My Word!
As I work the winter trade show circuit, I am reminded every day how important it is to be able to communicate effectively and properly.
I firmly believe that one will never rise socially or economically beyond the limits of his grammar. The rare exceptions to this rule are professional athletes who are paid handsomely based solely on their athletic skills and abilities, regardless of their butchery of the English language.
Ironically, I have also noticed that some
of the most educated among us,
are some of the worst grammatical offenders. I
dare say that ministers, doctors, lawyers, professional reporters, and announcers
are among the worst when it comes
to the proper use of the pronoun "I" or "me".
It seems that somewhere in their educational journey, many people got it in their heads that "me" is improper and therefore they seem determined
to substitute "I" for it at every given opportunity.
They must have skipped class
the day that rule was discussed.
Quick example, "Susie made the cake for Pam and ME." NOT for Pam and I. That one drives me nuts.
I will not bore you with more personal peeves, but please take a moment to scan the list below. Until next time, I hope the winter season
will be kind to you and ME!!!!!

To check out the original article, click here.