Perennial Pipeline
A brief note about what we offer:
Please note that we rep for two other growers and therefore have
3 separate Availability Lists. Between the three of us, we can cover a lot of plants.
4" Availability is grown & shipped from here (GA).
Starter Plugs List covers a broad range of perennials & ornamental grasses in sizes ranging from 38, 50 and 72 cells. Grown by Emerald Coast Growers & shipped from locations in FL & PA.
Perennial Pipeline covers a broad range of perennials & ornamental grasses produced primarily in Quarts & Gallons. These are grown by The Perennial Farm in Baltimore & shipped from there.
Our minimum order is only One Tray.
So from the smallest needs
to requests for tractor trailer loads
& anything in between,
We've Got You Covered!
Contact Us
Thought For The Day
and few deeds, soon evaporate.
Action is the dignity of greatness. "
Jose' Marti
Apostle of Cuban Independence
Poet, Essayist, Philosopher,
Political Activist
1853 - 1895
My Sister
The Rock Star
Following is a nice article about my sister Jo and her husband, Peter Forman, who founded The Bill Foundation in 2000 to rescue abandoned and mistreated dogs. The article was published by
The Pet Matchmaker.

Jo Forman, along with her husband, Peter Forman are the founders of the Bill Foundation a Los Angeles based non-profit Animal Rescue. From their website:
...we rescue as many dogs as possible to alleviate the suffering of those abandoned in shelters or on the street. We strive to provide the highest standard of vet care and training until our dogs are adopted into stable, safe and loving homes. Since receiving our non-profit status and beginning operation in May 2000, Bill Foundation has rescued and placed over 2200 dogs and counting.
Jo Forman graciously agreed to answer questions for The Pet Matchmaker. Kudos to Jo and everybody at Bill Foundation for being genuine Pet Rescue Rock Stars!
TPM: Can you tell us about your very first dog rescue?
Jo Forman:
My very first rescue was my dog Bill Faulkner Forman. (I was reading a biography of William Faulkner at the time.) My friend Cathy and I were hiking in Idyllwild. When we got back to the trailhead, we saw a skinny young Golden/Lab mix dog foraging for food near a dumpster. When we approached him, he ran into the woods. At dinner that night we could not stop thinking about how hungry that dog must be, so we bought a bag of dog food and returned to the trailhead. Sure enough, there he was. We took the food over, and once again he ran away as we got closer. We tore open the bag of food and left it there for him. We crossed the parking lot to leave. It was beginning to get dark. As we were about to get in the car, I saw that he had come out of the woods and was looking at us. I opened the back door of the car and said to him, "This is your chance, you can stay here, or come home with us." He literally looked over his shoulder at the darkening woods, looked at us, then ran across the parking lot, jumped into the backseat, curled up and fell fast asleep. He has been my guardian angel ever since, and the "Bill" for whom Bill Foundation is named in his honor and memory.
What's the best part of working in dog rescue?
To read more, click here..
Four Legs Good
Two Legs Bad
This is what happens when your wife loves
her dogs more than she loves you...
Get A Load Of This!
Pachysandra terminalis
Pachysandra 'Green Sheen' 36 Cell
Pachysandra 'Green Carpet' 36 Cell
Ajuga Chocolate Chip &
Acorus Minimus Aurea
1 Tray Minimum!
Shipping Nationwide Everyday!
Starter Plugs
Carex ciliatomarginata 'Treasure Island' 50 Cell
Coreopsis Bengal Tiger 72 Cell
1 Tray Minimum!
Shipping Nationwide Everyday!
Perennial Pipeline
Carex 'Bowles Golden' #1
Sedum 'Makino' Quarts
1 Tray Minimum!
Shipping Nationwide Everyday!
Saving Oliver Twist
Shih Tzu Survives the Gutter:
Oliver Twist's Tale
Another success story from
Got You Covered
|  |
Kudos to Jo and Peter for dedicating the last 15 years of their lives to rescuing abandoned dogs. While many
of us are taking naps or watching sports on Sunday afternoons, Jo and Peter, along with their loyal volunteers, are hosting adoption events every other Sunday. Through their tireless efforts, they have
given a future to over 2,200 dogs and have also
enriched the lives of countless more humans
who have become their new families.
And finally, meet Bill,
their faithful pet who inspired it all.
If you would like to learn more, visit:
Our Mission

To Make The Earth Greener,
Your Job Easier, &
Your Business More Profitable