Richard is also a devout Christian, and even though his standard speaking fee (back then) was $5,000 per day, he gladly accepted my invitation to speak in our Church, for free, of course. I can honestly say, he is one of the smartest people I have ever met, and is the most energetic, knowlegable, and passionate speaker I have ever heard.
If you are ever fortunate enough to hear Richard tell his life story, from being orphaned, being kicked out of more foster homes and schools than you could imagine, working at What-A-Burger, selling pots and pans door to door, to being the number 1 Rolls Royce salesman in the world, please don't miss it. He will have you laughing and crying at the same time.
His incredible success is truly a rags to riches story. He literally witnessed his father have a heart attack and die in front of him when he was six years old. After this trauma he was separated from his siblings, his Grandmother told him he would "never amount to a row of pins", and he spent the next dozen years in 19 different foster homes and 11 different schools. The future did not look promising but he was determined to prove his Grandmother wrong.
Instead of becoming a victim of these circumstances, Richard Weylman overcame them to enjoy unprecedented business success. Beginning by selling cookware door to door, Richard progressed and went on to become the head of Sales and Marketing for the Robb Report, a world-renowned lifestyle magazine for affluent and wealthy people, and an executive at an award-winning Rolls-Royce dealership.
He has a remarkable story about how he saved the sale of a Rolls Royce to Kenny Rogers with a unique last second offer before the phone was slammed in his ear, and then because of this, became the point man for anyone in Hollywood who wanted a luxury car. His years of experience successfully opening doors and creating business with the affluent and wealthy is unsurpassed.
He is the author of several best-selling books, including Opening Closed Doors -- Keys to Reaching Hard to Reach People, Endless Prospects, Move Yourself To The Next Level, and The Power Of Why. In addition, over 2300 companies use his audio and video educational programs to improve the marketing, selling and communication skills of their best people. Christopher Forbes, Vice Chairman of Forbes Magazine, calls his work in this complex marketplace "brilliant."
I hope you enjoy the brief motivational video above, a clip from a presentation to a group of Northwestern Mutual Agents and Executives. I haven't seen Richard speak in a long time and I am amazed at the level of energy and passion he continues to deliver after all these years. If you are interested in learning more about Richard or would like to contact him, click here,