Covering Ground




July 29, 2013



Perennial Pipeline  



A brief note about what we offer:


Please note that we rep for two other growers and therefore have 3 separate Availability Lists. Between the three of us, we can cover a lot of plants.


4" Availability is grown & shipped from here (GA).


Starter Plugs List covers a broad range of perennials & ornamental grasses in sizes ranging from 38, 50 and 72 cells. Grown by Emerald Coast Growers & shipped from locations in FL & PA.


Perennial Pipeline covers a broad range of perennials & ornamental grasses produced primarily in Quarts & Gallons. These are grown by The Perennial Farm in Baltimore & shipped from there.


Our minimum order is only One Tray.

So from the smallest needs

to requests for tractor trailer loads 

& anything in between,

We've Got You Covered!


Contact Us 











Thought  For The Day



Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both


The Road Not Taken 

We've all had those moments where we've come to

a fork in the road on the journey of life.

Some are monumental; some may seem

inconsequential at the time but turn out to be

life changing in retrospect.


On this very weekend, 17 years ago, I had one of those seemingly inconsequential forks in the road

that turned out to save my life and

then lead me to the woman I'm married to now.



It was July 26, 1996. The Olympics were going full throttle in Atlanta and the entire state was abuzz with Olympic Fever. I was divorced after 20 years of marriage and another 3 years of a bitter legal fiasco. Everyone I knew was sending me names and phone numbers of acquaintenances they wanted me to meet. I knew the drill and was pretty weary of it, so I had taken a break while the list of names in my wallet continued to grow.


On this day, I had agreed to break the self imposed exile to go on a double blind date to see Mary Chapin Carpenter in concert at Chastain Park, a legendary outdoor amphitheater and long time Atlanta tradition.


The catch was that my friend (who shall remain anonymous) had 4 concert tickets and I had "the list".

So he was to provide the entertainment and it was my duty to provide the female companionship. For logistical purposes, I called a very nice lady in Atlanta;

a mortgage broker recommended by my good friend and CPA, Chandler Russell. My date, being a good sport, agreed to call a friend of hers to round out the foursome. 




The concert was great, and a fine time was had by all; well, almost. My date and I hit it off well, and my friend and his date were doing fine also, up to the point where he spilled the better part of a bottle of wine on her. After that slight faux pas, the evening came to an abrupt halt as soon as the concert was over.  


So it is ONLY 10:30 PM on a Friday night in the Big City, and these two country boys were not ready to return to the country. My preference was to head straight for Olympic Centennial Park, only 10 minutes away, specifically to check out the live music. However my friend had other plans and insisted that we go someplace else. 


So off we headed to the destination of his preference.

Little did I know that this choice may very well have saved my life. Later, as we hit I-85 heading home well after midnight, we noticed a big commotion a couple of exits away. There were barricades, flashing lights and lots of activity. It turns out that this was an exit ramp leading away from Centennial Olympic Park.


When I arrived home and turned on the news, I discovered what all the ruckus was about: there had been a bombing at the park! And more specifically the bag containing the bomb was located in front of the bandstand, exactly where I would have been.

 There were 2 fatalities and over 100 more injured. 

I have no doubt that I would have been one of these statistics had I stuck to my original plan and gone to check out the music at the park that night. If you   

ever need to find me in a crowd at a concert, all you   

have to do is head for the stage because I will   

always be there, front and center.   


The next morning I awoke, very much relieved and grateful to be all in one piece, in my own house,

alive to enjoy another day and another concert.

And that's just what I did. Several months

earlier I had bought tickets for an Emmy Lou Harris concert scheduled for July 27, 1996 in Atlanta,   

in order to "force" myself to wade out   

 into the social arena again.  


So I called the next person on the list, a beautiful, interesting, and talented artist

from Columbus, GA. By now, I had quit looking

for the next wife, and wouldn't you know it,

the minute I quit looking, she appeared!

(I think there is a lesson there).


Bo and Pam  

Pam & I @ Emmy Lou Harris Concert


Front Row of Course!


Shortly after that date, the list was shredded, and  

we have never been apart since.  

It's good to be alive! 






I Feel Lucky

I Feel Lucky - Mary Chapin Carpenter.flv
 Mary Chapin Carpenter

Ever had one of those days???



Get A Load Of This!

Monroe's White
Liriope Monroe's White
The ONLY White Bloomer! 


Silver Dragon and Spicata

Ophiopogon Japonicus Gallons

Contract Grown For A Municipal Planting


Silver Dragon
Liriope Silver Dragon


True Blue Gallons
True Blue Gallons In Bloom

One Tray Minimum!


Shipping Nationwide Daily!









Perennial Pipeline


Chrysanthemum nipponicum
Chrysanthemum nipponicum
OneTray Minimum!
Shipping Nationwide Daily!


Starter Plugs

Pennisetum 'First Knight'
Pennisetum 'First Knight'


Stokesia 'Divinity'
Stokesia 'Divinity'


One Tray Minimum!

Shipping Nationwide Daily!







Pup of the Week



Annie Hart
Annie and several of her rescuers

Annie Hart: "I Set Out to Rescue Dogs,

 But the Dogs Rescued Me"


Hey everyone,

For the past few weeks I haven't been feeling all that well and it's come time to admit that I am having a serious "Flare" (for those of you who don't know about my condition, you can read more about it through the Huffington Post link below). I'm sure it has something to do with getting really sick from the dog bite in June and coming back to work so fast (full speed ahead!!!). Because I don't want to get any sicker, I'm going to be taking a few days off from posting on FB and slow down as much as possible. Using what little energy I have to try get our dogs adopted, find new fosters and think of a creative and fun new ways to increase our donations (which have been painfully low). So, please help me out and keep our village running for me for the next few days while I decompress.

And remember to vote for us daily for the petties grant from dogtime. The instructions are avail through the below link. Also, if you didn't know they also have an "Unsung Hero" category, so please be sure to nominate your favorite rescuer or volunteer to win $10k for their rescue. It can be anyone who has touched your heart or you feel has made a significant impact on the rescue community. Here is the link to vote and nominate:

Last but not least, we have an auction going on right now for great items and services in the LA area. Check it out and if you don't see anything you are interested in, but would still like to help out, there is also a way to donat
e to us directly from the auction.
Have a great rest of your week and I promise I'll post again when I am feeling better.

Got You Covered
Bo Tidwell
I am responsible for all content
and I welcome your comments
and constructive criticism. 
Please come see me this week
at The PANTS Show!!!
Pennsylvania Convention Center
Wednesday & Thursday
Booth 1319

Bo Tidwell

Our Mission  




To Make The Earth Greener,

Your Job Easier, &

Your Business More Profitable



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