Covering Ground
A Publication
Of Tidwell Nurseries




March 14, 2016



    Thought For The Day
               "Good marketing makes
                the company look smart.     
                 Great marketing makes 
                 the customer feel smart."
                           Joe Chernov
                        Marketing Guru

 Perks of The Job
Our last winter trade show is fading in the rearview mirror now and suddenly here we are staring Spring in the face. After 34 years of trade show participation, it has become a rite of life, like home grown tomatoes in the Summer and football in the Fall. I tell my friends that it's a lot like going to camp each year, except the participants are grown ups, the day time activities don't include making lanyards, and the evening events don't include adult supervision, although that might not be a bad idea.
TAN Show 1996 w/Beth
Houston, TX
I like to work hard and have fun at the shows, not necessarily in that order. I do take the job seriously (since I'm footing the bill) and I look at each show as an investment. Some might call my approach a bit aggressive, but I like to think of it
as positive and opportunistic.

I spend 95% of my time at the front of my booth, making eye contact with attendees, and trying to engage them briefly enough to get my material in their hands.  I have been known to interrupt conversations and to chase someone down the aisle
if they happened to miss my booth
as they stroll by. 

At the CENTS Show this year, one attendee seemed to be impressed that I flagged him down and asked me if I got a bonus for the number of contacts I made. Without hesitation, I said, "Yes Sir. I get to sleep with the boss's wife!"

    Happy Trails...

Good Vibrations

The Beach Boys


Are YOU sending out Good Vibes

this year????

Click The Arrow to get cranked!


Starter Plugs
Echinacea Supremeā„¢ Flamingo (72)  
Echinacea Supremeā„¢ Cantaloupe (72)

 Perennial Pipeline
Carex 'Everillo'
Oenothera 'Shimmer' 

 Pup Of The Week
Thanks to the tireless efforts of my big sister Jo and her husband Peter Forman,
dogs like this are given a second chance at life.
If you would like to adopt a pup, volunteer,
donate, or learn more, click below:


 We Keep It Simple

Got You Covered
Bo Tidwell
I am responsible for all content.
Comments and constructive criticism 
are appreciated.
 Bo Tidwell


                   Our Mission 



       To Make The Earth Greener,

                 Your Job Easier, &

    Your Business More Profitable



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