North Salem Viking Alumni and Friends Association
North High


Viking Association Newsletter

Number 36

November 2014

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Viking Association

Mission Statement:

To create, promote, and sustain a "Viking-connected" community of alumni and friends, this Association will foster a lasting and mutually beneficial relationship among alumni, friends, North Salem High School (NSHS), its students and staff, and the community to support the mission, goals, and traditions of NSHS. 

Viking Association

Board of Directors:


Steve Chambers '62, President

Homer Wood '59, Vice President

Herb Triplett '54, Treasurer

David Rhoten, '52 Secretary

Doug Bolton '58, Asst. Secr.

Dick Hornaday '53

Michael T. Smith (friend)

Ken Simila '58 

Kay Mattson '81

Vijitra Boonkoom '92 

Sue Crothers '66


Feel free to contact the following:


Steve Chambers:

Michael T. Smith:

Homer Wood:







Featured in this issue:

  • Fall Sports Roundup
  • December Events
North High News


Fall Sports Wrap-up


North High is now a member of the nine-team Greater Valley Conference, which includes the six Salem-Keizer high schools as well as West Albany, McMinnville, and Forest Grove.  The highest finish for any of the Viking fall sports was boys' cross country, pre-season ranked ninth, but finishing a respectable fifth, with all runners returning next year.


No teams made it to the State playoffs, but two cross country runners qualified for State.  Junior John Mendrin placed sixth at the Conference meet and made the 1st team All-Conference team.  He ran well at State, but was not among the top finishers. Sophomore Chris Briones was honorable mention.

John Mendrin and Madison Wilhoft at the State Cross Country Meet
The top Viking athlete of the fall season was freshman Madison Wilhoft who placed second at the Conference cross country meet and thirteenth at the State meet.  That earned her 1st team All-Conference and 2nd team All-State.  She was undefeated in all Conference league meets and she now has the second fastest 3000 meter time in school history and the best ever Viking female's time at 5000 meters!  She also qualified to compete in the prestigious Border Clash, featuring the top Oregon runners against the best from Washington at the course on the Nike Campus in Beaverton.  Not bad for a freshman!  Junior runner Daisy Sierra was honorable mention All-Conference.
 Alexis Cervantes
From the boys' soccer team,  Alexis Cervantes was voted All-Conference,  while  Sergio Villazana  made  2nd team and Alejandro Tobonand Brian Sierra were honorable  mention.  From the girls' soccer squad Erika Vargas was chosen 2 nd team and Amy Duvall and Myrian Hernandez made honorable mention. 

Corina Sanchez was selected honorable mention from the volleyball squad.


Numerous Viking football players were selected for All-Conference honors.   Running  back  Devin  Varay,  offensive  tackle  Ezequiel Reyes,  and  safety  Zac  Liner  were  chosen  2nd  team.  Giovanni Gonzalez (running back), Jared Herrera (receiver and punter), Eli Boswell  (tackle),   Alex Garcia  (guard),   Ben Turner   (offensive guard  and defensive  line),  Sam Hirons (center),  Cristian Maciel (kicker), Larry Nedelec (defensive line), Devin Varay (linebacker), and  Santana  Reyes  (cornerback)  all  made  honorable  mention.


We are now looking forward to the winter sports of boys' and girls' basketball, wrestling, and swimming.  Remember, senior citizens can pick up a Golden Age Pass at any Salem or Keizer high school allowing them to get into any non-playoff Salem-Keizer game, match, or meet  FREE.   Please come support your Alma Mater!


School Musical


For the second year in a row, the North High Drama Department is putting on a musical production.  This year they are doing "White Christmas," featuring songs by Irving Berlin.  Dates for the show are December 4, 5, 6, 12, and 13. Curtain is 7 pm, with a 2 pm matinee on the 13th.  All shows are in the North High auditorium. Alyssa Bond is the drama instructor.


Winter Concerts              


The Music Department  at  North High  will be presenting three con- certs in December.   The orchestra,  directed by Larry Garrett, has their concert Tuesday,  December  16, at  7 pm.   The band  presents its concert and "Festival of the Trees" at 6 pm on Wednesday, Dec. 17  under the  leadership of Brian Bell.    And the  North choirs per- form  on  the evening  of  December  18 at  7 pm,  led by  Dr. Kerry Burtis.  The auditorium is the venue for all performances. 

Winter Sports

Winter sports begin the first week in December:

The first girls' basketball game is Wednesday, Dec. 3 against South Albany.  The varsity starts at 6:45.

The boys' basketball squad starts at Tigard, Saturday, December 6.

Wrestling has its first match at Forest Grove, Thursday, Dec. 11 at 7.

The North High Booster Club will have its December meeting on Monday the 8th at 7 pm.  All supporters of Vikings sports are welcome.


Alumni News

Viking Yearbooks          


Check out our webpage (link in the upper left of this newsletter) to see the fruits of a new project to scan all of the Salem / North Salem High yearbooks. It is a slow process, but we currently have the complete annuals for the following years:  1909, 1913, 1915, 1916, 1944, 1954, 1964, 1974, 1984, 1994, and 2004.  More will be added as they are completed, focusing on the years ending in "5," as their significant reunions will be coming up in 2015.


Also, under the "Reunions" tab, we are now able to post photos of your reunions.  Send them digitally to Steve Chambers at the e-mail address below.

Honor Roll                                       

The Honor Roll features alumni of Salem and North Salem High who have received honors or who have performed services to their communities, the nation, the world, or North High.  We will publish them by class, so you can conveniently look up classmates.  But we will need your help!  There are no stories without story-tellers, so if you know of someone who has received an honor or done something noteworthy, please let us know.  We hope it catches on, because our alumni are involved in a lot of things.  We will keep the clips up for about a year.  Send in your entries to Steve Chambers at the e-mail address in the left sidebar or at the bottom of the page.  Digital photos are welcome.

                              Link:   HONOR ROLL    



If you have not already done so, please send to Steve Chambers your full contact information (name, maiden name where applicable, street address, phone number, and graduating class or if your are a friend) as this will help us keep in contact should your e-mail address change.


Please forward this newsletter to other Vikings so they can also stay in touch with the school.