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North High


Viking Association Newsletter

Special Edition #2


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Viking Association

Mission Statement:

To create, promote, and sustain a "Viking-connected" community of alumni and friends, this Association will foster a lasting and mutually beneficial relationship among alumni, friends, North Salem High School (NSHS), its students and staff, and the community to support the mission, goals, and traditions of NSHS. 







We'll try not to make a habit of inundating you with both newsletters and "special editions," but occasionally something comes up that is more time sensitive than we can get in the newsletter.


We have covered a lot of athletics, music and JROTC in our newsletters, but not so much North's fantastic drama department under the extremely capable and highly enthusiastic leadership of Alyssa Bond.  Not only is the department putting on a musical every year, but their other plays including one-acts are of a superior nature.  We even happened upon a fencing workshop in the middle of the summer with over a dozen students learning the fine art of dueling with swords--a skill useful for Shakespeare, Three Musketeers, and other dramatic options.


This weekend and the next, you have a great opportunity to see these talented thespians in action with a presentation of "The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon," directed by Elisha Crisanto, a 2014 graduate of North High.  Showtimes are:

     Saturday, Oct. 17 at 7 pm

     Sunday, Oct. 18 at 2 pm

     Friday, Oct. 23 at 7 pm

     Saturday, Oct. 24 at 2 pm and 7 pm

All shows are in the North High auditorium with tickets a $4 at the door and the possibility to rent cushions for the wooden seats in the auditorium!


These kids work really hard and have a tremendous amount of talent.  They deserve our support as much as other North activities. 


Like so many activities in the Salem-Keizer School District, drama is underfunded.  If you would like to make a contribution to them, you can do so through their Go Fund Me link at .






If you have not already done so, please send to Steve Chambers your full contact information (name, maiden name where applicable, street address, phone number, and graduating class or if your are a friend) as this will help us keep in contact should your e-mail address change.


Please forward this newsletter to other Vikings so they can also stay in touch with the school.