Special Edition: AidData at William & Mary
November 2012
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AidData Brings $25-Million Award to W&M to Establish AidData Center for Development Policy

Research center poised to transform the way foreign assistance is targeted, monitored and evaluated

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has chosen William & Mary to lead a five-year, $25-million award to create the AidData Center for Development Policy, a research center that will create data and tools to enable the global development community to more effectively target, coordinate, deliver, and evaluate foreign aid. Read more.


USAID Award Ceremony and Launch Event
Alena Stern '12 represents AidData and William & Mary during the USAID Higher Education Solutions Network (HESN) launch event at the National Academy of Sciences on Friday 9 November 2012. 
From left: University of Texas-Austin Professor Kate Weaver; Director of the AidData Center for Development Policy, Mike Tierney; Co-Executive Director of AidData, Brad Parks; and Jaclyn Goldschmidt '13 at the HESN launch event.
From left: W&M Professor Mark Buntaine, Michelle Selim, W&M Professor Carrie Dolan, and Sneha Raghavan '12 at the HESN launch event.
Photos by Stephen Salpukas/College of William & Mary
The AidData Center for Development Policy

The USAID award will support the establishment of the AidData Center for Development Policy, which will be headquartered at the Institute for the Theory and Practice of International Relations.

The mission of the AidData Center for Development Policy is to create geospatial data and tools that enable USAID and the broader global development community to more effectively target, coordinate, deliver, and evaluate aid.

The AidData Center for Development Policy will provide a physical space and intellectual community where leading experts in aid policy, practice, and research can come together to solve vexing global development problems with geospatial data and tools.  

The Center is a joint venture between the College of William & Mary, Development Gateway, Brigham Young University, the University of Texas at Austin, and Esri, a GIS technology company. Read more. 

AidData Video: Student-Faculty Research to Transform the World
AidData: The next transformation
Co-Director of the Institute for the Theory and Practice of International Relations, Mike Tierney, and AidData Co-Executive Director, Brad Parks, discuss AidData and $25-million award from USAID which will help to establish the AidData Center for Development Policy at William & Mary.
AidData Video: 
The Student Perspective
AidData: The student perspective
William & Mary students discuss the research they are conducting on AidData, the world's premier database on international aid. 

To learn more about AidData and the Institute for the Theory and Practice of International Relations at the College of William & Mary, please visit our website at www.wm.edu/itpir