Leone Barry, (Stewardess Supervisor, Lethbridge); Donalda Presby, Perth, Ont; Vera Maskell, Strasbourg, Sask.
These are photographs of earlier TCA stations -
Penticton airport.
Torbay airport.
Toronto airport.
This notice appeared in this magazine: Trans-Atlantic Fare - $375 Effective December 25, a new one-way YUL - LHR passenger fare of $375 was inaugurated on the trans-Atlantic Service, replacing the previous $572. This brings the fare into conformity with those recently announced by the U.S. Trans-Atlantic operators. However, official authorization is still required for Trans-Atlantic: air passage so our service cannot yet be classified as a fully commercial one. (On January 16th 2013, the airfare YUL-LHR-YUL was base $410 BUT we now have fuel surcharge $412 and taxes, fees and other charges at $210 giving $1032 - eds)
Alan's Space - by Alan Rust |
Alan is on vacation.
Canadi>n/CP Air/PWA, Wardair, etc. People & Events
- Compiled by Terry Baker |
 News and articles from days gone by gleaned from various publications from C.A.I.L. and its "ancestry" of contributing airlines.
Hello all CP Air YXY and BC District employees! We hope you will be able to come to: A Whitehorse and BC District Reunion 2013 When: September 20-22, 2013 Where: Quality Resort Bayside Resort, Parksville, BC Cost: $75.00 per person
More details: This is the third reunion we have held (http://cedarcoast.ca/yxycp) and this year we have opened it up to all our friends in the BC District.(Sorry does not include YVR) This reunion is open to anyone who worked or flew in the BC District. This includes Reservations, Cargo, Airport, Maintenance staff, and Flight crews. Everyone on the team that made working in the BC District a unique place to be.
The Quality Resort Bayside is a lovely hotel located on the beach in Parksville (http://www.qualityresortparksville.com/). There are rooms blocked under the name YXY Reunion and rates at $99 for ocean side and $89 for inside. Please book your rooms as soon as possible to acquire these rates and be guaranteed to find space. Included in the cost are a Meet and Greet Friday evening with wine and appys, a party on Saturday night which includes dinner with wine, dancing, door prizes and lots of fun, and a buffet brunch on Sunday morning.
Accommodation and Saturday activities are separate Optional activities will be available during the day on Saturday. In the past, some people went golfing and others went on a 3-4 hour boat tour. There are also spa facilities and close by is Coombs and other interesting places to visit. Further details regarding these activities and costs will be made available closer to the event. For more information please contact: Marlie (Field) Kelsey at mjkelsey@telus.net or 250-246-5265. First come/first served. There is a limit for the Saturday dinner of 110. If we get a much higher response then we will consider another location for the dinner so it is important to respond as soon as possible. Please send payment as soon as possible to hold your spot by cheque or money order. Cheques should be made out to Marlie Kelsey and mailed to: Marlie Kelsey, 3332 Cook St., Chemainus BC V0R1K2 Looking forward to seeing you and catching up. Marlie & Phil Kelsey, & Brian Walsh 250-246-5265 jkelsey@telus.net
1999 - Feb 1st - Launch of One-World alliance - Mar 19th - Canadian moves into terminal 2 at Japan's Narita airport. - Apr 7th - Non stop service launched between Edmonton and Chicago. - Apr 27th - Sale close of two DC-10-30ER to Pegasus Aviation SFO. - Jun 1st - Non stop service commenced between Calgary - Halifax, and Calgary - Houston. - Sept 15th - Delivery of B767-300ER fin 647 assigned. - Nov 15th - Formal offer to purchase Canadian made by Air Canada.
Issue dated - March 1999 Gleaned from the "Canadi>n flyer" magazine -
The Randall's mark the passage of time. Just like old times for members of the Randall clan as they pose for a duplicate photo of one taken in 1966. This time, however, they traded in the DC 8 for a B747. Clockwise (from left to right): Bob Randall Sr., Ted Randall, John Randall and Bob Randall Jr.
Bangkok employees run for Terry Fox. Canadian Airlines staff in Bangkok (plus a PYM visitor) joined in the Terry Fox Run, which saw participants complete a circuit around the Thai city. Proudly showing off their completion certificates following the run are (left to right): Nuanalor Trakamphiroj, Sukanya Rattanavadee, Doreen Hazell, Patty Hatcher, James Bowden, Thammanoon Arampongpun and Atcharaporn Puangchoi.
Issue dated - January 2000 Found in the "Canadi>n Flyer" magazine -
Teddy Bear Affair was quite a ball! Canadian Airlines YYZ based volunteers are pictured here holding some of the Teddy Bears auctioned off at the 1999 Teddy Bear Affair Gala, held in YYZ on November 6, 1999. Canadian Airlines has been a co-patron of The Teddy Bear Affair for the past four years. This is was largest single fundraiser event organized by the Children's Aid Society foundation in Ontario. Over $500,000 was raised during the gala evening with all contributions being donated to their work with abused and neglected children.
In this photo we have at the back from the left: Maggie Luciani, Flight Attendant; Jenny Switzer, Catering; Barbara Danese, Flight Attendant; Kim Nixon, CSD; Sandy Miceli, In-flight; Rosa Savella, Inflight; Julia Dowhaluk, Conciege. Front from left: Alan Laurin, Flight Attendant; Jim Stewert, Manager Support Services, In-flight.
Reader's Feedback - Compiled by Terry Baker |  Every week we ask our readers for their stories or feedback on what they have read here in previous issues. Below is the feedback we have received recently. |
Ken Pickford sends us this message referring to NetLetter nr 1242: In the photo with the CP service awards in Australia (July 1984 issue), one name is misspelled on the photo. Stuart Walkerton's last name should read "Walkerden" as in the accompanying text. (Sorry Stuart, here is another photo corrected - eds) . Gretchen Aird Dawson has sent us this information: Whoops! An error in our NetLetter nr 1239 re the start of Canadian Maple Wings Association, as to the date it was founded, and as Gretchen was the founder, lets get the record straight: Just Gretchen dropping in to make a correction to the fact that in 1973 - a group of former "stews" - living in the Mississauga, ON, area, who regularly saw each other (mostly because they were Pilot's wives) - were planning a "backyard barbeque lunch at the pool", at the home of one of the gals'. They thought if each one of them (approx 6 - 8 of them), invited someone they knew, it could be fun! It snowballed very quickly; became more that one's backyard could cope with, and still snowballing on them, they then made arrangements with the Constellation Hotel. They continued to be inundated with calls, monies being sent in for reservations, etc. Word had got out and spread like wildfire! The rented hall could only hold 300 - and it resulted in a very crowded Luncheon, festive gathering, with the overflow (unable to participate), waiting out in the lobby, corridors, hallways, etc. At that time, I asked if I could present at the microphone my "dream" of a "Stewardess/Purser Alumni Association" - I was asked to do it another time - the few organizers were overwhelmed at the day's heavy organization and the exhaustion of it all!! Canadian Maple Wings Association wasn't formed or even started, in 1973; but my "dream" was even more so, encouraged. (To be continued in NetLetter nr 1244 - eds)
Odds and Ends.
Sometimes we receive articles and information that just doesn't fit in our other areas. This is where it goes!
Jim Griffith, a frequent contributor to the NetLetter, had this article in the RAPCAN eMailNews recently: I was just checking my old files and I have no idea why at one point I was researching the dew line. Anyway this is a story written by Myron Olson. He was based in VR when I was there and I think he was one of the guys who wouldn't join CALPA. Anyway the story is kinda interesting. I thought you might enjoy it.
I am reminded and recall one instance at CAM-C Near Gjoa Haven on King William Island. In December 1958, Les Bassinette and myself were sent from PWA Edmonton north as a repair crew at this DEWLine strip where an Anson aircraft was sitting mid-way down the strip (straddling the runway lights) damaged from a landing.
The Anson had undershot the elevated airstrip collapsing the right undercarriage scrapping the right wing and right engine. We were repairing this damaged aircraft utilizing the runway lights for a power source. On this particular evening a movie was being shown in the kitchen/dining room area of the Dewline site. We would come in to take a break, to watch the movie and warm-up. The first reel had run out and the projectionist was changing reels when one of the moviegoers decided to go outside. Much to his and our astonishment a large aircraft was sitting on the strip with engines running and with all the navigation lights and beacon lights on. The station manager made a hurried call to his superiors. With no further information into the identity of this craft, he grabbed his rifle and went to investigate. We initially thought the Russians had invaded the station.
So much for radar (Dewline) advising us the proximity and landing of this aircraft, which happened to be a RCAF Fairchild C-119 (Boxcar, or Packet) from 435 Sqn out of Edmonton AB. They were enroute from Edmonton to Hall Beach (only 200 miles off course) when the runway lights beckoned to them for this unscheduled stop at our small strip. Normally these runway lights would have been off. Not only did they goof their navigation, (with a navigator on board) besides the normal crew (pilot, co-pilot, flight engineer and navigator), they had an additional safety check pilot. In the back were a maintenance crew of six a spare engine and tools to change an engine in another RCAF C-119 at Hall Beach. The poor Captain was assisted into the dining room area and was shaking uncontrollably from this close encounter. He pulled off a landing on an unexpected short runway at night in the wrong place. The runway length was 2850 feet by 100 feet wide. They almost went off the end, which would have put them down in a gully. Only the nose wheel went off, as they were using maximum reverse power, (props in reverse pitch) to keep it on the runway.
All evening night and morning the ground crew ran the aircraft to burn off extra fuel, keep the engines warm and operational for their departure. The safety pilot closely consulted the aircraft operational manuals; he calculated they could make it off with a reduced load and all their personnel by the next day during the limited daylight hours. They off loaded all their tools and unessential materials, keeping the spare engine on board and loaded up the crews for take-off. The safety pilot took command; the original designated pilot was still too distraught for him to continue to operate. One engine was developing full power with water/glycol injection; the other engine could not do this performance, as this feature was unserviceable. Needless to say we were all watching and on the alert for their take-off and its consequences on this short runway. A light wind was blowing from the NW right down the runway. The a/c was backed to the very SE end of the runway. The a/c was at "full power" when the brakes were released and down the runway they proceeded. It looked like it was agonizing slow acceleration, the snow was blowing aft of the props in a blizzard type condition. From our viewpoint all we could see were the vertical fins moving down the runway right to the end, where the gully starts to fall away from the airstrip. This is the point where the rotation began for the take-off, resulting in the fins lowering and disappearing. Snow billowed up in a huge cloud like formation, for a moment we thought they did not make it! Engine power was still being heard and was being maintained. Finally the aircraft rose from the surrounding gully hills to proceed eastbound to Hall Beach.
Whew! This looked very exciting from our perspective; I wonder what it was like onboard! We went down to the airstrip to examine the take-off point at the runway end, and sure enough the main wheels left their marks 30 feet down into this gully before actual lift-off. I often wonder about that crew, their circumstances resulting from this event. Research indicates the RCAF Squadron was 435 out of Edmonton. Perhaps someone will come forward to tell the rest of the story.
Myron Olson revised 22 Nov 05 (source RAPCAN eMailNews Feb 6/13)
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips - by Terry Baker
A new law in effect in Florida requires international visitors, excluding Canadians, to have an International Driving Permit to drive in the Sunshine State, in addition to a regular driver's license. Travelers intending to visit Florida and drive, should apply for the permit before heading to Florida.
Travel Tips for Seniors from Dargal Interline Worldwide: Be careful when lifting heavy carry-on bags into overhead bins on airplanes. Ask for assistance if you need it. Buy luggage with wheels so you don't have to carry your suitcases around. Carry small packets of anti-bacterial hand cleaner if you're going on a hike or exploring, as places to wash your hands may be few and far between. Wear comfortable clothing while traveling that doesn't constrict or bind. You should be able to easily cross your legs when sitting. Sitting in a cramped position for long periods of time increases your risk of blood clots. If you are on a tour and prone to motion sickness, ride in the front of the vehicle, as riding in the back can intensify symptoms. Avoid drinking any beverages made from tap water in under developed countries. Hot beverages such as coffee and tea are likely to be safe. Avoid strenuous activities in hot climates during the middle of the day when the heat is most intense. Your body can lose its ability to regulate your internal temperature at safe levels, and can result in exhaustion, heat cramps, and heat stroke which can be fatal. Take a notebook with you while traveling to make notes of the activities you participated in, and write down any experiences you had. This will make your trip more memorable. Make sure to purchase supplemental health insurance while traveling. Lock up your valuables in your room safe or in the hotel's safe while traveling. Try to bring the least amount of jewelry possible, to prevent the possibility of theft. Now, why not check their numerous interline deals - The February 2013 edition of the "Airways" magazine contains an interview with Hollis Harris - CEO of Air Canada at one time. Air France uniforms recycled into car insulation. Air France is organizing a collection of old ground staff and crew uniforms at Paris-Orly and Paris-Charles de Gaulle airports. (source: ATN)
Smileys - Compiled by Terry Baker |  As we surf the internet and back issues of airline magazines we regularly find airline related jokes and cartoons. Below is our latest discovery. |
We have this series of cartoons by J.F.McDevitt who worked in Toronto. This series appeared in the "Between Ourselves issued June 1947.
Found on the internet:One day my friend, who we'll call Bob (since that's his name), was reading a clearance to an an aircraft as an MU-2 (high-wing twin) was landing. The other controller prodded Bob and said, "Look at this." The MU-2 had landed but was having trouble taxiing, despite applying plenty of power."I think our brakes have locked up," radioed one of the crew. "Can you look us over and tell us if you see anything?" "Do you want to tell them or should I?" asked the other controller "You tell them," replied Bob, grabbing a pair of binoculars. "I want to see their faces when you tell them that the gear is up."
The NetLetter is an email newsletter published (usually) once a week and contains a mixture of nostalgia, current news and travel tips. We encourage our readers to submit their stories, photos and/or comments from either days gone by or from present day experiences and trips. If we think that the rest of our readers will enjoy it, we will publish it here.
We also welcome your feedback in regard to anything we post here. Many readers have commented with additional information, names and personal memories from the photos and articles presented here.
The NetLetter, which is free, is open to anyone that wishes to subscribe but is targeted to retired employees from Air Canada, Canadian Airlines and all the other companies that were part of what Air Canada is today. Thanks for joining us! We hope you have enjoyed this issue of the NetLetter, see you next week!
Sincerely, Your NetLetter Team
Disclaimer: Please note, that neither the NetLetter or the ACFamily Network necessarily endorse any of the airline related or other "deals" that we provide for our readers. We would be interested in any feedback (good or bad) when using these companies though and will report the results here. We do not (normally) receive any compensation from any companies that we post in our newsletters. If we do receive a donation or other compensation, it will be indicated as a sponsored article or link.
E&OE - (errors and omissions excepted) - The historical information as well as any other information provided here is subject to correction and may have changed over time. We do publish corrections when they are brought to our attention.
First published in October, 1995
- Chief Pilot - Terry Baker, Nanaimo, B.C.
- Co-pilot - Alan Rust, Surrey, B.C.
- Flight Engineer - Bill Rowsell, Londesboro, Ontario
- Stewardess - Lisa Ruck, Brooklin, Ontario