Throw Me
In The Briar Patch!
You meet the nicest people at a trade show!
I recently returned from The FarWest Show in Portland Oregon, culminating a year of travel, meeting and greeting new friends and customers, staying in nice hotels,
and dining with old friends at fine restaurants.
Some people call this work.
Well, if this is work, bring it on;
throw me in the briar patch, just like Br'er Rabbit!
It has been said that if you love what you do,
you never have to go to work,
and I certainly agree.
Of course, there is a downside too.
Travel can wear you out and everything is So Expensive! From the minute I arrive at the airport to the minute I get home there is always someone sticking
out a hand for a tip.
At the hotels, room service comes with a $3 Service Fee, PLUS a 20% Gratuity for my convenience, and then there is Yet Another Space on the bill where I can contribute even MORE to their employees with an additional tip. Wish I could get someone else to help me pay my employees, as they do in the hospitality industry!
It's nice for the traveler to catch a break every now and then, as in my recent experience at The Marriott Waterfront Hotel in Portland. After being up all night and then being in transit for nearly 8 hours, I was a bit weary when I arrived around noon Pacific time. So I stopped by the lobby bar to have a bite before trudging to the convention center to set up.
Unfortunately, my lunch choice, the salad Nicoise
was about as tasty as a piece of cardboard. Even though I was hungry, I gave up trying to force the issue
about half way through.
I politely told the server of my experience and
she graciously apologized and offered to comp the meal.
I appreciated her offer, but I explained that
my main concern was passing on the info
so they could benefit from the feedback.
The next morning I received a message that management had a "favor"they wanted to send me. Within minutes
I received a delicious tray of fruit, cheese, and crackers, complete with a couple of travel size bottles of my favorite libation, topped off with a hand written apology.
What a pleasant surprise!
This simple follow through from the previous day's apology showed me that the staff really was sincere and serious about making amends. It got me off to a positive start that day and impressed me enough to prompt me to share Marriott's gesture of good will with
over 8,000 of my colleagues in the green industry.
This is a classic example of taking a negative customer experience and making it a lasting positive impression.
Thank You Marriott Portland Waterfront Staff,
Danica Day & Summer Bell,
for going the extra mile
to make this weary traveler feel appreciated!
See you again next year!