Youth Advocate Programs
Employee Anniversaries
February/March 2013

15 + years


Frances Blackwell

Administrative Manager, NJ

25 years


Cliff Kubiak

Chief Information Officer

21 years 


Alexander Sutton

Vice President

20 years


Nan Davis

Executive Assistant, PA

15 years


Victor Francona

Advocate, NJ


Samuel Goss

Advocate, TX


Donnell Hayden

Advocate, TX


10 years 


Carla Benway

Vice President


Kimberly Brandon

Director, TX


Dan Karlow

National Training Coordinator


Diana Matteson

Development Associate


Jenny Miller



Ken Phillips

PC Traveling Tech


Michael Roberts

Assistant Director, PA


Richard Stokes



Felicia Wells

Director, FL



5 years 


Jessica Berardinelli



Pamela Carr



Michael Crespo

Director,  NY


Anthony Glover

Re-Entry Specialist, OH


Kyle Heffner

Account Manager, TSC


Carolyn Hornsby



Derrick Jones

Director, NY


Harvey Jones

Advocate, IL


Michelle Kuykendall



Diane McCollum

 Clinical Supervisor, TX


Nicole McKee

Account Manager, TSC


Lakeema McQuarters

Litigation Aid, NJ


Joshua Munkeby

Program Coordinator, TX


Teresa Noble

Advocate, NJ


Aaron Peters



Shawnee Phillips

Program Manager, TSC


Robert Powell



John Sharbaugh



Denise Spaulding

Behavioral Assistant, NJ


Titus Stephens

Advocate, NY 


Nancy Tupper

Advocate, NJ


Nicole Wade



Maura Feria

Administrative Manager, PA



Who should be our next spotlight?


Do you know a YAP employee who is doing an exceptional job? Do you have a co-worker who deserves to be featured in our monthly service anniversary newsletter? Do you know someone who has gone above and beyond?

Email us with the employee name and a short note explaining why they would make an interesting feature for an upcoming employee spotlight.

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Employee Recognition Program




YAP Core Corporate Values:








If you know of an employee who exemplifies one of these core values, why not nominate them for an award?  This is open to ALL staff and is your opportunity to show appreciation for your co-workers.  Recipients will be honored with a certificate and may be recognized in upcoming communications.  


Complete this nomination form and mail it to [email protected].  


Hi, Team,

This month's edition of the newsletter includes a lot of information.  First, we say farewell to Senior Manager Janet Crawford, National Director of Autism and Developmental Disabilities Program Development, as she retires from YAP.

We are also asking for your feedback on a quick survey that will help inform our communication with each of you throughout the year.  As you hopefully know by now, we are trying to keep our large and diffuse team connected, engaged and informed of the work we are doing in the name of our mission through this newsletter, as well as through Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.  If you haven't already joined us, please consider doing so!

We are all engaged in very difficult work, striving to provide the best quality services to our youth and families, to grow programs, and to keep YAP operating as efficiently and effectively as possible.  We need to be good teammates and take the time to support and recognize each other in these efforts. 

If you recognize a name on the list to the left, we encourage you to reach out and express your gratitude to them for their commitment to Youth Advocate Programs.  We invite you to recommend a staff person to be highlighted in this newsletter or to receive a Core Value Award!

Thanks for all of your hard work, and keep in touch and let us know how you're doing and how we can support you better!


Carla Benway  
Employee & Program Development

Do you have 3 minutes?
Please take our brief 
Speak your mind about what should be included in our newsletters and on the website.  

"Great Things Come in Small Packages":  
A Tribute to Janet Crawford on her Retirement from YAP


I don't know where the expression "Great Things Come in Small Packages" originated from (a Google query wasn't particularly helpful), but I can say that it certainly fits when attributed to Janet Crawford: when meeting Janet, the first thing you might notice is her petite frame.  But then you see her move, animated, quick and bouncy; and then you hear her speak and glimpse the rapidity of ideas swirling in her brain, her creativity, her kindness and a strength of character that belie such a deceivingly small form, and you know that you're in the presence of force of nature.


Janet Crawford

Janet came to YAP in March of 2000 as Regional Director of Western Pennsylvania Programs.  With her educational background in Elementary Education and Child Development, and an impressive resume of experience that included Head Start, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Family Foundations and Allegheny Mental Health/Mental Retardation Center, Janet brought a blend of skills in research and evaluation, program development, direct service and fund development from within a community organizing context.


It was likely these skills that led to her expanding role in PA and ultimately across the agency.  Between 2000 to early 2005, Janet had operational oversight of Western Pennsylvania and then Northeastern Pennsylvania.  During that time, she developed a statewide program evaluation project with the University of Pittsburgh and developed and oversaw many of the state's Quality Assurance measures, including a state database with outcome measures and family satisfaction tools.  Because of her early childhood and special needs experience, she also became increasingly involved in YAP's Autism efforts, working with then Autism Consultants Martha Zeigler and Bob Milbourne.


By 2005, Janet joined YAP's Senior Management team with a new role as Vice-President of Autism Services for Pennsylvania.  With David White's leadership and the support of a stellar team of YAP staff and consultants, including those mentioned previously and Pat Amos, Janet succeeded in better developing and defining YAP's Autism Model and growing services in Pennsylvania.  A significant achievement during this time was the development of YAP's Autism Training Curriculum, created in partnership with Temple University. 


In her most recent role at YAP, Janet led National Autism and Developmental Disabilities Program Development. In this capacity, Janet continued defining, improving and promoting our service model through both QA work and program support in marketing and grantwriting.  It is worth the time to highlight a few of the innovations she gave life through her commitment and vision: 

  • YAP's Autism Arts in Action Conference, which brought self-advocates, parents, legislators and professionals to celebrate the spectrum of artistic talents that exist within individuals with autism;
  • The Autism Institute with Wheelock University, where YAP partnered with a like-minded university to create a college-level course and further promote our philosophy, publications and trainings;
  • "Social Skills for IEPs", a Self-Learning Curriculum that the Iowa Dept. of Education required of all teachers across the state to take;
  • "Self Advocacy for College Students" and "Peer Mentoring", curricula for both college students with autism and student mentors that were created in partnership with Drexel University;
  • Compensatory Education Programming, whereby YAP is able to provide academic tutoring and/or teaching education-related skills, such as communication, social and self-help skills, specified in a child's individualized education plan (IEP) through public and private funding.

This March, Janet retired her YAP jersey, but as you might suspect, she is not "retiring"- she is beginning a new adventure and hoping to spend more time with her partner Don, her two sons and their families.  I am an amalgam of feelings- excited and happy for her, sad for me and YAP.


Coming from a field perspective where I was ingrained to be able to speak for at least 10 minutes about each youth and family's strengths, I could definitely elaborate on what Janet has contributed to YAP for much longer.  In recognition of the constraints of this medium, however, I will close with only a few final thoughts:  Janet has been a great employee, leader and friend.   She has never shirked from challenges, but arguably ran towards them with infectious enthusiasm.  Janet is a fierce advocate, an eternal optimist, a spirited cheerleader, and an unflappable idealist.  


I will never forget something she said while serving as a mentor in YAP's Leadership Engagement And Development (LEAD) Program:  referencing Jim Collin's "Going from Good to Great," she said that if she got the right people on the bus, it wouldn't matter who was driving it because everyone else would know the direction and be able to move it forward regardless of who got off.    


Perhaps this is her greatest achievement- she indelibly shaped the course of our autism services and packed the bus with the right people.  In her honor, I'm happy to be on the bus, though her spirit and fire will be missed as we continue on our ride. 

- Carla Benway



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Comments from Janet's peers:

Janet Crawford
Wow, I could say so much about her energy level (hard to keep up!), her determination to put families and self-advocates front and center, her fierce belief that "all means all" and no one gets left out, and her heartfelt determination to keep learning new things and never just "rest on her laurels."  Pat Amos



Janet is so full of energy and ideas; funny, fun to work with and hang out with; young in spirit, and a great advocate.....we loved to sneak away when we could andshop.  Congratulations on a great career and take the time to enjoy life, relax, unwind and make the most of every moment ahead. Sorry to see you go, but you go, Girl!   - Dorienne Silva 



I enjoy Janet's listening ear and her fire for advocating for those that can't.  She does have energy to burn and desire that is contagious to those around her.  Her enthusiasm, laughter and caring voice will be missed! My well wish:  So happy that you are going to take the plunge and travel down the next path in life!  I wish you joy, happiness and adventure in all you get to do in this phase!  Thanks for being there day or night!  Thanks for being my YAP Mom!  Hugs.  - Ann Branning




Who knew turkey washed down with a splash or two of white wine could fuel that much passion, commitment to the mission, curiousity about life, and embracing every new opportunity she could find...and who knew such a petite frame could manage that much fabulous jewelry and carry the needs and hopes of so many others as she forged ahead?  - Diana Matteson

Very rarely do you find someone as committed to the cause.  Wonderful sense of humor and boundless energy. Good dancing skills too ;-)  Patty Rosati
I remember sitting in on your interview, Janet. I remember a lot of other things, too, but appreciate most your friendship and all of the laughs we've shared throughout the years. Thanks for the memories and best wishes. - Mike Garrigan



"The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual."


--Vince Lombardi