November 2013


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Director Mike Tierney

In the World shares the latest news from ITPIR, the Institute for the Theory & Practice of International Relations at William & Mary.


ITPIR's scholarly projects foster student-faculty collaboration, leveraging the energy and acumen of undergraduates to conduct research, create knowledge and make recommendations to policymakers for addressing the world's challenges.


The 2013-14 academic year is well underway, as are the efforts of ITPIR to bridge the gap between the theory and practice of international relations. Thanks for your interest in our work.



Mike Tierney, Director

AidData Welcomes Peer Higher Ed Development Labs to W&M for Inaugural Technical Convening 

 The U.S. Agency on International Development (USAID) Higher Education Solutions Network (HESN) convened its seven development labs in Williamsburg for the first annual Technical Convening  November 16-18. Students, faculty, development experts, researchers and entrepreneurs came together at William & Mary to explore how science, technology and innovation can solve tomorrow's development challenges. The seven schools are: W&M, University of California at Berkeley, Duke, Michigan State, MIT, Texas A&M, and Makerere (Uganda). During TechCon, students participated in a judged innovation marketplace. The winner, Brian Gitta and the Matibabu team of Makerere, developed the promising innovation of a non-invasive malaria diagnosis tool. AidData's Tuff project claimed second place and won a cash prize of $1,000. See TechCon photos. Read the full story.


Harvard Professor & Foreign Policy Blogger Stephen Walt Critiques U.S. Foreign Policy

Stephen Walt at William & Mary's IR Institute
Stephen Walt at William & Mary's IR Institute
Celebrated international relations scholar Stephen Walt of Harvard University delivered several lectures and participated in a number of smaller group discussions with students and faculty during a recent visit to William & Mary. His visit culminated in a presentation attracting more than 500 titled: "Follies and #@!%-Ups: Why U.S. Foreign Policy Keeps Failing." View his presentation in its entirety above (~40 minutes plus ~20 minutes of Q&A).

William & Mary's Finest Succeed in PIPS Internship at Army War College Simulation

At the conclusion of their summer internship at the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), three William & Mary students participated in the Unified Quest: Deep Futures Wargame at the Army War College at Carlisle Barracks, Pa.  Lt. Gen. Keith Walker recognized the students - Amanda Brazzel '13, Christopher Coelho '15, and Eric Sawchak '14 - for their outstanding work over the summer preparing for the simulation.  The students conducted research and wrote papers for the Human Dimension, Future Warfare, and Science and Technology Divisions of TRADOC's Army Capabilities Integration Center (ARCIC).
  Read more.


AidData Launches New Data Portal



Building upon previous efforts to track all aid flows, the 3.0 data portal seeks to capture the total resource envelope available to countries to plan for their development. In one interactive interface, policymakers and practitioners are now able to compare data on more than $40 trillion in remittances, foreign direct investment and aid from 90 donor agencies. Private foundation grants and domestic public expenditure from developing countries also will be added in the coming months. 


TRIP Survey Garners Media Attention

Since its release, the TRIP-Teaching, Research & International Policy-survey continues to grab the attention of journalists. Mentions include the August 31 edition of The Economist; The Washington Post Monkey Cage blog; and a forthcoming article in the Cambridge IA journal, International Organization. 


See the series of Monkey Cage articles. 


See the Latest Photos on our New Flickr Account Including the September Open House & All the Latest Happenings ...


Where Are They Now?

Ishita Ahmed '11, a former AidData RA took her experience to Bangladesh and Ghana, where she worked on a series of field experiments in international development. She is currently working as a Project Manager at Stanford University and plans to apply to PhD programs in the fall.

Colleen Devlin '13, former part of the Social Conflict in Africa Database team, now a Presidential Intern at the American University in Cairo. 

Nakul Kadaba '11, former ITPIR RA, is now an international development specialist associate with Small-Scale Sustainable Infrastructure Development Fund (S3IDF).

Sherman Patrick '05, serves as a Legislative Assistant for the office of Senator Christopher A. Coons, and specializes in legislative branch national security, with particular focus on the future of national security in the cyber domain and civ-mil relations.

If you are an Institute alum and have some news to share, please pass it along! If you want to network with fellow ITPIR alums, please provide your current info here: 

About the Institute


The Institute for the Theory & Practice of International Relations at William & Mary provides a home for interdisciplinary, collaborative, internationally-focused research projects that employ social science methods to make meaningful contributions to contemporary international debate, policy and practice.  


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