Hoffman & Associates

Attorneys-At-Law, L.L.C. 


Edition 1
Fall 2012
In This Issue
Musings from the CEO
Opportunities to Take Advantage of Before it's Too Late
Procrastination: What are the Consequences?
Tax Law Changes in the News
Musings from the CEO

As estate planning, tax and business lawyers, we are always concerned with asset protection. Whether we are talking in the context of trusts for surviving spouses or descendants, or protecting personal assets from business hiccups, asset protection is at the front of our minds when advising clients. Read More

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NOTE: This is a promotional communication dealing with general legal, business, and tax topics of interest for a broad range of readers. It is not legal or tax advice upon which readers may rely, as the advice contained herein is general in nature.  This newsletter may be distributed to others who may find this informative.

We come to you with a greater sense of urgency than ever before knowing that as a result of the recent election, the generous Bush tax cuts will expire in less than five weeks.  Those with estates worth more than $1 million will be subject to estate tax unless Congress acts now. In this Fall edition, we highlight for you important tax-saving opportunities, the pitfalls of procrastinating, tax law changes that are in the news, and Mike's thoughts on asset protection. Please look for the next edition of our newsletter in the coming months as we  move to a quarterly schedule.  We wish all of our readers a joyous and peaceful holiday season.
Opportunities to Take Advantage of Before it's Too Late

Tax laws are changing at the end of this year. Take advantage of these opportunities before it's too late. Read More

Procrastination: What are the Consequences?


Currently, there are approximately 70% of Americans without a Will. Without this basic estate planning document, your loved ones may pay the highest possible taxes upon your death, lose some of the assets you have earned during your lifetime, and will have to handle a much more complex administration of your estate. Read More
Tax Law Changes in the News 


Stay up to date and informed about changes in tax law. Highlighted in this article are some of the most recent.  Read More