Covering Ground
A Publication of
 Tidwell Nurseries




October 11, 2015



Thought For The Day

"Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more."
From MacBeth
William Shakespeare
1564 - 1616

 Carpe Diem
The following thoughts about 911 were found on

The CEO of a company survived because his son started kindergarten.


Another man was alive because it was his turn to bring the donuts.

One woman was late because her alarm clock didn't go off on time.

Another was late because she was stuck on the New Jersey turnpike due to an auto accident.
One missed his bus. 



One spilled food on her clothes and had to change.

One's car wouldn't start.

One went back to answer the telephone.

One had a child that dawdled and didn't get ready on time.


One couldn't get a taxi.

One put on a new pair of shoes that morning and developed a blister, so he stopped at a drug store to buy band aids.
Now when I am stuck in traffic, miss an elevator, or turn back to answer a ringing phone, all the little things that annoy me. I think to myself,

This is exactly where I'm meant to be at this very moment.

  Live For Today


 The Grass Roots

Click on this Moldy Oldie, 

crank up the volume and think:

Where were You the last time

you heard this song?



 Get A Load Of This!


Asian Jasmine 4"

Euonymus coloratus

 Euonymus Coloratus 4"


1 Tray Minimum

Shipping Nationwide Everyday





 Starter Plugs
Bouteloua gracilis Blonde Ambition (38)
    Athyrium nipponicum Metallicum (36)
1 Tray Minimum!
Shipping Nationwide Everyday!

Perennial Pipeline


Carex Blue Zinger #1


Liatris 'Floristan White'
1 Tray Minimum!
Shipping Nationwide Everyday! 



 Pup of The Week 



 Never Give Up! 

If you would like more info on adopting a pup, visit:




 Ordering Is Easy As... 





Got You Covered
Bo Tidwell
I am responsible for all content and I welcome your comments and constructive criticism.
Bo Tidwell

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