Covering Ground
A Publication of
Tidwell Nurseries Inc.



August 10, 2016



We Keep It Simple.....




Thought For The Day

Take Time
Take time to laugh
It is the music of the soul.

Take time to think
It is the source of power.

Take time to play
 It is the source of perpetual youth.

Take time to read
It is the fountain of wisdom.

Take time to pray
It is the greatest power on earth.

Take time to love and be loved
 It is a God-given privilege.

Take time to be friendly
It is the road to happiness

Take time to give
It is too short a day to be selfish

Take time to work
It is the price of success.

Turn, Turn, Turn
The Byrds
Click Above To  Listen

New Quarts!
Miscanthus Little Kitten Quart

Panicum Shenandoah Quart

Pennisetum Alopecuroides Quart

Miscanthus Variegatus Quart

Miscanthus Silberfeder

Miscanthus Gracillimus Quart
Carex Blue Zinger Quart

Heuchera Caramel Quart
Ajuga 'Burgundy Glow' 4"

Ajuga Black Scallop

Ajuga 'Black Scallop' 4" 


Ajuga Catlin's Giant 4"

Ajuga Mahogany 4"

Ajuga Bronze Beauty 4"

We Have Thousands Of Delivery Trucks,

We have 4 and FedEx has the rest! 

One Tray Minimum!

Shipping Nationwide Daily






Starter Plugs
Grower Cells 72, 50, 38 & More
Chasmanthium latifolium 38 
Sedum Candy™ Chocolate Drop (72)
Sedum Sunsparkler� 'Lime Zinger' (72)
Deschampsia c 'Pixie Fountains' 50 Cell
Geranium 'Rozanne' 50 Cell
Heuchera 'Spellbound' 72 Cell 
1 Tray Minimum!
Shipping Nationwide Daily 
Perennial Pipeline
  Quarts, Gallons, & Larger
Echinacea Solar Flare
Echinacea Pica Bella
Echinacea Evening Glow


Echinacea Raspberry Truffle

Monarda Balmy Purple

Salvia 'Lyrical Blues' #1

Ursula's Red Fern #1
Santolina virens #1
Salvia 'Purple Knockout' #1
Heuchera 'Fire Chief' #1 

1 Tray Minimum
Shipping Nationwide Daily

Pup Of The Week
Saving Bethany
If you would like to save a pup
or learn more about The Bill Foundation:
Got You Covered
Bo Tidwell
I am responsible for all content. Your comments
and constructive criticism are welcomed.

Bo Tidwell



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       To Make The Earth Greener,

                 Your Job Easier, &

    Your Business More Profitable

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