Covering Ground
A Publication of
Tidwell Nurseries Inc.



August 29, 2016



We Keep It Simple.....



Thought For The Day 
"Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don't vote."

William E. Simon
Businessman, Politician,
1927 - 2000

The Votes Are In!
I would like to thank all of you who took the time to
 participate in The Green Poll this year.
It cost me a couple of subscribers; one who took offense at the nature of the questions and another who said that "politics and plants don't mix."
I hate to lose them but that goes along with the risk of straying off the beaten path, as I am prone to do.
I found the results most interesting and enlightening and I hope you will too! 
At the end of the poll, we left a blank box
for ANY additional comments that
anyone would like to express.
To see these insightful responses:

The Eve Of Destruction
By Barry McGuire
This song was written over 50 years ago but is still as relevant today as ever. The faces, the fashions, and the technology have changed, but hearts of men continue to be stuck in a time warp that goes back to original sin. The Middle East is still boiling with hate, the young who are barely old enough to buy a beer or cast a vote are dying in much the same fashion as they did in Viet Nam, and racial strife in our country has reared its ugly head once again, while another generation of politicians pander and promise for votes just as they did in 1965. Take 3 minutes to watch and listen and see if you agree.

New Quarts!
Miscanthus Little Kitten Quart

Panicum Shenandoah Quart

Pennisetum Alopecuroides Quart

Miscanthus Variegatus Quart

Miscanthus Silberfeder

Miscanthus Gracillimus Quart
Carex Blue Zinger Quar
Ajuga 'Burgundy Glow' 4"

Ajuga Black Scallop

Ajuga 'Black Scallop' 4" 


Ajuga Catlin's Giant 4"

Ajuga Mahogany 4"

Ajuga Bronze Beauty 4"

We Have Thousands Of Delivery Trucks,

We have 4 and FedEx has the rest! 

One Tray Minimum!

Shipping Nationwide Daily





Starter Plugs
Grower Cells 72, 50, 38 & More
Chasmanthium latifolium 38 
Sedum Candy™ Chocolate Drop (72)
Sedum Sunsparkler� 'Lime Zinger' (72)
Deschampsia c 'Pixie Fountains' 50 Cell
Geranium 'Rozanne' 50 Cell
Heuchera 'Spellbound' 72 Cell 
1 Tray Minimum!
Shipping Nationwide Daily 
Perennial Pipeline
  Quarts, Gallons, & Larger
Echinacea Solar Flare
Echinacea Pica Bella
Echinacea Evening Glow


Echinacea Raspberry Truffle

Monarda Balmy Purple

Salvia 'Lyrical Blues' #1

Ursula's Red Fern #1
Santolina virens #1
Salvia 'Purple Knockout' #1
Heuchera 'Fire Chief' #1 

1 Tray Minimum
Shipping Nationwide Daily

Pup Of The Week
Saving Janie
If you would like to save a pup
or learn more about The Bill Foundation:
Got You Covered
Bo Tidwell
I am responsible for all content. Any final
thoughts on this poll or the election
in general are welcomed.

Bo Tidwell



                   Our Mission 



       To Make The Earth Greener,

                 Your Job Easier, &

    Your Business More Profitable

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