Covering Ground
A Publication of
Tidwell Nurseries Inc.



May 23, 2016



Thought For The Day
"The earth has music
for those who listen."

William Shakespeare
Poet, Playwright  & Actor
1582 - 1616

Just For Fun
If Shakespeare had written The Hokey Pokey,
it might read something like this... 

Romeo & Juliet 


Mark Knopfler

Click Above & Take Five!


On The Move
Liriope Royal Purple Blooming Soon!
Asian Jasmine 4"
Mazus 4"

Ajuga Black Scallop

Ajuga 'Black Scallop' 4"

Isotoma Fluviatilis 'Blue Star Creeper' 4"

Ajuga 'Mahogany' 4"

Creeping Jenny Goldilocks 4-8-11

Lysimachia nummularia

'Goldilocks' 4" 


Carex 'Pennsylvanica' Quart



Carex 'Gold Fountains' Quart 


Carex 'Blue Zinger' Quart


One Tray Minimum!

Shipping Nationwide Daily


4" Availability




Starter Plugs
Grower Cells 72, 50, 38 & More
Deschampsia c Pixie Fountains 50 Cell
Panicum v 'Hot Rod' 38 Cell
Geranium 'Rozanne' 50 Cell
Brunnera Garden Candy'Sea Heart' 72 Cell
Heuchera 'Spellbound' 72 Cell 
1 Tray Minimum!
Shipping Nationwide Daily 

Perennial Pipeline

  Quarts, Gallons, & Larger

Salvia 'Lyrical Blues' #1


Ursula's Red Fern #1
Santolina virens #1

Salvia 'Purple Knockout' #1

Juncus 'Blue Arrows' #1

Heuchera 'Fire Chief' #1  



1 Tray Minimum
Shipping Nationwide Daily





 Pup Of The Week 

If you would like to save a pup

or learn more about The Bill Foundation:


It's As Simple As ...



Got You Covered
Bo Tidwell
 I am responsible for all content.
Comments and constructive criticism
are welcomed.
Bo Tidwell


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