Center for Sustainable Communities
November 24, 2014
Immersion Program leader applications open for 2015 trips
Do you love the out-of-doors? Would you like to enhance your leadership and outdoor skills? Become a leader for the 2015 Immersion Program! Applications are now being accepted for student leaders. The Immersion Program provides current Luther students with outdoor leadership training and experiences while giving incoming students a community-building wilderness orientation that enhances their personal development and transition to college life. To apply, visit the Immersion Program website.

The new student immersion experiences are designed to give incoming Luther students the opportunity to engage in experiential learning, reflect on the natural environment, and share in fellowship with one or more current Luther students and a Luther faculty or staff member. After being put on pause for 2014, the Immersion Program has been revamped and recreated for 2015. Incoming first year students can apply and choose a variety of trips including canoeing the Upper Iowa River, exploring the Boundary Waters, biking around northeast Iowa, a local foods educational experience, and many more!
Students get involved removing buckthorn from Luther's natural areas

The Natural Areas crew reached out to different groups of students this fall to remove the invasive species that are ever-present in Luther's open spaces. On October 25th and November 1th, five First Year dorm floors went out into Luther's natural areas to help combat European buckthorn for their first year service project. The students worked in Hickory Ridge Woods as well as near and around Lindeman Pond. On November 12th, the annual Buckthorn Blitz was held to remove buckthorn from a large hillside in Hickory Ridge Woods. More than 20 students came out and were able to participate in the yearly event. The Natural Areas crew would like to thank all the students and RA's who participated in the service events!

Steam Distribution Insulation Project approved by Board of Regents
The Facilities and Sustainability Committee of the Board of Regents has approved the Steam Distribution Insulation Project. This project calls for the installation of insulation blankets on valves, expansion joints, traps across campus, as well as the insulation of several thousand feet of condensate lines in the steam tunnels. The initial project costs are $307,000, with annual savings estimated at $91,200 and a 3.4 year payback. This would reduce Luther's annual carbon footprint by 900 MT eCO2, or 5.4% of 2013's measured carbon footprint. Funds are derived from the college's energy savings, and project implementation will begin soon. For more information on Luther's energy projects, visit the Energy and Climate website.
Cafeteria to Community Program celebrates 1st birthday
On November 4th,  the Cafeteria  to Community Program celebrated its 1st birthday. Within the first year of this program, 15,000 pounds of food were packed by student workers and over 500 volunteers and delivered to area food pantries. The program started at Luther in the fall of 2013 as a student  initiative to reduce cafeteria waste and distribute food to hungry individuals and families in the area.  Thanks to a generous grant from the Winneshiek County Community Foundation, the program was recently able to purchase reusable containers for the program. Emily Dufford, a Center for Sustainable Communities project manager, has been working to develop educational materials for the food pantry to increase awareness of the program with the goal of a high retention rate for the new containers. Her work has included developing materials for native Spanish speakers. To read more about Cafeteria to Community Program, visit the website.
Sustainability Tip
Heading home for Thanksgiving or other winter holidays? Make sure you check out the Luther College Rideshare website, and carpool with other students who are going in the same direction as you! Also, before making the trek off campus, make sure your vehicle is in good shape for maximized gas efficiency- check tire pressure, breaks and exhaust to make sure you have a safe and easy trip home!
This newsletter is provided by the Center for Sustainable Communities, which coordinates all sustainability initiatives at Luther College.  The mission of the Center is to promote sustainability and be a catalyst for change on campus and in the region.  For more information on sustainability initiatives at Luther and the outreach work of the Center for Sustainable Communities, please visit:
Upcoming Events
Saturday, December 13th-  Woody Invasive Species Workshop
8am-noon Valders 367
Join Professor Molly NcNicoll, Brian Fankhauser (Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation), and Jessica Salesman (Effigy Mounds National Monument and Herbert Hoover NHS) for a workshop on how to assess, treat, and monitor invasive woody plant species on private land.Read more
Student Spotlight
Allison Bansen '16

Allison Bansen is a junior Environmental Policy major and History minor from Monmouth, Oregon. Allison works as a project manager for the Center for Sustainable Communities, and is specifically involved with Cafeteria to Community, the Luther College Gardens, and the Food Hub. Earlier this month, Allison presented on Cafeteria to Community at the AASHE conference in Portland. She says, "I enjoy working for sustainability because you get immediate gratification from all the work thats been accomplished and I love everyone I work with. It's such a fun and supportive work environment." Allison is looking forward to living in Sustainability House next semester. 

Citizen Outreach Director-  The Fund for Public Interest

The Fund for the Public Interest is seeking graduating seniors to build grassroots support for U.S. PIRG and Environment America and their campaigns. Read More

Intern- Fairshare CSA
Fairshare CSA is hiring three interns for Spring 2015 to help ensure that Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is accessible to all households and to strengthen the community of family farmers in Southern Wisconsin. Read More
Washington State Policy Coordinator-  BlueGreen Alliance 
The BlueGreen Alliance seeks qualified candidates for the new position of Washington State Policy Coordinator in Seattle, Washington. Apply by Nov. 30th. Read More
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