Inside District I 
May 2014 Newsletter
These are exciting times for District I and the City of Houston.

Over the past five months, I have met with dozens of residents, community leaders, and public officials about the future of Gus Wortham Park Golf Course - those in favor of a renovated golf course and those who prefer to see a botanic garden.

For me, it has never been an adversarial issue: one proposal versus another or 'this versus that'. In my deliberation, I placed the needs of District I and our city first. It has always been about economic development and the quality of life of our communities.

There are approximately $55 million waiting to be invested right here in our community. That is why I support a $15 million capital campaign to raise private funds to renovate Gus Wortham, and $40 million capital campaign to raise private funds for the Houston Botanic Garden at Glenbrook Park Golf Course. I strongly believe both projects, when completed, will attract tourism and spur economic development throughout our community and city. 
The administration and I have begun discussions on terms of agreement for a botanic garden at Glenbrook and renovations at Gus Wortham. I will work with both groups to ensure they develop iconic green spaces which all Houstonians and visitors can enjoy and that will enrich the surrounding communities. We have stressed that a renovated golf course must include other public amenities that everyone can enjoy such as a jogging path along the perimeter, bayou launch site for kayaks and canoes, and a dog run. It must also include a clubhouse with a reception hall and space for a restaurant with outdoor dining.

The dozens of meetings I have had over the past five months have been invaluable and helped shape my decision. I deeply appreciate everyone's passion, commitment, and love for Gus Wortham and our community.

    Thank you,
    Robert Gallegos
    Houston Council Member
    District I

City Breaks Ground on Second Convention Hotel
Last month, the City of Houston, Houston First and RIDA Development officials, broke ground on the second convention center hotel, the Marriott Marquis, in downtown Houston. 

When completed, the hotel will not only address the demand that currently exists for more hotel rooms near the George R. Brown Convention Center, but also help spur additional economic development in and around the area. It will have a tremendous economic impact on the local economy and create approximately 800 permanent jobs.

Houston's other convention center hotel, the Hilton Americas-Houston, has been profitable since opening and has helped stimulate development on the east side of downtown. "This is particularly important because the east side of downtown is often the first, and only, impression that convention visitors get to experience of our city," said Council Member Robert Gallegos. "This and other development projects in our community will benefit District I and our city for many years to come."

The Marriott Marquis will complement proposed plans to transform the area around the convention center into a landscaped, more pedestrian-friendly city center. Construction will begin later this month and is expected to be completed by the end of 2016.
Broadway Street Reconstruction Begins May
The City of Houston and TxDOT will break ground on the Broadway Street reconstruction project later this month.

The project will reconstruct Broadway, the main route into and out of Hobby Airport, from I-45 to Airport Blvd. All existing sidewalks and wheelchair ramps along the project will be rebuilt to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. New traffic signal layouts will be present at Dixie Drive, Santa Elena Drive, Bellfort Avenue, Rockhill Street, Morley Street, and upgrades at I-45 and Airport Boulevard.

"I am very excited to break ground on this project," said Council Member Robert Gallegos. "When finished, Broadway will be a signature corridor for our community and serve as a gateway for business travelers and tourists visiting our city."

The $17 million project is being funded through TxDOT and will be managed by the City of Houston Public Works and Engineering Department. The project is expected to last approximately 24 months. Motorists and the flying public should allow extra travel time and use alternate routes such as Monroe Rd. or Airport Blvd. to avoid delays.
27th Annual Art Car Parade - May 10th
The 27th Annual Art Car Parade will take place Saturday, May 10th from 1pm to 3pm just west of downtown Houston.
Over 300 jaw-dropping cars, bikes, skaters, and motorized creatures will roll down Allen Parkway, from Waugh Drive to Bagby. The parade is free to the public and family friendly. Spectators are encouraged to bring lawn chairs, blankets, umbrellas for shade, sunscreen, and plenty of water.
Watershed Market in EaDo - May 10-11th
Stop by the Watershed Market Mother's Day weekend, May 10-11th, from 10am to 6pm and enjoy shopping, entertainment, local food and beverages. The marketplace is quickly becoming a destination in central Houston for local food, merchants, artisans and innovators. Watershed Market's first weekend had over 3,000 attendees.

Watershed Market's objective is to be a Green, Local, Adaptive, Sustainable, Innovative, Reuse (GLASIR) Market, where locally produced goods and services are readily available in the community with a festive environment.

Watershed Market is located at 2322 Polk St. in 'East Downtown' (EaDo). 
Downtown Residential PIP Meeting  - May 28th
Downtown residents are invited to attend the Houston Police Department's Positive Interaction Program (PIP) meeting Wednesday, May 28th at 6:30pm. The meeting will be held at the Commerce Tower, 914 Main St.

PIP meetings are held monthly to provide residents information on crime prevention and services provided by HPD. This month, the PIP meeting will feature guest speakers: HPD Capt. Larry Satterwhite, Special Operations & Downtown Patrol; Council Member Robert Gallegos, District I; Marc Eichenbaum, Mayor's Office for Homeless initiatives. 

For more information, please contact Officer McElroy at 832-394-0033.
Safe Passing Ordinance Reminders
The City of Houston and BikeHouston have joined forces to launch a major bike safety campaign to enforce and educate motorists and cyclists about the existing Safe Passing Ordinance.

As part of the enforcement component of the campaign, the Houston Police Department has instructed officers to ticket drivers who violate the City's new Safe Passing Ordinance and cyclists that disregard their responsibilities to obey traffic laws. 

The stepped up enforcement includes undercover sting operations along roadways popular for cycling. The Safe Passing Ordinance mandates at least three feet of distance when passing and at least a six foot buffer when behind a bicyclist or other vulnerable road user. HPD has produced a PSA to help educate the public about the ordinance.  

Important Lifesaving Tips for Drivers and Cyclists

Lifesavers for drivers:
  1. Follow the law. Speeding and driving under the influence put lives at risk.
  2. Motor on, cell phone off. No texting while driving. It can wait, Houston!
  3. Give cyclists enough room. Houston law requires 3 feet or more.
  4. Intersections require special attention. Always scan carefully before proceeding.
  5. Never open a car door without looking for passing traffic.
Lifesavers for cyclists:
  1. Follow the law. Cyclists have the same rights and duties as drivers. Always ride with traffic, in the right lane closest to the curb, unless needed to use the left lane for a left turn. Stop when required.
  2. Be predictable. Make intentions clear to everyone on the road. Ride in a straight line and don't swerve between cars. Signal and check before changing lanes.
  3. Be extremely visible. Use bright white lights on the front of the bicycle and bright red lights and reflectors. Bright, reflective clothing should be worn.
  4. Think ahead. Plan your route carefully to avoid dangerous streets. Narrow, busy or streets with fast speed limits are particularly dangerous. Watch for car doors being opened, road hazards and drivers' next moves.
  5. Be Ready. Check that tires are properly inflated, brakes are working, the chain is running smoothly and quick release levers are closed. Leave the earplugs and mobile phone off while cycling. Fewer distractions and the ability to listen will reduce risk substantially. Always wear a helmet.
HFD Hiring Paramedics
In This Issue
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