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October 2016
What I Did in Tokyo That Will Make You Want to Go There
by Lisa Pitzer, Business Travel Services
Tokyo tea ceremony
This summer, I enjoyed an incredible experience in Tokyo! I was invited to participate in a trip sponsored by ANA, Shangri-La Hotels, and the Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority. It was organized so that a group of travel professionals could experience Tokyo firsthand and share what we learned with our clients. Let me tell you what I did there and I'm sure you'll want to visit, too.

Continue reading about Lisa's Tokyo experiences on our Travel Maestro blog.
Three Practical Ways to Improve Sustainability in Meetings
by Christi Ruddy, Covington Meetings & Events
water bottle
I am a self-described "Recycling Queen." As a Certified Meeting Professional (CMP), improving sustainability in meetings is always on my mind. I have been recycling plastic name badges for 20+ years, bring my cloth bags into the grocery store when I shop, and I'm proud that my workplace offers paper, plastic, and aluminum recycling. When it comes to sustainable efforts at meetings, I am always on the lookout for ways to improve my dedication and assist our clients in making their meetings as green as possible. 

Continue reading Christi's meeting sustainability tips on our Travel Maestro blog.
Business Travel News
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Covington Travelers are Talking
Adventurer Summit Kilimanjaro!
What a great experience! Yes, we summited - with the exceptional assistance of the entire Abercrombie & Kent team. 

The climb was actually quite easy until the last few hours, as we both experienced altitude sickness beginning about 1,000 feet below the summit. We were well-prepared for the physical demands, and the effects of altitude were truly unavoidable and just part of the challenge, experience and sense of accomplishment. The lodge was absolutely perfect in all respects, as were the guides and porters, camp facilities, food, etc.

We are so pleased with how the trip worked out.  Thank you for all your work in researching, planning and organizing the trip with A&K!  

- Bill & Tim

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