Covering Ground
A Publication of
Tidwell Nurseries Inc.



September 20, 2016



We Keep It Simple.....




Thought For The Day

"There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else."
Sam Walton
1918 - 1992
  Laws Of Attraction
I actually had a rare, positive Customer
Service experience today and it reminded
me of how refreshing it is to be treated
not as a number, but as a real person
whose business is valued. Unfortunately,
that doesn't happen every day any more.
To make a long story short, I was having
a major melt down while trying to book
a flight on, so after having to go
 to Plan B and call Delta, I was even more 
irritated after finally going through
various stages of automated options
and extended hold periods until I finally
got a Delta rep on the phone.
After explaining
my dilemma, which had been exacerbated
beyond the limits of my medication, I nearly
fell out of my chair when the Delta rep
actually took matters into his own hands,
bypassed standard protocol, bent some rules, processed my request, tacked on some
extra Sky Mile points to my account,
and saved me a couple hundred bucks
in the process!
Wow! Amazing how
ONE Proactive, Positive Employee can instantly elevate your customer's perception of your business!
There is so much more to discuss here, including the other side of the coin (running customers off)
but for now, let's just say Yay Delta!
and save the rest for another day. 

Stay Tuned!
Waitin' On A Sunny Day


When is the last time you "be like Delta"

And Gave Someone A

 Sunny Day?


Or Shared Your
Human Touch!
Don't miss this Double Play with
Bruce Springsteen!

New Quarts!

Panicum Shenandoah Quart

Pennisetum Alopecuroides Quart

Miscanthus Variegatus Quart

Miscanthus Silberfeder

Miscanthus Gracillimus Quart

Miscanthus Gold Fountains Quart

Carex Blue Zinger Quart

Calamagrostis  Karl Foerster Quart
Ajuga 'Burgundy Glow' 4"

Ajuga Black Scallop

Ajuga 'Black Scallop' 4"

Isotoma Fluviatilis 'Blue Star Creeper' 4"

Creeping Jenny Goldilocks 4-8-11

Lysimachia nummularia

'Goldilocks' 4" 


We Have Thousands Of Delivery Trucks,

We have 4 and FedEx has the rest! 

One Tray Minimum!

Shipping Nationwide Daily






Starter Plugs
Grower Cells 72, 50, 38 & More
Chasmanthium latifolium 38 
Sedum Candy™ Chocolate Drop (72)
Sedum Sunsparkler� 'Lime Zinger' (72)
Deschampsia c 'Pixie Fountains' 50 Cell
Geranium 'Rozanne' 50 Cell
Heuchera 'Spellbound' 72 Cell 
1 Tray Minimum!
Shipping Nationwide Daily 
Perennial Pipeline
  Quarts, Gallons, & Larger
Astilbe 'Montgomery' #1
Salvia 'Lyrical Blues' #1

Ursula's Red Fern #1
Santolina virens #1
Salvia 'Purple Knockout' #1
Heuchera 'Fire Chief' #1 

1 Tray Minimum
Shipping Nationwide Daily

Pup Of The Week
Kenny Walks Again!
If you would like to save a pup
or learn more about The Bill Foundation:
Got You Covered
Bo Tidwell
I hope you caught my not so subtle references to the "message" today in the great Springsteen songs, Waitin' For A Sunny Day and Human Touch.
They just happen to be integral pieces of
The Laws Of Attraction. 
Pass It On.

Bo Tidwell
PS: Cyndy Hendrickson
Thanks for sending us
a little sunshine every day!


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