Covering Ground
A Publication of
Tidwell Nurseries Inc.



June 19, 2016



Thought For The Day
"My Father gave me the greatest gift
 anyone could give another person;
he believed in me."
Jim Valvano
Legendary NC State Basketball Coach
 1946  - 1993

A Father's Love
The true test of one's success as a parent is
 how your children turn out and
 how they feel about you when they are grown.
As my old Ag teacher, Mr. JR Cook used to say,
"Many are called but
are chosen."
On this Fathers Day, I am happy to report
that I have a friend who is one of the few,
a shining example for us all, as parents.
 His name is Frank Willingham; he is one
of the finest people I know, and he has
granted me permission to share with you
a tribute that his daughter wrote about him
for Father's Day a few years ago.
May we all, as parents, earn this kind
of love and respect from our children.
Happy Father's Day!

A Love Without End 

George Strait

Click Above For Your Father's Day Musical Treat! 


It's As Simple As ...



Got You Covered
Bo Tidwell
I would be remiss if I didn't mention my Father
on this special day. Four years ago, I spent my
last Father's Day with him, although I didn't know
it was the last one at the time. He taught me how to fish and hunt and shoot a basketball (though I was never as good as him, in any of the above), and hundreds of other lessons that are passed from Father to son. But most importantly he showed me what unconditional love is all about. I miss him (and my Mom) every day. If you have a Daddy to thank and to hug today, don't pass up the chance.
God Bless!
Bo Tidwell


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