September 21, 2015
What's Inside
From the ACT Board
ACTion Items
Public Policy Updates
Chapter and Council News
Federal Government News
Industry News
Infrastructure News
Blow Your Trumpet
ACT 2015 Patrons
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From the ACT Board
This year's ACT National election process is complete. Chapter area representatives on the National Board of Directors for 2016 - 2017 are: 
  • Cascade - Kiki Dohman
  • Chesapeake - Katie Sihler
  • Mid-Atlantic - Terri Lee Quici
  • Midwest - Melissa Madison
  • Northern California - Kim Comstock
  • Patriot - Rebecca Cyr
  • Red River (formerly Lone Star) - Cheryl O'Connor 
  • Rocky Mountain - Paul M. DesRocher 
  • Sacramento Valley - Joseph James Hurley 
  • SEACT - Michelle Parker 
  • Southern California - Diana Kotler 
  • Valley of the Sun - Judi Nelson
Please join me in congratulating our 2016- 2017 Chapter area directors and thanking them in advance for their time and commitment to the ACT National Board of Directors.

Rob Henry 
ACT Board President

Save the Date! The Price of Congestion and What an Employer Can Do Webinar, Scheduled for October 6, 2015 at 2:00 pm
ACT will be co-hosting a webinar with Edenred's Commuter Benefit Solutions on October 6th. The webinar will focus on the latest Texas Transportation Institute's Congestion report. During the webinar we will hear from Tim Lomax of TTI go through their report and talk about the true cost of congestion. We will also hear from an employer about what they are doing to reduce the cost for themselves and their employees. Finally, Edenred will give an update on the efforts to increase the transit benefit. 

ACTion Items


Join the Conference Planning Team
No matter your age or interests, you have a valuable role to play in planning the 2016 ACT International Conference in Portland, Ore. 

Join fellow members who invest in the association through participation in designing and developing Conference programs and activities. Consider volunteering for one of the focus areas below and send your message to Connie McGee ( or David McMasters (, Conference Committee co-chairs, for more information on how to get involved.

  • Program and Session Development
  • Exhibit Hall and Sponsorship Opportunities
  • Keynote Luncheons and Networking
  • Awards Ceremony and Closing Session
  • Strategic Partnerships 
Volunteer assignments are adjustable to ensure everyone is doing no more than their fair share.
Public Policy Updates


Highway Bill Revisited After Congress Recess

It's September and Congress has returned from their August recess. Efforts have been resumed by House and Senate lawmakers to strike a multi-year deal to keep the Highway Trust Fund's road projects and infrastructure improvements up and running.

For more information on these developments, visit the full article by Susan Ferrechio

ACT's Government Relations Rep. Jason Pavluchuck Weighs In
ACT's Government Relations representative Jason Pavluchuk was quoted on discussing the commuter benefit. Read the article here

Transportation Bill Remains in a Holding Pattern
This past week, Members of the House and Senate publically acknowledged that passing a long term transportation bill before the end of October was unlikely. A scheduled October 17th mark-up in the House was postponed as House Republicans and Democrats work out policy details. The hope, at least, is that the delay will not be too long and that the House will be able to take up a bill in October and then go to conference with the Senate. 

The suddenly relaxed tone coming from both sides of Congress is partially due to the fact that shortly after Labor Day it was announced that the Highway Trust Fund would have enough money in it to last until sometime next summer (July 2016). This announcement relieved all parties of any sense of urgency and has made it easier for the House and Senate to be more deliberative in their negotiations.  

Chapter and Council News


Updating ACT Website and Posting Calendar Events
This is a reminder for all council and chapters to send corrections or additions to your chapter or council areas on the ACT website to

You also have the ability to add your events and meeting dates to the website calendar and include additional details and links. Submit a calendar request at:
Thank you and we look forward to assisting you!

Mass Transit's 2015 Top 40 Under 40
Congratulations to Adrienne Moretz, MBA, Community Relations Manager at TransIT Services of Frederick County on being named to Mass Transit's Top 40 Under 40. Adrienne is a 2015 ACT Leadership Academy grad. 

How I Commute to Work: Wendy
Wendy Duren is the Program Director for Arlington Transportation Partners. She has been utilizing public transit for her commute since 2000 and dabbles in bike commuting as well. Here, she discusses her commute to work.
Welcome New Members
We're very happy to welcome all our new members to our ACT family.

Joining the Southern California Chapter is:
  • David Kriske, City of Burbank
We also would like to welcome to the Midwest Chapter:
  • Deanna Donahoo, SEMCOG, Southeast Michigan Council Of Governments

Federal Government News


Comstock Looks to Get Research Measure into Transportation Bill
Comstock has crafted a measure that makes battling highway snarls a research priority at the U.S. Department of Transportation. It was unanimously supported Thursday in the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee's Research and Technology Subcommittee.

City Announces New Transportation Partnership
Austin, Texas, announced a new partnership Monday aimed at improving transportation and mobility.
After a nationwide search, Austin was chosen as the lead city for a long-term plan to enhance mobility technologies. The Rocky Mountain Institute chose Austin and Denver to be a part of the project, which will use technology to make mobility cleaner, safer, faster and more affordable.

Industry News


CATMA Repositions Team to Align with the Expansion of its Comprehensive Commuter Programs in Chittenden County 
The Chittenden (Vt.) Area Transportation Management Association (CATMA) is pleased to announce the repositioning of its team to lead the growth of the organization and the delivery of its turnkey transportation demand management programs. In early April, CATMA publicized its name change reflecting its expanded service area to businesses and developers in Chittenden County.

How Social Media is Changing Transportation
Social media seems to have permeated every realm of society, including mobility. It is not unusual to find rail, bus, or airplane companies with accounts on not only one, but multiple platforms. How public transportation providers join this new era of communications could potentially influence many of their service areas.

Will Baltimore Finally Have its Own Bikeshare?
Like many other cities, Baltimore is hoping to offer this service to its residents.  According to the Baltimore Sun, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake announced this week that the city is soliciting proposals, due next month, for a vendor to manage, operate and maintain 250 bikes and at least 25 stations for what's been dubbed Charm City Bike Share. 

More information on this story can be found here.

Infrastructure News


Portland Will Get "Smart Bikes" in 2016 
As we continue to move forward into the planning stages of next year's ACT International Conference, we are delighted to share some good news on transportation improvements that are taking place in Portland. 

It has been reported that Portland will get "smart bikes" in 2016! 

Though this is just happening, it's a topic that has been on the books since 2012. Due to changes in bike management companies attached to the project, it was put on hold. 

For more information on this story, click here

Blow Your Trumpet     

You won an award? Your organization received a grant? You solved a problem that has long vexed the TDM world? Why keep it a secret? Please add ACT to your press list and email us your news. A short paragraph is plenty; we'll follow up with you if we need more details. Just email us at with "Member News" in the subject line.