February 12, 2015

Click here for Convention reservations at the Marriott Marquis
 On-line registration for the Annual Convention will be available the week of February 16th.

The deadline to submit session proposals is April 10th

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The Affordable Care Act's Open Enrollment for 2015 will be closing soon on February 15th.  Community Action Agencies around the country are gearing up for one final push to register as many eligible clients as possible. Agency directors and program managers can remind staff of the deadline and that registering clients makes a tangible impact on their lives.


This year's improvements to HealthCare.gov have streamlined the registration process, in some cases taking as little as 20 minutes to complete.  Healthcare.gov features an array of useful resources to help clients register and the following links include additional resources managers can send to staff that can help with the final push for registration.


Click on the tools below for more information:

  For more information, click here


Join Jacob Harold and James Lum, GuideStar's CEO and CFO, respectively, on Monday, February 23, 2 pm EDT, for our first Impact Call of 2015: www.guidestar.org/impact. During the live discussion with participants, Harold will present and discuss GuideStar's theory of change, in which the organization of nonprofit information and data can strengthen every one of the four factors that lead to social impact:
  1. More giving-the financial capital that fuels the work of nonprofits;
  2. Smarter giving-a system that rewards performance;
  3. Reduced waste-less redundancy, busywork, and distraction; and
  4. Higher performance/effectiveness-greater results per dollar.
Click here to register

During the free Impact Call, Harold will spotlight GuideStar's 2014 achievements relative to this theory of change, including:
  • Evolving the Overhead Myth campaign
  • Collecting diversity data about nonprofit/foundation staff and boards
  • Progress towards collecting and disseminating quantitative programmatic data
  • Promising new partnerships with Intuit Labs and others
Harold and Lum will also discuss last year's organizational achievements with new internal systems and processes, opening a new, third office in San Francisco, progress towards its $10 million transformational capital campaign, and more. In addition, they will provide an overview of GuideStar's year-end financials and the organization's plans for 2015 and beyond.


OMB Uniform Guidance - Pre-Conference Seminar

Tuesday, February 24, 2015   
8:30 AM-3:30 PM
Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel, Arlington, VA
Registration Fee: $400


This interactive seminar will provide participants an overview of the large changes coming in administering Federal money. The presenter will step through the new rules and regulations and highlight changes from the current situation, discuss practical ways to address the new requirements, and point out areas to take advantage of opportunities to decrease red tape and increase efficiencies in the operations of your organizations. In addition to highlighting the upcoming changes, best practices for grant funded organizations will be reviewed and reinforced.

Presenter: Kevin Myren, CPA

Dear Colleague:
The purpose of this message is to provide you with an update on the second quarter allocations of Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) funds for fiscal year (FY) 2015.  These awards represent the third release of funding to-date for FY 2015.
Congress appropriated these funds under the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act of 2015 (FY 2015 Omnibus), which provided the final budget for FY 2015 and which the President signed into law on December 16, 2014.  The second quarter allotment for CSBG has been released to all States, Territories, and Tribes that have submitted complete plans.  A chart is attached to show the initial allocation amounts through January 15, 2015, the remaining second quarter allocations through March 31, 2015, and the total amount released to date for FY 2015. On January 15, 2015, ACF released the remaining portion of second quarter funding to States, Tribes and Territories. OCS will release the remaining funds prior to the start of the third and fourth quarters.
We appreciate your hard work and dedication to community services and activities supported with these resources.  Thank you for your continued partnership and cooperation with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and Administration for Children and Families (ACF).
Jeannie L. Chaffin                                                                          Seth Hassett
Director                                                                                           Director, Division of State Assistance
Office of Community Services                                                       Office of Community Services


Washington, D.C. - March 28 - 31, 2015


"NAWB's annual Forum is an unprecedented opportunity for business, government, labor, workforce, and education to come together with the goal of 'Advancing Workforce Innovation'," says NAWB CEO Ron Painter. "With the passage of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), workforce organizations must move beyond performance metrics and demonstrate true investment outcomes that can sustain a community. Forum 2015 explores models and solutions that help partners in workforce, education, and economic development collaborate, share knowledge, and create a common vision around the goals of technology, innovation, and service to our customers."


The programming for Forum 2015 addresses core issues affecting not only workforce development, but also education, economic development, and business and industry. Issue Sessions provide a close look at the changes required by the new WIOA legislation, while Impact Sessions move beyond the rules and regulations to focus on the strategic ways workforce stakeholders can impact and effect change in their regions. "All stakeholders will benefit from attending Forum 2015, whether you are a CEO, Chamber, workforce or education professional," said Painter. "Forum 2015 will equip attendees to provide vision, leadership, and impact in addressing the workforce needs and improving the economic health of their regions."


Some of the highlights planned for Forum 2015 include:

  • Pre-Conference Sessions - Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), strategy, convening and partnerships, labor market intelligence, responsive business engagement

  • Legislative Updates
  • Keynote Speakers: Victor Hwang, CEO and Co-Founder, T2 Venture Creation; Aaron Hurst, CEO, Imperative
  • Issue Sessions - 'deep dive' discussion of what is required to fully implement WIOA and ready our regions for change.
  • Partners' Exchange - Interactive meeting with workforce partners
  • Workshops and Quickshops on key workforce issue areas
  • Beautiful Venue - Washington D.C. Hilton

Online registration ends 3/13/15. Learn more.



Poverty, the Parties & the Presidency 

March 24-27
Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill
Washington, DC 

 Register Here  

NCAF's 2015 Legislative Conference will look to further engage Community Action in Presidential politics as we look toward 2016.

Congress 101

This pre-conference gives participants a unique view of how Congress works (and doesn't work). David Bradley will first take you through how a bill becomes a law, then he will lead you through a one-of-a-kind game where you will role-play the legislative process. Congress 101 will help you better understand Congress, special interests, the Tea Party and prepare you for your Hill meetings that week.

Congress 101 is vital for anyone who is serious about Community Action in Congress. Space is limited for this updated pre-conference where you will learn about legislation in the 114th Congress. 


Join CAPLAW for this webinar series focused on an in-depth review of how Community Action Agencies handle indirect costs. This series is for financial directors and managers, executive directors and programs directors experienced in working with and applying the current federal grant requirements governing indirect costs.  Through four one-hour webinars, we will explore the practical impact of the Super Circular ("Uniform Guidance") on the treatment of indirect costs.  We will not only discuss what's new under the Uniform Guidance, but we will also help CAAs analyze whether the ways in which they comply with the unchanged requirements as well new aspects of Guidance are sound and effective.  Using scenarios and examples, we will examine how administrative costs may be charged, the 10% de minimis rate, indirect cost rate options, the choice to extend current rates and much more!   

February 25 - What is the Best Option for Calculating Our CAA's Indirect Cost Rate/

March 4 - Does Our CAA Effectively Estimate and Reconcile Indirect Costs?

To learn more and register, please visit CAPLAW's website here. 



SafeLink has extremely exciting news for the Community Action network.


Because of our partnership and the work local CAAs do for low-income individuals SafeLink has restructured the commission payments for local CAAs (see below for a comparison of the old vs. new structure). The restructuring includes moving from quarterly to monthly payments and more importantly the range of approvals has increased dramatically. If your agency enrolls two clients per business day you can make approximately $9,600 per year!  Agencies could see their commission payments not only double but quadruple. SafeLink's hope is that this revenue can be used to support your staff and programs so that you can continue to provide your clients with the services they need.


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact SafeLink at 1-855-296-4764 or info@safelinkagencies.com.



STEPS, Inc. is the new community action agency in Virginia, serving the Farmville area, that was designated on December 1, 2014.

STEPS, Inc. has been working with Jack DuFour and Alley Heffern on their Taaluma Totes project since inception.  Check out the website http://www.carryacountry.com/ for further information on the backpacks produced and sold by Taaluma Totes, which is a Virginia-based company founded by two Virginia Tech alumni.  The important point is that the backpacks sold by Taaluma Totes are produced in STEPS, Inc.'s Victoria plant by employees with disabilities.

The backpacks that "carry a country" are made with traditional fabric from these countries, and twenty percent of the profits from each tote are microloaned to farmers and small business owners in your tote's country.  The countries include Ghana, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Mali, Rwanda, Thailand, Uganda and Vietnam.

Tune in to "Shark Tank" at your local ABC affiliate at 9:00 pm on Friday, February 20, 2015 to see how these amazing young people fair "in the tank!"  Jack/Allie are not permitted to give us the outcome of their experience, but the exposure will be GREAT.  These young people are quite impressive and are committed to helping STEPS rebuild the manufacturing  base in Victoria for the entire workforce, but especially for their employees with disabilities!!

There is a great link to the Shark Tank episode which has a photo of Jack and Allie, the co-founders of Taaluma Totes:  http://www.gettyimages.com.au/detail/news-photo/episode-617-interest-in-a-scholarship-app-created-by-a-news-photo/462681588 

On-Site Trainings
April 20-21, 2015
In-Depth Training on OMB's New Uniform Guidance
Hilton Sacramento Arden West
2200 Harvard St
Sacramento, CA 95815
Registration Fee
Early-bird rate: $625 per person if registered by March 23, 2015
Regular rate: $775 per person if registered after March 23, 2015
February 17, 2015 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Community-Based Program Evaluation & Reporting
February 18, 2015 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 10% De Minimis Indirect Rate: Is It Right For You?
March 10, 2015 10 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Indirect Cost Rates
March 12, 2015 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 10% De Minimis Indirect Rate: Is It Right For You?

 Click here to learn about the Irwin Siegel Agency  
alliance with the Partnership or visit their website.