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FVA Health and Social Care Bulletin, Monday 14 July 2014

Dear Colleague,

Welcome to the first edition of Fife’s Third Sector Health and Social Care e-bulletin. We hope you will find the content of this bulletin useful and informative. We aim to highlight strategies and plans (national and local) and promote Health and Social Care services within the third sector, with a focus on what’s happening here in Fife.

In this first bulletin we have included the Commission on the Future Delivery of Public Services: Christie Commission 2011 to give you background context on the changes to public services and the latest Scottish Government’s Public Audit Committee: Report on Reshaping care for older people 2014.

The New Director of Health and Social Care is Sandy Riddell. Fife will look forward to welcoming Sandy into his new post on 1st September 2014. Sandy is currently the Director of Education and Social Care in Moray Council.

We have outlined several key strategies and developments we feel you should be aware of along with a local spotlight for some of our great services/projects. If you wish to promote your service/project or have any news or events you would like to promote amongst colleagues then please contact Christine Davison on the details provided below.

This is your bulletin and we need you to help us shape the content and format. If you have any feedback or suggestions for future articles please do not hesitate to contact Christine Davison on 08456 006 046 or [email protected]

All the best from the team at FVA

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In this issue:
  » Fife's First Health and Social Care Forum
  » �100m Integrated Care Fund announced
  » EVENT: Joint Strategic Commissioning, 08 October 2014
  » Commission on the Future Delivery of Public Services: Christie Commission 2011
  » Scottish Government’s Public Audit Committee: Report on Reshaping care for older people 2014
  » A Route Map to the 2020 Vision for Health and Social Care
  » NHS HEAT Targets
  » Help with data sharing for all Local Authorities
  » Community Empowerment Bill Published, June 2014
  » Links Worker Programme – GP’s at the Deep End
  » The Scottish Government Launch 'Active and Healthy Ageing Action Plan' 2014-2016
  » Scottish Government Launch New framework plans for the future of support for sensory impairment
  » CHEX Policy Briefing Integration of health and social care
  » New Director of Health and Social Care
  » Save the Date: Adult Protection Conference, Thursday 30 October
  » Adult Protection News
  » �2.9 million Pledge to Help Fife Residents Keep Warm Next Winter
  » The Ecology Centre Open Second Men’s Shed in Crosshill
  » Footcare Fife

Fife's First Health and Social Care Forum

The first meeting of Fife’s Third Sector Health and Social Care Forum was held on Thursday 03 July. A total of 27 people attended the Forum which featured a presentation and Q&A session from Interim Director of Health and Social Care Stephen Moore. The Forum has received positive feedback from those who attended. Please visit our website to read more about the Forum and for a copy of the minutes, feedback and Stephen Moore’s presentation.

�100m Integrated Care Fund announced

The Scottish Government announced that additional resources of �100m will be made available to health and social care partnerships in 2015-16 to support delivery of improved outcomes from health and social care integration, help drive the shift towards prevention and further strengthen their approach to tackling inequalities. It builds upon the Reshaping Care of Older People (RCOP) Change Fund (which will continue as planned until April 2015). The new Integrated Care Fund will be accessible to local partnerships to support investment in integrated services for all adults. Funding will support partnerships to focus on prevention, early intervention and care and support for people with complex and multiple conditions, particularly in those areas where multi-morbidity is common in adults under 65, as well as in older people. Fife’s allocation is �6.73 million. We will distribute more information on the Change Fund here in Fife through future bulletins.

EVENT: Joint Strategic Commissioning, 08 October 2014

The event is at Dunblane – DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel at 9:30am-16:00pm. The event will focus on the analysis required for Integration Authorities to develop their Joint Strategic Commissioning plans in 2015/16. More information is available here or contact [email protected] to register your interest.

Commission on the Future Delivery of Public Services: Christie Commission 2011

Stephen Moore mentioned the Christie Report during his presentation at the First Health and Social Care Forum. When talking about integration or the changes to public services, it’s hard not to mention the report as it has informed most of these changes. The report recommends a more person centred approach and does not sugar coat the reality of less money and more demand. To read the full report click here, or for a quick summary click here.

Scottish Government’s Public Audit Committee: Report on Reshaping care for older people 2014

The Scottish Government has launched the 6th Report on Reshaping care for older people on Tuesday 17 June 2014. The report sets out the Committee’s views on the progress made in relation to the RCOP programme and the Change Fund. They also make recommendations aimed at enhancing the progress made with the RCOP programme and the Change Fund. To read the report click here.

A Route Map to the 2020 Vision for Health and Social Care

This paper sets out focus areas in the form of a ‘route map’ to NHS Scotland’s 2020 vision for Health and Social Care in Scotland. It highlights areas of success and areas for improvement and provides a good overview of what NHS Scotland wish to achieve by 2020 to ensure they are delivering safe, effective and person-centred care. To read the full report click here.

NHS HEAT Targets

To help understand NHS priorities here is a link to the NHS HEAT targets. These are used by all NHS Boards to target areas for priority/improvement.

Help with data sharing for all Local Authorities

To ensure good decisions are made it is vital to have good data. To support this, NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) are working in partnership with the Scottish Government, NHS Boards, Local Authorities and others to develop linked health and social care data for all Integration Authorities. Read more on the Health and Social Care Data Integration and Intelligence Project here.

Community Empowerment Bill Published, June 2014

The Scottish Governments Community Empowerment Bill has been introduced to the Scottish Parliament and was published in June 2014. The bill aims to make it easier for communities to take ownership or make more effective use of land and buildings, increase transparency and strengthen the voice of communities in how common good assets are used and how services are delivered. To read more or to read the bill please click here.

Links Worker Programme – GP’s at the Deep End

The joint ALLIANCE and GPs at the Deep End Links Worker Programme presents an opportunity for additional time and person centred support to be provided to those with mental health conditions in response to an increased need for mental health services in these practices. To read the last summary report and the Links Worker Programme website please read the ALLIANCE article here.

The Scottish Government Launch 'Active and Healthy Ageing Action Plan' 2014-2016

The plan highlights good practice to be spread and identifies ambitious but practical actions to be achieved by 2016, based around four key themes that older people indicated were important to them. To read the article please click here.

Scottish Government Launch New framework plans for the future of support for sensory impairment

The document recommends a framework for structured, co-ordinated, person-centred service delivery and support, implemented via local partnerships (including statutory and third sector partners) which will identify local priorities and approaches. You can read the full article here.

CHEX Policy Briefing Integration of health and social care

This policy briefing provides an overview of Health and Social Care Integration policy and the opportunities this creates for community-led health. To read the full policy briefing click here.

New Director of Health and Social Care

Our new director of Health and Social Care in Fife is Sandy Riddell. He is currently Corporate Director (Education and Social Care) with Moray Council and will start his new post in September 2014. He will take over from the current Interim Director of Health and Social Care Stephen Moore. Sandy will lead the transfer of services from the Council and NHS Fife to a new integrated Health and Social Care Partnership in 2015. To read the full news article on his appointment please click here.

Save the Date: Adult Protection Conference, Thursday 30 October

Fife Adult Protection Committee is holding a service user conference on Financial Harm on Thursday 30 October in Hall B, Rothes Halls, Glenrothes from 9.30am-1.00pm followed by a buffet lunch.

Adult Protection News

For the latest Adult protection newsletter please visit the Fife Council website.

�2.9 million Pledge to Help Fife Residents Keep Warm Next Winter

Fife Council expects to spend at least �2.9 million on making local homes warmer, more environmentally friendly and cheaper to heat, under current schemes run in partnership with Home Energy Scotland. To find out more and to find out which areas are targeted please click here.

The Ecology Centre Open Second Men’s Shed in Crosshill

The Ecology Centre have expanded their successful Tool Shed project, which is part of the Men’s Shed network, at Kinghorn Loch. The second Men’s Shed is located at BRAG Enterprises in Crosshill. The Men’s Shed provides meaningful volunteer opportunities through gathering donations of old tools from the local community and refurbishing them for future use. People living in the Benarty area and local groups are also welcome to use the workshop and tools free of charge to work on their own projects. To find out more about the Benarty Workshops please click here to visit The Ecology Centre website.

Footcare Fife

Footcare Fife is a third sector based service currently running in the Kirkcaldy area. Volunteers provide personal footcare to anyone who struggles or is not able to maintain their own personal foot care for a small charge of �5 which goes towards the sustainability of the project. Footcare Fife provides an anticipatory and preventative service which enables people to remain active and maintain their independence for longer. For more information please contact Footcare Fife Project Co-ordinator James Jack

Fife Voluntary Action
Tel: 08456 006 046
E-mail: [email protected]

Fife Voluntary Action is the Third Sector Interface for the Fife Council area.
supporting, developing and representing community groups,
voluntary organisations, social enterprises and volunteering


Registered Office: Craig Mitchell House, Flemington Road, Glenrothes, KY75QF.

Fife Voluntary Action is a Company Limited by Guarantee, Registered in Scotland No. SC203613 and Registered Scottish Charity No. SCO28457.