Covering Ground
A Publication of
Tidwell Nurseries Inc.




May 10, 2015 



Thought For The Day  





Virginia Robinson Tidwell


Mother, Wife, Business Woman,

Devout Christian, Eternal Optimist,

Steel Magnolia, Trusted Friend & Advisor


1923 - 2010





My Mama Was A Southpaw

But She Was Always Right!


Remembering my dear Mom on her special day. The quote

today comes from a hand written note Mom gave me as I was heading off to begin my Freshman year at Auburn University in the Fall of 1967. It was written on the back of an old fashioned nursery label, in her unmistakable left handed backwards slanted script. I put it in my wallet and have managed to hang on to it all  these years, though I don't keep it in my wallet anymore.


It has meant so much to me through the years that I passed

these same words on to my daughter Beth, when she left

for Auburn in the Fall of 2005. I hope it will mean as

much to her as it has to me, and I hope she

might some day be inclined to pass it on.


Recently I ran across the following poem that expresses

my love and appreciation for my Mom much more

eloquently than I ever could.


My Mother Kept A Garden

My mother kept a garden
A garden of the heart,
She planted all the good things
that gave my life a start.

She turned me to the sunshine
and encouraged me to dream
Fostering and nurturing
the seeds of self-esteem.

And when the winds and rains came
she protected me enough
but not too much - she knew I'd need
to stand up strong and tough.

Her constant good example
that taught me right from wrong
were markers for my pathway
to last my whole life long.

I am my mother's garden
I am her legacy
And I hope today she feels the love
Reflected back from me. 


       Wind Beneath My Wings
by Lee Greenwood
For my Mom, who was content to stand in the shadows of all those she loved, supported, and nurtured; who loved me unconditionally,
always stood by me and took up
for me, and never asked for thanks for all she did.

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                      Dianthus 'Neon Star' #1


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Got You Covered
Bo Tidwell


 For those of you fortunate enough to still have your Mothers, don't forget to Tell them you love them today!

And don't forget to Show them you love them every day.


God Bless!





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