Center for Sustainable Communities
February 22, 2016
Center welcomes new fellows
Luther is excited to welcome Alison Schulte as the Outdoor Education Fellow and Allison Hren as the Food and Farm Fellow. Schulte will help plan and manage the Environmental Studies Pre-College Program, Discovery Camps and the Immersion Program. Alison is especially excited to use her leadership skills and outdoor experience in her work with the First-Year Immersion trips to make them a great experience for new students and upper-class students, alike. Hren, the Food and Farm Fellow, will be managing the Luther Gardens, supervising student workers and helping to produce food for the College's cafeteria. She also works with the Cafeteria to Community program, which provides food for a local food pantry. Allison is excited to grow food in the Midwest, as well as teach and learn from passionate students. These fellowships are made possible by a grant from the Margaret A. Cargill Foundation. 
Luther selected to receive assistance from National Renewable Energy Laboratories
Luther was recently selected to receive technical assistance at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratories (NREL), a research laboratory funded by the United States Department of Energy. The College hopes to utilize the expertise of the NREL to explore two projects in energy efficiency and renewables. The first project is to explore installing additional solar photovoltaics, including sufficient storage to reduce Luther's peak energy demand in the summer and winter months. The second is to explore designing and implementing a district heating and cooling system that would use geothermal, solar, and wind to power, heat, and cool the campus. The NREL recently began work on their study. This partnership is part of Luther's efforts to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. To learn more about the Climate Action Plan, visit our website.
On-campus work, summer internships available to students
There are many work study and internship opportunities available this summer to students interested in sustainability. 

Summer work study positions include:
  • Garden Crew Member
  • Recycling Crew Member
  • Discovery Camp / Pre College Teaching Assistant
  • Sustainable Foods Assistant
  • Land Stewardship Intern
  • Sustainable Agriculture Internship
Students interested in working on campus this summer must submit an application to the Human Resources Office by March 1st and submit an online sustainability application to be considered. More info

The Center for Sustainable Communities is also working with the Career Center this year to offer stipends of up to $2,000 for sustainability-related internships. A list of organizations interested in hosting Luther student interns is available on the sustainability website. Students are encouraged to reach out and make connections with these organizations but also have the opportunity to reach out and make new connections with organizations that would provide a good internship experience. All students interested in applying for an internship stipend must attend a mandatory meeting on March 8th at 9:40am in Olin 106. Applications are due by April 1st. More info
Wilderness First Aid training to be held on campus
Love adventure? Never be unprepared! Wilderness First Aid Training, sponsored by the Wilderness Medical Institute will be offered at Luther College on March 5 - 6, from 8 - 5 pm each day. The Training is designed to build competencies for performing medical assistance far from definitive medical care and is ideal for outdoor adventurers, camp counselors, and anyone who likes to explore off the beaten trail. Contact Emily Neal for course fee and registration. A discount is available to Luther students. 
Food Council calls for participants
The Luther College Food Council is looking for student members to join the organization this spring semester. Food Council is a student-run organization dedicated to learning about the Luther College Dining Services and serving as a liaison between the students and dining services. Food Council members meet weekly on Monday evenings at 5:15 p.m. during the fall and spring semesters. Members will frequently provide tabling in the cafeteria to gather diner's input. Council members listen carefully to comments and concerns made by other students and relay them to Sodexo staff to improve the dining experience at Luther. If you are interested in joining Food Council, please send an email to
Sustainability Tip
Double sided printing halves the amount of paper necessary, saving both paper and energy. It's easy too -- simply choose the double sided option from the print screen. All of Luther's printers can print double sided, just remember to click the box!
Questions or comments?
The Center for Sustainable Communities is always looking for ways to improve our publications and incorporate more information for our stakeholders. If you have any questions, concerns, general comments, or story ideas for future newsletters, please email at any time. Thank you!
This newsletter is provided by the Center for Sustainable Communities, which coordinates all sustainability initiatives at Luther College.  The mission of the Center is to promote sustainability and be a catalyst for change on campus and in the region.  For more information on sustainability initiatives at Luther and the outreach work of the Center for Sustainable Communities, please visit:
Upcoming Events
Thursday, February 25th
Sustainability Council Meeting
4:15-5:15pm Borlaug Room, Union 
Thursday, February 25th
Go Solar! Workshop
12:15 - 3:15 pm, Keystone AEA, Elkader, Iowa 
Saturday,  February 27
Shopping Shuttle
11 am  Student Organizational Suite
Student Spotlight
Leda Ebert '18 
Sustainability Educator and Gardener

Leda Ebert is a sophomore studying environmental studies. During the growing season, she works in the garden. She also works as a sustainability educator in Towers. There, her primary role is to monitor sustainability systems and initiatives in towers, and try to improve their effectiveness and use. Leda also communicates with other sustainability educators and the sustainability office about campus-wide initiatives and ways to make Luther more environmentally friendly. Leda says, "I see sustainability as a way that close, caring communities are created on campus, and I think the more momentum sustainability gains in the everyday lives of students and faculty, the more likely it is for there to be a profound change based on being environmentally aware.  I like working for sustainability because I feel like my time is well spent, and I get to learn more about Luther's sustainability and effective ways to share how it is important to be environmentally conscious."
Food Hub General Manager position available
The Iowa Food Hub, a non-profit local food distribution business, is accepting applications for a full-time General Manager to be responsible for daily operations. Read more
Iowa Meskwaki Food Sovereignty Initiative
The Iowa Meskwaki Food Sovereignty Initiative is seeking a Workforce Development Coordinator to work with the Sac and Fox Tribe of the Mississippi to develop the Red Earth Garden. Read more
NeSoDak Bible Camp seeks Sustainability Coordinator
NeSoDak Bible Camp near Waubay, North Dakota is accepting applications for a Sustainability Coordinator. This position would work on developing the sustainability curriculum and programming for the camp. Read more
Winneshiek County Conservation Summer Park Internship available
The Winneshiek County Conservation Board has an opening for a summer park internship. The intern will be responsible for  park maintenance and campground host duties. Read more
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