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William & Mary

427 Scotland Street
Williamsburg, VA 23185


Director Mike Tierney


In the World shares the latest news from ITPIR, the Institute for the Theory & Practice of International Relations at William & Mary.


This summer ITPIR's Scotland Street House has been buzzing with activity -- we held a data training boot camp for 23 AidData Summer Fellows, we sponsored numerous seminars from visiting scholars, the lobby doubled as a theater for dozens of World Cup soccer games, and we employed more than 100 William & Mary students who served as research assistants and collaborators on six different faculty led projects.


Highlights include the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI), a White House backed initiative to bring African leaders to leading universities in the United States, the Reform Efforts Survey in more than 100 countries, co-authored and solo-authored academic articles by students, and much more. ITPIR's scholarly projects foster student-faculty collaboration, leveraging the energy and acumen of undergraduates to conduct research, create knowledge and make recommendations to practitioners and policymakers for addressing the world's challenges.


Thank you for your interest in and support of our work to bridge the gap between the theory and practice of international relations. We hope you can join us for our Homecoming BBQ October 18 (see details below) or whenever you may be in the area!



Mike Tierney, Director

Teaching, Research & International Policy (TRIP) to Launch Global IR Poll

The Teaching, Research & International Policy (TRIP) Project will launch two major initiatives near the end of August aimed at bridging the gap between academics and policymakers. The first is a survey of international relations (IR) faculty in some30 countries designed to examine teaching and research trends and foreign policy views in the IR discipline. Now in its fifth edition, the survey expands to include scholars in rising powers such as India, Brazil and China; more than 10,000 will be invited to participate. Read more.

AidData Welcomes African Leaders
YALI at W&M: The barbecue
YALI at W&M: The barbecue
Five hundred Washington Fellows visited the U.S. for six weeks this summer for the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI). For two of the weeks 25 fellows enjoyed sessions at William & Mary and AidData. Read more. Also, see the recent post about the YALIparticipants while in Williamsburg on the AidData blog First Tranche "Can Open Data Transform the Future of Africa's Development?"
Reform Efforts Survey Exceeds Goals
The Making Reform Incentives Work for Developing Countries project has successfully completed the 2014 Reform Efforts Survey, a first-of-its-kind survey of development policymakers and practitioners from 121 low- and lower-middle income countries and five semi-autonomous regions. The combination of depth and breadth in survey responses will provide researchers with an opportunity to study the determinants and effects of reform in a uniquely comparative and detailed context. Read more.
AidData Fellows Empower African Organizations 
This past June, 21 student researchers from seven universities traveled to Nepal,Uganda, Timor-Leste, Senegal and Mexico to serve as AidData Summer Fellows. The fellows worked with 12 local organizations including universities, think tanks, government line ministries and civil society groups to equip them to leverage geocoded data to solve development challenges in their own communities, through program planning, advocacy, and research. Read more. 
W&M Student Research Takes on Jeff Sachs and Bill Easterly
Recently Rob Marty, a teaching assistant for advanced geographic 
information systems (GIS) for biologists, examined the impact of health aid in Malawi using sub-nationally geocoded development data produced by AidData. Marty has found that while aid is inconsistently given to disadvantaged areas of the country, health aid is significantly associated with reducing disease burdens. The results stand in contrast to macro-level results and highlight the importance of examining aid impact from the sub-national level.
ITPIR Homecoming BBQ for Alumni and Friends

Please join us for a homecoming reception for ITPIR alumni and friends that will include lunch and a chance to catch up with friends, meet new people, and learn about the latest achievements of the ITPIR projects: AidData, TRIP, Reform Incentives, PIPS, VIPCAT and CAD. Saturday, October 18, 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. at the Scotland Street House. We hope you can stop by.

Upcoming Events
2014 Reform Efforts SurveyTabulating results ongoing
2014 TRIP Global IR PollAugust through October
TRIP Project WorkshopAugust 26 Conference D.C.
Daniel Drezner: IR Zombies
September 4 at 5 p.m.
Homecoming BBQOctober 18 11:30-1:30
AidData Research ConsortiumJanuary 2015
TRIP Conference on Strengthening the LinksJanuary 2015

events are in Williamsburg unless otherwise noted
2013-2014 Annual Report

If you missed the previous edition featuring the ITPIR Annual Report, click here to read it now.

Where are they now?

Philip Lavely, '14. 

PIPS intern now faculty and research assistant to Professors Eric Werker and Akshay Mangla in Business, Government, and International Economy at Harvard Business School.

Ellie Kaufman '13. 

Former Communications Associate for AidData now a social impact fellow at the Huffington Post

Sneha Raghavan, '12.

AidData research assistant, now a research assistant at the Center for Global Development.

Scott Johnson, '05. 

Former PLAID (AidData) researcher now at Bloomberg in London. 

Wenxia Tang.

Former AidData consultant now at the World Bank.

If you are an Institute alum and have some news to share, please pass it along! If you want to network with fellow ITPIR alums, please provide your current info here:  and see who else is networking.

About the Institute


The Institute for the Theory & Practice of International Relations at William & Mary provides a home for interdisciplinary, collaborative, internationally-focused research projects that employ social science methods to make meaningful contributions to contemporary international debate, policy and practice.  


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