Perennial Pipeline
A brief note about what we offer:
Please note that we rep for two other growers and therefore have 3 separate Availability Lists. Between the three of us, we can cover a lot of plants.
4" Availability is grown & shipped from here (GA).
Starter Plugs List covers a broad range of perennials & ornamental grasses in sizes ranging from 38, 50 and 72 cells. Grown by Emerald Coast Growers & shipped from locations in FL & PA.
Perennial Pipeline covers a broad range of perennials & ornamental grasses produced primarily in Quarts & Gallons. These are grown by The Perennial Farm in Baltimore & shipped from there.
Our minimum order is only One Tray.
So from the smallest needs
to requests for tractor trailer loads
& anything in between,
We've Got You Covered!
Contact Us
Thought For The Day
Memorial Day
Milton Olive III
As we enjoy this long weekend just before launching into full summer mode, I would hope that everyone in the land of the free and the home of the brave will remember to pause a moment and say a prayer of thanks for all the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we all enjoy today.
If I have learned anything for sure in this life, it is that Freedom is not Free. None of us has to travel far to find a cemetery with ample proof of soldiers who have fallen while fighting to preserve the most precious possession that any of us will ever have. Let us not forget to honor those who paid the ultimate price for us.
I will never forget Tony O'Neal who went to elementary school with me and at age eleven, played on an opposing Little League team. Every now and then I pass by the old baseball field in a neighboring community and I always glance over across the railroad tracks to see the old ball field, and see his freckled face as he is tagging me out as I slide into second base. He was going to a different school then and I think that was the last time I ever saw him.
Little could anyone have imagined on that humid Georgia summer night in 1960, that Tony had already lived over half his life at the tender age of eleven. Only nine years later, in October, 1969, he stepped on a land mine in Viet Nam, just a few days short of his 21st birthday. His final resting place is only a few minutes away from that old red clay ball field.
And then there was the courageous and selfless Milton Olive III, a youth of only eighteen from Chicago, who threw his body over a live grenade in the jungles of Viet Nam, taking the full force of the explosion to save his platoon. He was not even old enough to be called a man, not old enough to vote, not old enough to buy a beer, but he was old enough to die.
And going back a generation, there was my dear Aunt Sarah's brother, Pat Mathews, whose plane went down in WWII, and whose body was never found. His thanks is that most of us in our generation never knew he even existed.
Unfortunately these are not the only ones who paid the ultimate price and who are easily forgotten. There were many other wars and many other generations. The numbers of those in all the wars who have perished for our freedoms are endless but these numbers pale in comparison to the immeasurable hopes and dreams which perished with them. Each had a name, a face, a personality, a family who loved them and whom they loved, and a hope for a future which they were denied. Please remember them this day.
American Soldier
Toby Keith
Get A Load of This!
 | Algerian Ivy |
 | Mint Kolibri |
 | Variegated Algerian Ivy |
New Crops!
Gold Child
Ready Soon:
Ann Marie
One Tray Minimum!
Shipping Nationwide Everyday!
Starter Plugs
Dianthus Spangled Star |
1 Tray Minimum!
Huge Selection
Groundcovers, Perennials,
Ornamental Grasses
Shipping Nationwide
Every Day!
Ask About Free Freight
For Orders Picked Up
In PA!!
1.800.672.4964 |
Perennial Pipeline
Salvia 'East Friesland'
Huge Selection
Groundcovers, Perennials,
& Ornamental Grasses
FOB Baltimore
Delivered by Company Truck,
FedEx, UPS, & LTL
1 Tray Minimum
Pup of the Week
Healing A Shelter Dog's Broken Back And Wounded Spirit - PLEASE SHARE
Continuing the Story of Janie...
This video shows that a dog can regain not only her health but also her spirit. It's about Janie, a sweet-faced pup brought to a shelter so terrified and in so much pain that she'd allow no one near her - and the way her trainer, with painstaking patience, care and kindness, teaches her to trust again. But it's also emblematic of so many of our own journeys: the defenses we put up despite ourselves; the slow, difficult process of allowing someone in; the rush of relief when we realize we can trust; the unspeakably profound rewards of giving someone - be they canine or human - a second chance.
Learn more about Janie
& our other rescue pups @
Got You Covered |  |
I am responsible for all content
and I welcome your comments
and constructive criticism.
Bo Tidwell |
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To Make The Earth Greener,
Your Job Easier, &
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