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In This Issue
May 5, 2015
What's new this week:
Bishop Breidenthal named as nominee for Presiding Bishop

Election to take place June 27, 2015 in Salt Lake City, Utah
Bishop Thomas Breidenthal The Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church has released a list of names of four bishops it will place in nomination for the Presiding Bishop. The May 1 announcement confirmed the Rt. Rev. Thomas E. Breidenthal, Bishop of Southern Ohio, as a nominee.

If elected, Breidenthal would become the 27th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. The Presiding Bishop is elected every nine years to serve as the chief pastor to the Episcopal Church's 2.1 million members in 17 countries and 109 dioceses. The Presiding Bishop also acts as Ecumenical Officer for the church and is one of 38 Primates of Anglican provinces around the world.

Want a new website? (in a day!)

Hopefully by now you've seen the new and improved diocesan website. All of the coding for the site was designed so that any faith community in the diocese can use it to build their own site. It's easy to learn, simple to use and extremely flexible. You can build a site that doesn't look like a cookie cutter site but one unique to your needs.

We've set up four training sessions throughout the diocese to teach you the new platform. For current Digital Faith users, this training is designed to move your site to the new platform if you wish. But the training is not just for Digital Faith users, it is designed to give anyone who is interested the chance to build a new, easier to use, fully responsive and mobile-friendly modern site.

In most cases we will be able to help you get a new site up and running during the training. If your site is more complex or larger than most we may not finish it in a day, but you'll have a great start on it by the time you leave. (And you'll feel confident about what you have to do to finish it.

Training dates:

Wednesday, May 20
Church of the Redeemer, Cincinnati
Thursday, May 21
St. Christopher's, Fairborn
Wednesday, May 27
Holiday Inn, Ironton (401 S. 9th Street)
Thursday, May 28
St. Mark's, Columbus

All trainings will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., lunch is provided.  There is no cost to attend but pre-registration is required.
Register from the events page at
Upcoming events
May 9: Safe Church training (Glendale)
May 15-17: Deacons' retreat
May 16: Procter Bass Fishing Tournament
May 16: Safe Church training (New Albany)
May 16: Columbus Area Confirmation
May 20: Cincinnati area website training
May 21: Dayton area website training
May 27: East area website training
May 28: Columbus area website training
May 28: Anti-Racism training 
May 29: Safe Church training (Procter)
Summer Camp schedule
Quick Connections
Diocesan website
Diocesan calendars
Diocesan news
Bishop's visitation schedule
Stories from Episcopal News Service
News from Procter Center

Job Opening - Marketing Coordinator 

PCCC labyrinth

Procter Center is seeking an energetic marketer to be a part of its dramatic growth. This is an opportunity for a marketer with career development aspirations to build extensive hands-on experience, use her/his creative talents and thinking, expand her/his experience with a broad range of tools, and be a part of a compelling growth story.

Click here to see the full job description and how to apply


Labyrinth Fundraising Update

We are now over 25% of our goal of $5000!! Have you made you contribution yet?  Go here to learn more.


Gabriel's Place Plant Sale
GP plant sale Gabriel's Place is hosting a plant sale in the Gateway Quarter of Over-The-Rhine (Cincinnati) on Monday, May 11 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. There will be many annual plant starts to choose from that will be seeking a home in your summer vegetable garden! All of the starts come straight from the Gabriel's Place greenhouse. 

Proceeds from the plant sale will benefit programs at Gabriel's Place. Gabriel's Place is a non-profit organization that serves the Avondale neighborhood by way of food education and creating a safe, positive environment. We have a variety of programs and resources to engage the community around food and health, such as an urban garden, community kitchen, and marketplace. Gabriel's Place also employs teens and young adults for 8 weeks through the Summer Youth Employment Program to work in the garden. 

The sale will take place at Segway of Cincinnati, located at 1150 Vine Street (Corner of Central Ave. and Vine) Gabriel's Place is located at 3618 Reading Rd in Cincinnati. Call 513.221.2306 for more information.

Premiere of commissioned work for organ and choir


Holy Trinity, Oxford, has commissioned composer Adolphus Hailstork to write a work for organ and choir in honor of Dr. Frank Jordan, who served as organist at Holy Trinity from 1969 to 2013.  


Jordan and the Holy Trinity Choir, conducted by William Bausano, will present the new work. "Earth Child, Look Up," a setting of a poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar, at the 10:30 am Eucharistic Service on Sunday morning, May 10.  The commission was made possible with support from the Stanley P. Ferch Memorial Fund. 


Holy Trinity is located at 25 E Walnut Street in Oxford. Call 513.523.7550 for more information.


St. John's Music Series to feature New World Singers 


St. John's Worthington, invites you to hear the New World Singers of the Columbus Children's Choir on Sunday, May 17 at 3 p.m.


The Columbus Children's Choir is comprised of the finest young singers in Columbus and central Ohio. CCC's premier touring ensemble, the New World Singers, is made up of fifth- through twelfth-grade students. This group has toured throughout the US, Canada, and Europe, including performances at the White House and the prestigious International Festival of Music and Dance of Grenada, Spain. 


We invite you to enjoy excellent music in a beautiful and historic space. There is no charge for admission to the concert; a freewill offering will be taken to support the Music Series. St. John's is located at 700 High Street in Worthington, on the southeast corner of the Olde Worthington Village Green (High Street at SR 161). Visit for more information.

Concert to benefit Honduras Health

The Church of the Epiphany, Nelsonville, will hold a concert of favorite Broadway tunes on Saturday, May 30 at 4 p.m. at the church. The concert will benefit Honduras Health, a ministry of Bruce and Jane Ergood of that church.  

Tree-Lined Roads string ensemble will play, along with Bruce Ergood on clarinet, and Celeste Parsons will sing. There will be a free-will offering and refreshments following the program.

The Church of the Epiphany is located at 193 Jefferson Street in Nelsonville. For more information, contact Amy Abercrombie at 740.664.3370.

Coming in June: Team EpiscoPALS Vacation Bible School


Team EpiscoPALS The families of St. John's, Worthington, are extending a special invitation to kids in all other Columbus-area congregations to join in the fun as we learn about our tradition together at "Team EpiscoPALS" Vacation Bible School!

"Team EpiscoPALS" VBS will be held on four consecutive Monday evenings in June (the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th) from 6 to 8 p.m.  We'll begin by sharing a meal together, and then we'll have our large group gathering time, where we'll learn about the things that make our Episcopal tradition so unique. Over the course of our four sessions, kids will gain an understanding of their identity as Episcopal Christians, and they'll learn why it's so cool to be an Episcopalian!

After large group time each evening, we'll divide up into smaller groups (according to age) and experience different activities that connect to the evening's theme through art, science, games, drama, crafts and more! Each session will end with a time of joyous singing and dancing and a closing prayer.

Register your child(ren) online at If you have questions, please email Maggie Leidheiser-Stoddard, Coordinator of Children's & Youth Ministries at MaggieLS@StJohnsWorthington.orgAll who register will receive an email with important details sometime during the last week of May. St. John's is located at 700 High Street in Worthington.

Offerings from Christ Church Cathedral
The Taft Lecture Series Presents An Evening with Dr. Cornel West 


Cornell West The Taft Lecture Committee and Christ Church Cathedral are pleased to present renowned philosopher, academic, activist, and author Dr. Cornel West for a speaking engagement on Friday, May 22, at 6 p.m. The evening will include a lecture by West, followed by a Q&A session.  

The Taft Lecture Committee is pleased to bring West back to the Cincinnati area to discuss Sacred and Civic Values. In keeping with his writings and teachings, West has a passion to communicate to a vast variety of publics in order to keep alive the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. - a legacy of telling the truth and bearing witness to love and justice.


West is a prominent and provocative democratic intellectual. He is the Class of 1943 University Professor at Princeton University. He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard in three years and obtained his M.A. and Ph.D. in Philosophy at Princeton. He has taught at Union Theological Seminary, Yale, Harvard and the University of Paris.  He has written 19 books and edited 13 books. He is best known for his classic Race Matters, Democracy Matters, and his 2009 memoir, Brother West:  Living and Loving Out Loud.  He appears frequently on the Bill Maher Show, Colbert Report, CNN and C-Span as well as on Tavis Smiley's PBS TV show. 

Tickets to An Evening with Dr. Cornel West are free by emailing Limit four tickets per person. Seating is limited.

Music Live at Lunch performances in May

  Music Live at Lunch, Christ Church Cathedral's weekly concert series, will feature the performers listed below in May. These free concerts are presented on Tuesdays at 12:10 p.m. Patrons may bring their own lunch or purchase lunch at the cathedral for $5.


All performances in May will take place in centennial chapel except for May 12 which will be held in the nave.


May 12: The Sunburners: Party Band 

May 19: Ricky Nye (jazz piano) 

May 26: Jonathan F. Cooper, baritone


For more information, visit or call 513-621-1817.



Children's Flower Workshop

All children ages three and up are invited to join members of the Christ Church Cathedral's Flower Guild on Saturday, May 9 from 9 to 11 a.m. for a flower workshop! Children will learn how to arrange flowers and create their own arrangement to take home to give to mom (or any special person) for Mother's Day. There is no cost to participate and snacks will be provided. Please RSVP to Beth Mendez at by May 1.

Choral Scholar
Christ Church Cathedral, 318 E. 4th Street in downtown Cincinnati
Public Policy Spotlight


Compact for Ohio Families

public policy logo



Ohio's elderly forced to choose between food or medicine 

Current topics for discussion:


Stagaman, Breidenthal to address MARCC 

How is Greater Cincinnati's economic recovery affecting the enormous income disparity in the city? Agenda 360 Executive Director Mary Stagaman will give an overview of the 2014 Regional Indicators Report, discuss strategies to tackle persistent poverty, and take questions at the May Delegates Council of the Metropolitan Area Religious Coalition of Cincinnati on Monday, May 13 at noon. The meeting is open to the public.  Bishop Breidenthal will give the opening prayer and a short talk about the Episcopal Church.  All are welcome!  Bring your own lunch.  The meeting's in the undercroft of St. Peter in Chains Cathedral on 325 West 8th street in Cincinnati.  There's plenty of on-street parking with meters that accept credit cards.  Enter by the door closest to Central Avenue.

Repeats, reminders, etc.
ordination invite

Ham Loaf dinner
Eastertide Area Confirmations


In the early centuries of the Church, congregations would gather together at Easter for the rite of initiation administered by the bishop. There was something - there is something - about sharing those significant and transformative moments with the rest of the Church.


As such, we offer opportunities in multiple locations around the diocese to celebrate together the rites of Holy Baptism and Confirmation, Reception or Reaffirmation. The renewal of our commitment as followers of Jesus is no small thing. "Renew in these your servants the covenant you made with them at their Baptism," the bishop prays. "Send them forth in the power of the Spirit to perfrom the service you set before them....Let your Holy Spirit be with them; and so lead them in the knowledge and obedience of your Word, that they may serve you in this life, and dwell with you in the life to come; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Remaining 2015 dates

Saturday, May 16: St. Stephen's, Columbus; 11 a.m.


We hope this Easter season that many throughout the diocese will take advantage of these opportunities to be blessed by one another's presence and support that extend beyond our own local communities of faith.


Please use the online registration form if you plan to present people from your congregation or community of faith for Baptism, Confirmation, Reception or Reaffirmation at one of the Eastertide Area Confirmations. Registrations should be submitted two weeks prior to the date of the celebration so host congregations may plan appropriately.


For questions or for more information, contact Amanda Bower, Executive Assistant to Bishop Breidenthal at or 800.582.1712 ext. 103.



tea-cup-breakfast.jpg Spring Tea at Good Samaritan


Put on your best big hat and come prepared to sip from fine china cups as the ladies of the Church of the Good Samaritan, Amelia, host an elegant Spring Tea on Saturday, May 16 from 2 to 4 p.m. Tickets to the event are $20. 


For tickets or more information, contact Rita Buhler at 513.732.3743. The Church of the Good Samaritan is located at 25 Amelia Olive Branch Rd. in Amelia.

Spring Jubilee

The power of music to unite, inspire and enliven our souls will drive the launch of a scholarship fund for youth at St. Andrew's, Evanston, during the "Spring Jubilee," pew rally on Sunday, May 17 at 4 p.m.

From jazz to hip hop, to rock and roll, soul, and gospel, music impacts our lives. Come join us and enjoy a variety of music and fill your ears and your hearts with sounds of joy from soloists, school jazz bands, church choirs and women's ensembles from across the city.

St. Andrew's is located at 1809 Rutland Ave. in Evanston (Cincinnati). Call 513.531.4337 for more information.

New chapter of the Society of Catholic Priests forming in our diocese

Founded in 1994 and under the current patronage of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, the Society of Catholic Priests is a religious society of clergy in the Anglican Communion who seek to cultivate priestly spirituality and encourage catholic evangelism. Following the tradition of the "Anglo-Catholic" movement, the Society is open to all bishops, priests, deacons, and seminarians (as provisional members until their diaconal ordination), who:

1. Believe that the churches of the Anglican Communion are part of the one holy and catholic and apostolic church;
2. Are members of The Episcopal Church or the Anglican Church of Canada;
3. Embrace as colleagues all those admitted to Holy Orders in the same;
4. Believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist;
5. Embrace the sacramental life of the Church as means of God's grace;
6. And keep the Rule of Life of the Society.

In the Rule of Life, Society Members will commit themselves namely to:

*center their spiritual life on the Eucharist;
*say the daily office;
*consult regularly a spiritual director;
*make use of the sacrament of reconciliation;
*pray for their sisters and brothers in the Society
*offer confidential pastoral care to fellow members of the Society; and
*attend all meetings of their local Chapter unless prevented by good reason.

The work of the Society is to knit together its members in fellowship and support, to share the resources that strengthen our vocations and our spiritual progress in Christ, and to encourage the continuation and growth of the Anglo-catholic expression of our faith in the Episcopal Church. It is a lot more than just "smells and bells." This new group wishes to rise above the "lace equals grace" mentality to really sink our teeth into clergy community building, orthodox theology and catholic evangelization.

Several clergy from the Diocese of Southern Ohio, Northern Kentucky, and Indianapolis are interested in founding a new chapter of the Society. The first meeting will be on Thursday, May 21 at Christ Cathedral in Cincinnati from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Bishop Thomas Breidenthal will be the celebrant for Eucharist followed by lunch, a teaching opportunity by our bishop, and discussion on the chapter's by laws and local development. Lunch will be provided. 

If you are interested in attending the opening session, please contact Fr. Jason Prati at no later than May 18. If you are interested in learning about the Society, more information may be found on their website at or contact Jason directly. The Society is not only a great way to engage in fellowship with other clergy, but a strong way to deepen your own spirituality and ordination vows. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Campus Ministry grants available

Parishes, campus ministries, and extra-parish communities are invited to apply for campus ministry grants.  Grant requests are due on June 15, and grants for the 2015-2016 school year will be rewarded by August 1.  

Please follow this link to apply for a grant using our online form: 

CSA flyer


Job opportunities

Minister for Families
The Church of the Redeemer in Hyde Park, Cincinnati, is looking for an outgoing Minister for Families who has a passion for ministry and teaching and who would be the face of Redeemer's vibrant and growing young family program. Some theological background is a plus. (Families: Households with children aged infant through 12th grade. Focus on families with infants through 6th graders.) See more

Youth Minister 

Christ Church Cathedral, Cincinnati, is currently seeking applicants for the position of Youth Minister of our cathedral. The successful candidate will have a proven track record in both Christian formation and community building, capable of building upon the strong community focus of the departing youth minister and renewing programs that bridge our youth group from our children's Catechesis of the Good Shepherd classes to young adulthood. See more


Associate Musician for Children and Youth
Christ Church Cathedral, a vibrant and inclusive faith community in downtown Cincinnati, Ohio, seeks a quarter-time associate musician to lead and develop its choral music program for children and youth.

The successful candidate will have at least a bachelor's degree in a relevant field (e.g. choral conducting or sacred music), extensive experience as a choral conductor of children's/youth choirs, and an appreciation of the Anglican sacred music tradition.

Duties for this position will include: leading the Cathedral Choir of Children and Youth in weekly rehearsals, developing and implementing music theory instruction, actively recruiting new choristers, selecting and leading liturgically appropriate anthems in cathedral liturgies, leading the choir at other parishes and concert venues in the city, and directing an annual week-long summer choir camp. For more information about the cathedral and a detailed job description, visit

Director of Music/Organist

St. Philip's, Columbus, is seeking a part-time Director of Music/Organist. Responsibilities include directing and rehearsing Chancel Choir (15 members), selecting music for Sunday services, playing organ for one Sunday service and other service as required/necessary. The music program includes traditional and gospel music.

To apply or for more information, please contact the St. Philip Music Committee at

Director of Christian Education

Christ Episcopal Church, Springfield, seeks a person to serve in a half-time position as Director of Christian Education and Coordinator of Outreach Ministries. See more


Connections Deadlines
Didn't see any news about your congregation here? Submit your news! The deadline for each weekly e-Connections is every Tuesday morning at 10 a.m.

The deadline for Connections, the bi-monthy publication of the diocese, is every other month on the last day of the month:   
Jan 31 (Feb/Mar issue)
Mar 31 (Apr/May)
May 31 (Jun/Jul)
July 31 (Aug/Sep)
Sept 30* (Oct/Nov)
Nov 30 (Dec/Jan) 
Please send items to

*convention issue. Deadline may be changed in order to have all convention materials available for pre-convention meetings.
Smile for the day

If this doesn't make you smile, nothing will! Happy Tuesday everyone!

Diocese of Southern Ohio | 800.582.1712 |
412 Sycamore St.
Cincinnati, OH 45202