
Here's a brief EMF news round up:
  • Take Back Your Power, the smart meter documentary film we've been waiting for, has finally made its debut! You can now watch it online, purchase it, or gift an online showing to a friend.   
  • Last week the EMF Safety Network and hundreds of other people and groups filed comments with the Federal Communications Commission about updating their radio frequency guidelines. 
  • Dr. Ronald Powell's excellent new paper compares biological effects to smart meter radiation and shows why smart meters are a community concern, and why an opt-out is inadequate.   
  • Live blood cell analysis shows blood cells are damaged by exposure to a smart meter, at one foot away for just two minutes or less.  This damage is seen in both people who can feel the effects, and people who can't feel the effects.  
You can read more about these issues below.
Thank you to those who signed the petition to protect the Monarch butterflies from cell tower radiation.  The Pacific Grove city council approved the tower, despite
a public outpouring of support for the butterflies.

Dr. Sam Milham, in his final statements from his book, Dirty Electricity, states, "Good science alone is never enough to force sensible policy. Only citizens can do that."

Thank you for staying informed and for caring about this issue!

Sandi Maurer

"Take Back Your Power", Josh Del Sol's full length documentary film on Smart Meters is now available to watch online, or purchase.  You can rent it online for $4.99, and you'll have 72 hours to view it. You can also purchase the DVD.  A portion of the proceeds from the rental or purchase will be donated to the EMF Safety Network.

If you host a website you can become an affiliate and post the film on your website.

"A Single Smart Meter on a Neighbor's Home Can Produce RF Power Density Levels Shown to Cause Biological Effects"

 "For some locations in a given home, the distance to a neighbor's Smart Meter may be less than the distance to the resident's own Smart Meter. Thus, a neighbor's Smart Meter may be the principal source of radiation for some locations in the given home."--
Dr. Ronald M Powell, PhD in applied physics from Harvard

An pay to opt-out smart meter program is an inadequate solution! Dr. Powell explains this and more in his paper which reviews the BioInitiative Report as it relates to smart meters. 

This is an important document to read and to bring to policy makers.
Click here to read Dr. Powell's paper. 
After two minutes of exposure at one foot away from a smart meter, live blood analysis shows cell degradation, mutation, and trauma to the blood cells.

This is a film trailer from Take Back Your Power.  The documentary film further explores how people who cannot feel the radiation effects, and those who can are nevertheless BOTH affected.  This was demonstrated by the live blood samples.
FCC Comments
This week hundreds of comments were submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from the wireless industry, scientists, doctors, health advocacy groups and others about their radio frequency (RF) radiation guidelines and whether they should be updated.

The FCC's RF radiation guidelines are for 5 and 30 minutes, to protect from thermal exposures only.  The FCC has not updated its exposure guidelines since 1996.  Meanwhile there has been an explosion of wireless devices in homes across America, and forced deployment (cell towers, smart meters) of radiation on the public and environment.

If you want to read some of the comments online click here: http://apps.fcc.gov/ecfs/upload/display?z=2ta2z
Then click on "search for filings" on the left side tab.  In the proceeding box enter 13-84 and then click "search for comments" at the bottom of the form.

Here are a couple comments filed:

Reply comments, (which are comments about what was submitted by others) will be accepted by the FCC up to November 1, 2013. 


In This Issue
Smart Meter Not Healthy poster
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EMF Safety Network
PO Box 1016
Sebastopol CA 95473

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