Covering Ground
A Publication Of Tidwell Nurseries




December 18, 2015




    Thought For The Day 




 My Christmas Eve

By Retired Trooper Bob Welsh

             A poem to warm your heart,

               just in time for Christmas.




The Marvelous Toy

Peter, Paul, & Mary

Are we too old and crusty to remember 

what it's like to see the world

through the eyes of a child?

I hope not!


The Wise Choice!

The Drones are flying out of here

and the tablets aren't far behind. 

If you haven't chosen your

FREE Stocking Stuffer

yet, contact us now

so Santa can deliver yours on time!




For more info on these Smart Devices

click below: 


Amazon Echo

Quadricopter Drone

Apple IPad Air

Apple IPad Mini 4

Apple IPad Pro

Microsoft Surface Pro 4

 Best Buy Gift Card




Got You Covered
Bo Tidwell
We are entering the Christmas home stretch but it's not too late to claim your 
FREE Smart Device
 and receive it in time for Christmas.
We will have Santa direct ship from
  The North Pole to assure
 arrival in the Nick of time!
This is our last email before the New Year
so please allow me to thank each of you
who have entrusted us with your orders,
who have encouraged & supported our newsletter, & who have made our days a lot brighter by being a part of our circle.
In honor & in appreciation of YOU,
we will again make a donation to
Eagle Ranch Children's Home &
The Georgia Sheriff's Children's Home.
God Bless, God Speed, and
Merry Christmas!
 Bo Tidwell


                   Our Mission 



       To Make The Earth Greener,

                 Your Job Easier, &

    Your Business More Profitable



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