Stop and Reflect
Issue: # 162February 2014
In This Issue
Find out more about Coaching Teams
Workshops in Indonesia
Ernie in Singapore
How illiterate are you?
Self Assessment in 5 min
The 1 minute gift
Gentle Interventions is out!
The SUSTAINABILITY pick of the month:
Zhang Yin, founder and chair of Nine Dragons Paper
Women and Sustainability: Taking a lead in China
Teachers as Coaches?
"Yes, we can!" - LIM helps transforming Romanian Schools through coaching


Coaching Teams
for High Performance
Find out more about the powerful design to become a High Performing Team 
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JOIN The LARGEST committment for Pro Bono work in corporate history

A Billion+ Change
Stop and Reflect
Co-Editor: Tony Pearson
With your first  morning coffee, get Isabel's famous Quote of the Day

Developing the Sustainability Mindset.

"Read and act on this fundamental wisdom"
Rick Schnieders, Chairman and CEO (ret.), Sysco Corp.

American Chamber Indonesia

Invite you 
Tools for Effective Leadership
Ernie Turner, President of LIM and author of Gentle Interventions
Jakarta - Feb 25, 2014
Bali - Feb 26, 2014
For information and registration, click here
Organizer: ODG
Host: SIM House
For information and registration click here

Dear Reader,


Some time ago a corporate leader mentioned that he noticed the articles in this newsletter had shifted over the years more towards sustainability topics. He wondered why.  The reason is that sustainability has increasingly moved from a 'nice to know' to a need to know topic.


Ten years ago, we had to define what we mean by 'sustainability'. Sustainability of what? Was a frequent question I was asked. Today, there is not a day that we are not confronted with some news that impact life as we knew it. Whether it is weather related events, or the economic impact of climate change, or the social consequences of economic decisions...


As scientist and trend forecaster Chris Martenson puts it: The next twenty years will not be like the last twenty years. Are you prepared?


Enjoy the thinking!


(And check out the Quote of the Month at the bottom - inviting you to Stop and Reflect...)



 By Isabel Rimanoczy


If you are a leader, an entrepreneur, a coach or a consultant to organizations you have probably noticed that something has changed drastically in the context of our lives.


Something unusual is going on when Coca Cola declares major problems with the company's supply of  sugar cane, sugar beets, and citrus for its fruit juices, while Nike indicates difficulties with the provision of cotton for their products, due to increased droughts, or "100-year" floods that seem to happen every two years. A few years ago, floods temporarily shut down four Nike factories in Thailand.


At the recent World Economic Forum in Davos, participant Fred Krupps, coauthor of the New York Times bestseller, Earth: The Sequel - The Race to Reinvent Energy and Stop Global Warming, reported there were this year more than 30 official sessions on climate change, environmental resilience and food security, and even more related side events.  Read More... 


                                 8 QUESTIONS


Here are eight questions you might want to ask yourself:

  • If everyone would do what I am doing,  what would be the impact on the world?
  • What are the long-term implications of what I do each day?
  • What do you think will happen if this trend continues?
  • When I throw my Styrofoam take-out container away, where is "away"? What happens to the container?
  • Are people in my line of work part of the problem or part of the solution?
  • Is my work more about generating money in the short term or adding value in the long term?
  • What will people in my line of work have to let go of to make the changes that seem to be called for?
  • How can I and my colleagues/work mates model new ways of being?
Want do get a picture of how sustainable your thinking is?

Take this self-assessment to see how you qualify in terms of sustainability in action. Click here.

We want to hear from you!

Click here to leave a comment 


Give yourself a little gift
Bobby McFerrin Singing with the audience - Ave Maria (Live Video)
Bobby McFerrin Singing with the audience - Ave Maria (Live Video)
    It's Out!!
Gentle Interventions
Little things that make a BIG difference

Have you wished there was a book with simple tools, that you could just read and try out next morning with your team, and that would be so powerful that it would qualify for the "best of the day" for everyone?
Wish no more and check out Ernie Turner's latest book with stories and tools that are powerful, simple and fun. Click here

If you are alive today, you have a role to play.



LIM - Leadership in International Management is an international consulting firm with Learning Coaches in USA, Latin America, and Asia. We develop your leaders while they develop your business. Visit out website