North Salem Viking Alumni and Friends Association
North High


Viking Association Newsletter

Number 41

April 2015

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Viking Association

Mission Statement:

To create, promote, and sustain a "Viking-connected" community of alumni and friends, this Association will foster a lasting and mutually beneficial relationship among alumni, friends, North Salem High School (NSHS), its students and staff, and the community to support the mission, goals, and traditions of NSHS. 

Viking Association

Board of Directors:


Steve Chambers '62, President

Homer Wood '59, Vice President

David Rhoten, '52 Secretary

Herb Triplett '54, Treasurer

Doug Bolton '58, Asst. Secr.

Dick Hornaday '53

Michael T. Smith (friend)

Sue Crothers '66

Ken Simila '58 

Kay Mattson '81

Vijitra Boonkoom '92 


Feel free to contact the following:


Steve Chambers:

Michael T. Smith:

Homer Wood: 






Featured in this issue:

  • JROTC Shooters Place at Nationals
  • Freshman Goes the Distance
  • Hall of Fame
North High News

JROTC Team Places Fourth at Nationals


Taylor Gibson
(Photo by Ashley Smith for the Statesman Journal)


After placing 3rd in the CMP Western Region Championship in Utah, the North High JROTC garnered a 4th place finish at the JROTC National Championship in Ohio in precision air rifle competition.  The Vikings were led by Parrish Middle School eighth-grader Taylor Gibson who placed second overall at the high school level.  On her way to that finish, she set an Army JROTC 20-Shot Kneeling record.  Gibson has only been shooting for one year, getting her start at Four Corners Rod and Gun Club.  Congratulations to the Vikings and especially to Taylor. 

As this newsletter goes to press, two JROTC drill teams are in competition at Nationals in Florida.  We'll let you know how that turns out.  


Freshman Trackster Breaks Records


Viking freshman track athlete Madison Willhoft is already rewriting the track record books.  Madison has already established freshman school records in the 800 and 3000 meter races.  She is currently ranked second all time in the 3000 for all grades and fourth in school history in the 1500 and 800.  As was reported in the fall, Willhoft was second-team All-State in cross country.  She has established communication with legendary Viking runner Claudette Groenendaal (North High and University of Oregon Hall of Fame, long-time holder of the NCAA 800 meter record, school record holder in all distance races at North).  Madison is being honored by the Salem Sports Breakfast Club as their track athlete of the week.


Jazz at the Mill
 The very popular Jazz at the Mill is being transformed into 
"An Evening of Jazz" and moving from Mission Mill to the Salem Convention Center.  More will come in the May newsletter, but save the date : Saturday, May 30.  Once again the 14th Street Jazz Band from North High will present their annual dinner, dance, and auction, with the great sounds of early 20th century jazz.  Contact North High for ticket information.


Alumni News


Hall of Fame


If you haven't yet submitted your nominations for the North Salem Hall of Fame, you will have to wait until next year, as submissions are due May 1.  North's unique Hall of Fame has four categories: Achievement, Distinguished Lifetime, Athletics and Service, the latter open to non-graduates who have served the school in some capacity.  Individuals who have been nominated in the past, but not inducted remain in the pool of candidates and do not need to be resubmitted. Information and nomination forms can be found on the Viking Association webpage (see link in upper left of newsletter) under the "Alumni"tab.  Due to the numbers of nominations, it is wise to submit as much information as possible to help clarify why you feel your nominee is more worthy than the other submissions. 



'Tis the season for reunion planning.  Let us know on our webpage so we can help you communicate with class members.  Remember, if you want a tour of the North High building, you need to let Amy Ponder, North's office manager, know so you can get on the calendar.  There will be remodeling projects going on during the summer and you don't want to have a conflict.

Honor Roll                                       

The Honor Roll features alumni of Salem and North Salem High who have received honors or who have performed services to their communities, the nation, the world, or North High.  We will publish them by class, so you can conveniently look up classmates.  But we will need your help!  There are no stories without story-tellers, so if you know of someone who has received an honor or done something noteworthy, please let us know.  We hope it catches on, because our alumni are involved in a lot of things.  We will keep the clips up for about a year.  Send in your entries to Steve Chambers at the e-mail address in the left sidebar or at the bottom of the page.  Digital photos are welcome.

                              Link:   HONOR ROLL    



If you have not already done so, please send to Steve Chambers your full contact information (name, maiden name where applicable, street address, phone number, and graduating class or if your are a friend) as this will help us keep in contact should your e-mail address change.


Please forward this newsletter to other Vikings so they can also stay in touch with the school.