iLEAD Lancaster Monday Message
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School Hours
1st - 7th grade    
Monday - Thursday, 8:30-3:00

Friday, 8:30-12:00


Kindergarten (A.M.)

Monday - Friday, 8:30-12:00


Kindergarten (P.M.)

Monday - Thursday, 11:30-3:00

Friday, 8:30-12:00

Extended Day Program
Volunteer / Participate
AV Home Show
Last weekend, several of our families stopped by to see us as we talked to the community about iLEAD Lancaster Charter School. Thanks to everyone who came by to say hello. We'll be at the Poppy Festival on April 18 and 19. Hope to see you there!   
Talent Show - Friday, 4/3 @ 5:30 p.m.
Today, iExpress Talent Show tickets go on sale for $3 each in the front office before school (8:00 to 8:45 a.m.) and after school (3:00 to 4:30 p.m.). Only 150 tickets are available, so please purchase as soon as possible. We hope you can join us to watch our talented learners in this year's final talent show.  
iLEAD at the Jethawks Fund-raiser - Friday, 5/8 @ 5:15 p.m. 
JetHawks We hope all our families can join us for this great fund-raising event! Come support iLEAD Lancaster and purchase a night at the ballpark with iLEAD Lancaster families. Tickets are only $10, and this is a fantastic fund-raising opportunity for our school!

Tickets are available at the front desk: $10 for all ages for field-level seats. If your learner needs a seat, s/he must have a ticket.

Please have learners arrive at 5:15 p.m. for the pregame festivities, a parade, and first pitch. Look for instructions from your child's facilitator soon.

May 8
is a fireworks night, and our sections are nearest the FREE children's area. No admittance without a valid ticket.  
School Lunches
Click here for the lunch order form. Lunches can be ordered up to four weeks in advance. The order form and money are due on the Friday previous to the week of the lunch order. For example, lunch orders for the week of April 6 are due on Friday, April 3. Learners who stay in extended day on Friday  will also be able to order lunch. We look forward to serving our learners! 
2014-15 Yearbook
Have you captured an amazing moment of iLEAD culture? If you have, please e-mail your picture to Jenn at for consideration to be included in the 2014-15 yearbook.

Yearbooks on sale now! School code 1013948112795.
We Need Our Learners at School
Why is attendance an important issue?
Did you know?
Regular attendance is vital to a learner's  success in school. The learner who is frequently absent misses social interaction and opportunities for project exploration. Any day or hour absent is a missed learning opportunity.   
Did you know? A school loses funding for each absence, regardless of the reason. 
Did you know? Learners who are going to be absent for any length of time may be able to go on independent study. Please contact the school about the possibility of going on short-term independent study.
To report an absence, please call the office or send a note. 
Parking Reminder - Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! 
We thank you for listening to us and being good neighbors to the businesses around us. Since we sent out our notification phone call, our families have listened and have parked in the iLEAD Lancaster parking lots.

iLEAD families are invited to park in the lots to the immediate east and west sides of the school.
Please do not park in the east lot that is farther away from our school. That is not part of iLEAD Lancaster Charter School. Cars parked there may be ticketed or towed. Use only the first driveway east of the school.
New Traffic Pattern to Start Soon 
Very soon, our street will receive an upgrade to the traffic flow. We have been working diligently with the city of Lancaster to ensure learner safety and easier pick-up, and this traffic plan has been designed for those very reasons. Please note and observe new signs and traffic patterns and be sure to keep our neighboring driveways unobstructed to prevent unwanted traffic tickets. 
Show Your School Spirit 
iLEAD Lancaster T-shirts are available in the office and online. Sweatshirts are available only online.
To purchase online, please copy and paste this link:!ilead/ciu7  
Donations for iLEAD 
We are often asked by parents and grandparents what iLEAD Lancaster needs. Below is a list of materials we would greatly appreciate:  

copy paper
notebook paper
art paper
colored paper
disinfectant wipes
glue sticks
colored pens
dry erase markers
children's scissors
Post-it Notes
playground balls
bean bag chairs
microwave ovens

Sub Teachers 
Got a bachelor's degree? Interested in substitute teaching at iLEAD Lancaster? E-mail your r�sum� to or drop off your r�sum� in the office.
iLEAD School Tours - Mondays @ 9 a.m. 
New iLEAD families, this is your chance to take a tour of iLEAD Lancaster if you haven't yet. Also, many of our families have mentioned that they have friends and family who would like to have their children attend iLEAD Lancaster. We hope to have more families join our wonderful, unique community. We have tours scheduled every Monday at 9:00, followed by a question-and-answer period. Tell your friends and family.

Please call us at 661-722-4287 or e-mail us at to schedule a tour. We look forward to providing more Antelope Valley children with the opportunity to be part of iLEAD Lancaster.
Don't Forget Your Volunteer Hours 
iLEAD seeks to make education a community passion. To this end, parent participation is essential to the success of the education process.  It is because of families like you that we are able to offer such a unique program for our children here at iLEAD. Families attending iLEAD agree to commit to 4 hours per month or 40 hours per year of participation.  
Examples of iLEAD Family Volunteer Work
  • In-class support as an educator aide
  • Adult workshops: parents teaching other parents
  • Attending Parent University offerings (Love and Logic, 7 Habits)
  • Outside research in support of specific school projects
  • Coordinating or assisting at a school community event (family movie night, science night, math night)
  • Driving on field trips (must register as driver)
  • Hosting an activity in your home or business
  • Coaching or operating an after-school enrichment class
  • Organizing a community service project for learners
  • Supervising at the school: lunch periods, front desk
  • Assisting with morning valet
  • Operation support: maintenance of the campus
  • Recruiting event participation (booths, fairs, marketing materials)
Families having difficulties meeting the participation commitment should contact Office Manager Laura Henriquez at or stop by the office to speak with her.

We thank our families who are volunteering their time and talent, and we look forward to having all our families participate as part of our school community.
7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Habit 5 is the habit of mutual understanding. It is a gentle habit that admonishes us to listen. But we all listen, don't we?


Listening with the intent to understand means listening with your eyes, ears, and heart. Listening with the intent to understand, not to be understood. There is a Native American proverb that says, "Listen, or your tongue will make you deaf."


This is a hard habit to internalize because most of us listen with the intent to reply, advise, or interject our own autobiography into what somebody else is saying. Picture an eye doctor handing you glasses without diagnosing what your eyes actually need. "What? They don't work? Try harder! These look good on you. Don't be so choosy!"


To communicate effectively, we must first understand each other. This means listening empathetically and not trying to solve a problem without first sincerely understanding what that problem might be.


It is best to stop talking and listen empathetically when there is high emotion, when you just don't understand, or when you sense the other person does not feel understood. Getting to the heart of the issue is most important. We must slow down and watch. Be ready to listen empathetically. Only then can you go forward and seek mutual understanding and be asked to give counsel or advice.


Successful listeners have greater influence with others, clarity on real issues, and engage in faster problem-solving. They don't ask questions from their own frame of reference or try to explain the behavior of others from the perspective of their own experience. We can't advise, probe, interpret, or evaluate from our own experiences. We can't prescribe solutions until we completely understand what another person is saying. We must understand before we can help.


Only 7 percent of what we communicate uses words. The rest is facial expressions, body language, and the tone of our voice. An empathetic listener watches, waits, and listens!

iLEAD Sparkles
5th Grade State Representatives
Our 5th grade learners have become state representatives! Right before spring break, each learner researched and presented a project designed to "advertise" all the interesting facts about their particular state. We had models, dioramas, PowerPoint presentations, posters, brochures, videos, magazines, and even a flash animation presentation!

Upon return from spring break, our representatives will get to work solving problems and addressing issues as they live out a democracy as part of our study of U.S. government and history.

6th & 7th Grade Island Explorers

Forty-three of our 6th and 7th grade learners along with chaperones Ms. B, Mrs. Farmer, Mr. Robert and Mr. Daron spent three days and two nights at Cherry Cove camp on Catalina Island. During the day our learners searched for sea life in tide pools, snorkeled to look for the fish they learned about in the fish lab, and spent free time playing in the ocean. At night they learned all about marine animals and took a hike to stargaze. The learners loved the mythical stories they were told during stargazing. They were even allowed to participate as actors in the stories. Hiking, sleeping in tents, and eating meals family style were all part of the camp experience.

Sofia, the Hungry Caterpillar

Sofia loves homeschooling through iLEAD!  She certainly exemplifies a GoSchooler, as she and her family are constantly learning on the move! With the Common Core standards as a guideline, she moves at her own pace, both indoors and outdoors. She is able to explore her on-campus world on Monday, be fascinated by a virtual setting on Tuesday, stay comfy in pajamas in her own learning room on Wednesday, excitedly discover the Antelope Valley community on Thursday, and take art lessons on Friday! They go wherever the day takes them!


Right now, Sofia is studying the spring season and butterflies! With her mom, she is raising her very own caterpillars at home--observing them as they eat, wriggle, and shed their exoskeletons multiple times. Pretty soon, they will harden into chrysalides and then emerge as beautiful painted lady butterflies. To enrich Sofia's studies, they have made several trips to the library to consume books, followed by devouring online videos. Lastly, they roll around in their backyard grass discussing life cycles while gulping up the warm, spring air.


Sofia's mom says, "GoSchooling is the perfect fit for our family, and we are blessed to be experiencing it! Sofia has been a hungry little caterpillar, gobbling up her studies over this year. It's been fabulous watching her turn into her own painted lady butterfly because of our enriching year through iLEAD's home study program!" 


Happy spring, iLEAD family!

Want to help?  
Have questions?

Call 661-722-4287
or e-mail 

Click here for free opportunities to contribute to iLEAD Lancaster while you shop. Thank you for your support!